Superintendent of Chicago Police refuses to meet Trump


Steel Belt
Jul 23, 2011
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Visiting Chicago for the first time as president, Donald Trump disparaged the city Monday as a haven for criminals that is "embarrassing to us as a nation" under the leadership of its top cop, who sat out Trump's speech to protest the president's immigration policies and frequently divisive rhetoric.

"There is one person who is not here today," Trump told a friendly audience at a conference of police chiefs. "Where is he? I want to talk to him. In fact, more than anyone else, this person should be here because maybe he could learn something, and that's the superintendent of the Chicago Police, Eddie Johnson."

Johnson's decision to boycott the event angered the city's chapter of the Fraternal Order of Police, which said in a Facebook post that "such a gesture would be an insult to both President Trump and the office of the presidency itself and would be a mark of disgrace upon the city throughout the entire nation, including Mayor Lori Lightfoot."

But the Democratic mayor and Illinois' Democratic governor stood in solidarity with Johnson, who announced days before the International Association of Chiefs of Police Conference that he would not attend.

"This is the land of Lincoln and when you come to the state of Illinois you should respect all the people who live here in the state of Illinois," said Gov. J.B. Pritzker.

Lightfoot also refused to meet with Trump, and said on Twitter that she supports Johnson.

"It's no surprise that @realDonaldTrump brought his insulting, ignorant buffoonery to Chicago," the mayor tweeted. "Luckily, in this city, we know the truth and we will not let anyone - no matter how high the office - denigrate who we are as a people or our status as a welcoming city."

"Rather than belittle Chicago's communities with hateful and dishonest rhetoric, he needs to go back to D.C. and face his fate," Lightfoot said, apparently referring to the House impeachment inquiry against the president.

Trump has frequently criticized Chicago for its crime problems and status as a sanctuary city, one of scores of cities around the country that refuse to work with federal authorities to round up people who are living in the U.S. illegally.

At a news conference later Monday, Johnson said Trump had ignored a "double digit" reduction in violent crime in the city over the past three years.

Trump has long held up the nation's third-largest city as the poster child of urban violence and dysfunctional Democratic politics.

At one point in the address, Trump turned his daily complaint about the impeachment inquiry into a swipe at "Empire" actor Jussie Smollett, who has been accused of making a false claim about being attacked by Trump supporters in Chicago earlier this year.

"You have the case of this wise guy Jessie Smollett ... and he said MAGA country did it," Trump said, using the acronym for his "Make America Great Again" campaign slogan. "It's a real big scam, just like the impeachment of your president is a scam."

The FOP Lodge 7, which represents rank-and-file Chicago police officers, announced that it had cast a vote of no confidence in Johnson. The union's president, Kevin Graham, was first to greet Trump on the tarmac of O'Hare International Airport, after he landed in the city.

In the speech, Trump rattled off Chicago crime statistics and claimed that Johnson puts the needs of people living in the U.S. illegally above those of law-abiding residents of Chicago. "Those are his values and frankly those values to me are a disgrace," Trump said. "I want Eddie Johnson to change his values and to change them fast."

During the conference, Trump signed an executive order creating a presidential commission on law enforcement to study issues like substance abuse, homelessness and mental illness. The president also announced that the Justice Department will begin a "surge" to crack down on violent crime in the United States, targeting gang members and drug traffickers in high-crime areas.

Johnson, meanwhile, is under internal investigation after he was found sleeping in a city-owned vehicle earlier this month. Lightfoot said Johnson, who called for the investigation, told her he had "a couple of drinks with dinner" before he fell asleep at a stop sign while driving home. Johnson blamed the episode on a change in his blood pressure medication.
Many other police chiefs love trump. As trump doesn’t throw the PD under the bus to satiate ignorant urban dwellers.

just recently, the Minneapolis PD chief praised trump and so did the cops.

This chief either A) HAS to badmouth trump to keep his position or even worse B) is a bitch who refuses to do what it takes to stop violence in Chicago.
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It's his right not to meet with Trump, but he should not have done that, it was the wrong thing to do.
probably a diversity hire or a white guy trying to virtue signal for points
I'm sure this brave gesture will ease the suffering of the people in Chicago who've had family members murdered.
He's on his way out. He was found drunk and passed out in his car a couple weeks ago in front of a stop sign. Not a good thing for a police superintendent.

No doubt looking for pundit work now.
Imagine if Trump wasn't an idiot.

I mean just imagine.

Ah yes. Any idiot can take a million dollar loan from their dad and turn it into a billion dollar empire. Any idiot can become president when the entire establishment was against you.
Ah yes. Any idiot can take a million dollar loan from their dad and turn it into a billion dollar empire. Any idiot can become president when the entire establishment was against you.

I don’t see a problem here. Some ass hole doesn’t what to meet Trump it’s his choice.

The same when the next democrat is in the White House.
Ah yes. Any idiot can take a million dollar loan from their dad and turn it into a billion dollar empire. Any idiot can become president when the entire establishment was against you.

I'm not saying Trump is dumb. Though something might be up in that department. It's well documented.

I'm saying Trump is a fool of idiot proportions.

Which can't be disputed.
probably a diversity hire or a white guy trying to virtue signal for points

You should be begging to have more diversity hires. That way, you might be able to make minimum wage bagging groceries and dildos at the Whore Foods Sexaporium.....
I don’t see a problem here. Some ass hole doesn’t what to meet Trump it’s his choice.

The same when the next democrat is in the White House.

except people meet with Dems. Trump is a special kind of piece of shit
Maybe he was too busy visiting the families of victims of gang violence. That's probably a 24/7 job over there.
You should be begging to have more diversity hires. That way, you might be able to make minimum wage bagging groceries and dildos at the Whore Foods Sexaporium.....

is that a chain?
You should be begging to have more diversity hires. That way, you might be able to make minimum wage bagging groceries and dildos at the Whore Foods Sexaporium.....
im in my first year of residency for emergency medicine. what about you?
im in my first year of residency for emergency medicine. what about you?

Oh god, I would pity anyone who took madvice, medical or otherwise from you in any capacity. Luckily it's not true in any sense of the word.

Tell me about your finances.