Media Colby Covington Debates An Anti-Trump Interviewer "That Hat Is a Hate Symbol"

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Yeah, actually he was called a racist by no less than the federal government when he was sued along with his father for preventing blacks from renting their apartments back in the 70s. He was called a racist when he took out a full page add in the new York Times and without any evidence, called for the death penalty for the central park five who turned out to be completely innocent. He has been called a racist by contestants and producers on his reality shows who have heard him speak in racist language. He has been called a racist by his personal attorney of many years who says he often spoke in racist language. He said an American judge couldn't hear his trump university case because he was Mexican. He tries to build a wall on the southern border but does nothing about the northern border or European visiters who overstay their visas. He has constantly belittled black communities telling them in his campaign that they were so miserable that they had nothing to lose. He calls black communities filthy and disgusting. He uses words like invasion and infestation to describe people and places he doesn't like. He tells non white Americans to go back to their shithole countries. He constantly picks fights with black athletes and congresspersons. He has said that white supremacists are fine people. He has tweeted white nationalist memes. He is widely praised by David Duke and other white supremacists which should tell you something as well as the maga bomber, the synagogue shooter and others. And that's just off the top of my head. Anyone who doesn't see the truth in this doesn't want to see the truth and is therefore complicit. You buy it, you own it.

The MAGA set aren't interested in facts.

- Interviewer has to "address the elephant in the room", and it turns out to be Colby's make America great again hat LOL

- Interviewer says he sees the hat as a symbol of hatred & Colby explains what he thinks it means and says anybody who hates it should come say it to his face. Interviewer acknowledges the fact that Colby would beat him into the living dead.

- Interviewer brings up other celebrities who spoke out against trump (megan rapinoe / lebron james) and how they have been praised for it. Asks if that influences Colby's opinions at all. Colby digs into rapinoe for not caring about her fans and trying to get attention for hating Trump.

- Colby says the popular thing to do these days is to hate on Trump for fan support.

- Interviewer says Colby is dismissing the notion surrounding these sports teams not going to the White House.

- Colby digs into them for being entitled with their mansions and cars while troops are dying for their freedom and how they should be ashamed.

- Interviewer says just because they don't support Trump does not mean that they don't support the country.

- Colby says they should support the president & that if Obama was in office, he would be honored to meet him as well.

- Interviewer says people in his office claim to not watch Colby's fights because he says these kinds of things (probably lying LOL). Colby shrugs it off and says there's many more people there to watch.

- Colby takes a dig at the people in the office by saying they've never been to the Oval Office before, but it's pretty nice.


Youtube comments are roasting the interviewer

When was America great during the past? Not for minorities, women and especially African Americans. I can definitely see why people have issues with that statement.
I'm an independent who hates both Republicans and Democrats (voted Gary Johnson) and don't see how people can be so blind. If one side was so much better than the other they'd keep getting re-elected and things would be a lot better. No one works to help the majority of the people, it's ridiculous.

I never really cared for Trump but I can't see how anyone can vote for the Democrats now when their platform is:
1) free college for all and they will eliminate student debt when I just paid off my student loans. This is just pandering for votes and is a band aid that doesn't fix the issue of college being so expensive (mainly because the government loans the money)
2) slavery reparations
3) open borders. They consistently leave the ILLEGAL part out of immigration trying to make Trump look racist. I have no issue with legal immigration.
4) identity politics
The press has long been a liberal tool for brainwashing the American people.
Fox news has long been the most the most watch mainstream news in America what does that tell you? The 'liberal' outlets are only as liberal as their board committee members, which is typically not all that liberal necessarily ... above all those outlets are out to make money, and they do this with sensationalism and appealing to their consumers (most Americans appear to skew left)...but they are nowhere near the level of a propaganda wing of the Republican party like Fox is.
Sports Illustrated spends the first 6 minutes of an interview with a professional athlete talking about politics and feelings. Welcome to 2019.
When was America great during the past? Not for minorities, women and especially African Americans. I can definitely see why people have issues with that statement.

America’s always been great, and anyone who doesn’t think so can fuck off to whatever third world socialist shithole they think is better.
Yeah, actually he was called a racist by no less than the federal government when he was sued along with his father for preventing blacks from renting their apartments back in the 70s. He was called a racist when he took out a full page add in the new York Times and without any evidence, called for the death penalty for the central park five who turned out to be completely innocent. He has been called a racist by contestants and producers on his reality shows who have heard him speak in racist language. He has been called a racist by his personal attorney of many years who says he often spoke in racist language. He said an American judge couldn't hear his trump university case because he was Mexican. He tries to build a wall on the southern border but does nothing about the northern border or European visiters who overstay their visas. He has constantly belittled black communities telling them in his campaign that they were so miserable that they had nothing to lose. He calls black communities filthy and disgusting. He uses words like invasion and infestation to describe people and places he doesn't like. He tells non white Americans to go back to their shithole countries. He constantly picks fights with black athletes and congresspersons. He has said that white supremacists are fine people. He has tweeted white nationalist memes. He is widely praised by David Duke and other white supremacists which should tell you something as well as the maga bomber, the synagogue shooter and others. And that's just off the top of my head. Anyone who doesn't see the truth in this doesn't want to see the truth and is therefore complicit. You buy it, you own it.

You've been brainwashed by propaganda my friend. There's a reason why very few people here agree with you yet you turn on TV and it seems like everyone agrees with you. Propaganda. Look it up.
You've been brainwashed by propaganda my friend. There's a reason why very few people here agree with you yet you turn on TV and it seems like everyone agrees with you. Propaganda. Look it up.
What's not a fact?
America’s always been great, and anyone who doesn’t think so can fuck off to whatever third world socialist shithole they think is better.

You must be Caucasian in America lol.

- Interviewer has to "address the elephant in the room", and it turns out to be Colby's make America great again hat LOL

- Interviewer says he sees the hat as a symbol of hatred & Colby explains what he thinks it means and says anybody who hates it should come say it to his face. Interviewer acknowledges the fact that Colby would beat him into the living dead.

- Interviewer brings up other celebrities who spoke out against trump (megan rapinoe / lebron james) and how they have been praised for it. Asks if that influences Colby's opinions at all. Colby digs into rapinoe for not caring about her fans and trying to get attention for hating Trump.

- Colby says the popular thing to do these days is to hate on Trump for fan support.

- Interviewer says Colby is dismissing the notion surrounding these sports teams not going to the White House.

- Colby digs into them for being entitled with their mansions and cars while troops are dying for their freedom and how they should be ashamed.

- Interviewer says just because they don't support Trump does not mean that they don't support the country.

- Colby says they should support the president & that if Obama was in office, he would be honored to meet him as well.

- Interviewer says people in his office claim to not watch Colby's fights because he says these kinds of things (probably lying LOL). Colby shrugs it off and says there's many more people there to watch.

- Colby takes a dig at the people in the office by saying they've never been to the Oval Office before, but it's pretty nice.


Youtube comments are roasting the interviewer

Off topic but there ain’t no-one dying for your freedom nowadays. That’s the type of stupid thing the media tells you to say and Americans seem to lap it up.

Those that are dying are dying for corporate interests and political machinations. But you can’t tell soldiers and their families that - so you give them a noble yet utterly bullshit saying.
It sad to say but not many are going to get what your saying. Trump does a lot of dog whistling. People just ignore it for some reason . His support base is just dumb. Why doesn’t Colby ask his buddy trump why he sells to Saudi Arabia . Who are linked to 9/11. Trump is buddies with those who supported the 9/11 attacks . Fucking dumb ass

You can call anything a dog whistle though. When Trump called New Hampshire drug-infested, he was just talking. When he called Baltimore rat-infested, it was because “infested” was a dog whistle for “something something black and brown people.”

If he told John Oliver “maybe you should go back to england if you think this is such a terrible place,” would that be a dog whistle for the ugly underbelly of anglophobic sentiment in this country?

Naturally, with the D party recruiting minority voters so successfully over the past several decades, racist whites (1) gravitated to the R’s and (2) absolutely love it when Trump trolls the D’s. That doesn’t make the trolling racism though.
Off topic but there ain’t no-one dying for your freedom nowadays. That’s the type of stupid thing the media tells you to say and Americans seem to lap it up.

Those that are dying are dying for corporate interests and political machinations. But you can’t tell soldiers and their families that - so you give them a noble yet utterly bullshit saying.

They’re dying for both (corporate interests and our freedoms). Also, anyone who owns a pension or a 401(k) has “corporate interests,” so that’s for us too.
No you're right. Trump and his hat are beacons of tolerance, diversity, inclusion and equality for all, as displayed when he told American born citizens to "go back to where they came from" ...

The youtubers "roasting' the interviewer are just a bunch of closet incels, same as the other MAGA turd supporters who got all triggered, butthurt and teary eyed over the gilette commercial lol, not much to see there.

Just small pockets of afraid, insecure xenophobic racists whose time is soon coming to an end.

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You sound like a triggered snowflake.

- Interviewer has to "address the elephant in the room", and it turns out to be Colby's make America great again hat LOL

- Interviewer says he sees the hat as a symbol of hatred & Colby explains what he thinks it means and says anybody who hates it should come say it to his face. Interviewer acknowledges the fact that Colby would beat him into the living dead.

- Interviewer brings up other celebrities who spoke out against trump (megan rapinoe / lebron james) and how they have been praised for it. Asks if that influences Colby's opinions at all. Colby digs into rapinoe for not caring about her fans and trying to get attention for hating Trump.

- Colby says the popular thing to do these days is to hate on Trump for fan support.

- Interviewer says Colby is dismissing the notion surrounding these sports teams not going to the White House.

- Colby digs into them for being entitled with their mansions and cars while troops are dying for their freedom and how they should be ashamed.

- Interviewer says just because they don't support Trump does not mean that they don't support the country.

- Colby says they should support the president & that if Obama was in office, he would be honored to meet him as well.

- Interviewer says people in his office claim to not watch Colby's fights because he says these kinds of things (probably lying LOL). Colby shrugs it off and says there's many more people there to watch.

- Colby takes a dig at the people in the office by saying they've never been to the Oval Office before, but it's pretty nice.


Youtube comments are roasting the interviewer

First he calls the hat a symbol of hate, and Colby doesn't bite. Then basically says "hey, other athletes have smashed Trump and gained a lot of popularity for it, why don't you go that route too even though you obviously don't feel that way". What an absolute dipshit this interviewer is.