What fighter lost a fight but would beat their opponent in a rematch 9/10 times?


Red Belt
Mar 20, 2014
Reaction score
I was watching Serra/GSP earlier and this is a prime example of that, I was trying to think of others though but was struggling.

I don't want to call the first Serra win a complete fluke but I can't see Serra being able to duplicate that if they fought 5 or even 10 times.

What other fights are a prime example of this?
Off the top of my head..

All of Platinum Married Mikes loses
Not Ben Askren and Jorge Mastival.

Yeah I agree with that, I really wasn't sure how that fight would go at the time and I feel the same if there was a rematch. I still wojdknt be able to call it.

The same goes for Conor/Max

Whilst on the subject of Masvidal though, Masvidal/Iaquinta.
Wanderlei/Leben comes to mind aswell.

Also a not so serious one but I really wouldn't be able to see Koscheck having much luck against Rumble these days.
Wanderlei/Leben comes to mind aswell.
By the time they fought, Wanderlei was pretty much shot, and Leben is underrated.

Leben wins that fight pretty much every time. Prime Wanderlei is a different story.
Ferguson/MJ is the most obvious
I'd also have to say Ngannou/Black Beast at this point.
Others would be Islam over Martins and Colby over Warrley Alves
Mousasi vs Jacare 1. Jacare Dominated until the lucky upkick - but the rematch sorted it though. Kind of like Uriah vs Moose