Superintendent of Chicago Police refuses to meet Trump

Imagine being a billionaire president of the most powerful country in the world only for some dip shit on a karate forum to claim he is a fool of "idiot proportions".

I want to have that level of ignorance as well.
One of the Kardashian girls is a billionaire. Being rich does not mean you are smart. There are plenty of poor geniuses, and there are dumb rich people. Trump was born into money and he'd be working in a factory somewhere right now had he been born in a middle class family.

Money and a big mouth can take you a long way in America. You don't need to be a genius to get a bunch of dumb people to vote for you.
One of the Kardashian girls is a billionaire. Being rich does not mean you are smart. There are plenty of poor geniuses, and there are dumb rich people. Trump was born into money and he'd be working in a factory somewhere right now had he been born in a middle class family.

Money and a big mouth can take you a long way in America. You don't need to be a genius to get a bunch of dumb people to vote for you.

Who claimed he is a genius?
Who claimed he is a genius?
He isn't a smart person.
Maybe he's good at bullshitting, conning and selling stuff, but he does not have the intelligence to govern.
He clearly doesn't know how anything works when it comes to government , laws, foreign policy, and a host of other things. He's arrogant, doesn't read anything, has the temperament of a child, and is a terrible speaker. These are not qualities of a smart person.

Judging someone's intelligence on how much money they have is a terrible and useless measurement. There are A LOT of dumb rich people in America, or they're good at one particular thing.
There's more than one way to get rich in America, and having no shame and a big mouth can unfortunately catapult people into stardom.
It's funny how you guys always put the onus on everyone but Trump.
Trump is the face of the country, perhaps he should try to represent its people? Everyone, not just the ones that kiss his ass.

Chicago, San Francisco, Baltimore, etc..these cities all have their problems, but they're still American cities. And for the American president to shit on them for the sole purpose of trying to get at another politician that he doesn't like is some childish horseshit. Especially when we have places like Alabama that ain't far off from being 3rd world.
Even if all of what Trump said were 100% true, the president shouldn't shit on an American city.
Why the hell would you want to meet a guy that publicly bashes your city on a regular basis?
Dude, I loathe Trump. I've complained about him, made shit posts about him, and I'm not sure that I can even say that I've ever really complimented him. At worst, there are some instances where I haven't criticized him.

I just didn't feel like pointing out that he came off like a divisive, narcissistic jackass for the umpteenth time and gave my opinion on the police chief instead.
He isn't a smart person.
Maybe he's good at bullshitting, conning and selling stuff, but he does not have the intelligence to govern.
He clearly doesn't know how anything works when it comes to government , laws, foreign policy, and a host of other things. He's arrogant, doesn't read anything, has the temperament of a child, and is a terrible speaker. These are not qualities of a smart person.

Judging someone's intelligence on how much money they have is a terrible and useless measurement. There are A LOT of dumb rich people in America, or they're good at one particular thing.
There's more than one way to get rich in America, and having no shame and a big mouth can unfortunately catapult people into stardom.

Do you realize you are having a conversation with yourself at this point?
Oh god, I would pity anyone who took madvice, medical or otherwise from you in any capacity. Luckily it's not true in any sense of the word.

Tell me about your finances.
What a ridiculous comment. Comically delusional. The left thinking that those who aren't fully on board with the group-think they have going are less intelligent is absolute insanity.
Do you realize you are having a conversation with yourself at this point?
I read your other post in here equating being a billionaire and president to intelligence.
But yes, I guess I might as well be talking to myself if this is the level of intelligence I'm working with.
I'll leave you to your Trump worshipping.
I read your other post in here equating being a billionaire and president to intelligence.
But yes, I guess I might as well be talking to myself if this is the level of intelligence I'm working with.
I'll leave you to Trump worshipping.

You just literally had a conversation with yourself about Trump's level of intelligence. This is akin to someone rehearsing a speech in the mirror out of frustration and yet my level of intelligence is being questioned.

He takes up way too much mental real estate in your head. Seek help.
police chiefs suck the most dick
the one I worked for was called The Wind Sock
he bent to whatever breeze was blowing.
they're all political POSs
I don’t see a problem here. Some ass hole doesn’t what to meet Trump it’s his choice.

The same when the next democrat is in the White House.

If a future dem president had only respectful things to say about some police chief in some red state but the chief was a right-wing mouth breather who decided to refuse to meet with that president guys like you would say, "This chief is just doing what that Johnson guy did to Trump. If you thought that was OK you have to say this is OK, too."

Herp Derp!
What a ridiculous comment. Comically delusional. The left thinking that those who aren't fully on board with the group-think they have going are less intelligent is absolute insanity.

The MAGA crew does nothing but spew forth WH talking points and alt right buzzwords. You're the tea party, you know that, right?
Ah yes. Any idiot can take a million dollar loan from their dad and turn it into a billion dollar empire. Any idiot can become president when the entire establishment was against you.

By your logic, any sane person could turn $1000 into 1 mil.
I get it. On an emotional level, trump trashed Chicago. Edie took that personally. But as the superintendent of the pd, it is his responsibility to put aside his huwt widdle feewings and meet with a man that has the potential to help your city. He touts the reduction in crime, but the place is still a laughing stock with its violence. That’s like cheering that one of your fingers is still intact after it gets caught in a machine. Good, crime finally dropped a bit, but still so much work to do.
And this fool also just got busted for dui, and blamed it on medication.
I get it. On an emotional level, trump trashed Chicago. Edie took that personally. But as the superintendent of the pd, it is his responsibility to put aside his huwt widdle feewings and meet with a man that has the potential to help your city. He touts the reduction in crime, but the place is still a laughing stock with its violence. That’s like cheering that one of your fingers is still intact after it gets caught in a machine. Good, crime finally dropped a bit, but still so much work to do.
And this fool also just got busted for dui, and blamed it on medication.

Until the rise in 2016, Chicago had cut it's murder rate, since the mid 90s, from roughly 35 per 100,000 to roughly 15 per 100,000. Far too high, but to pretend as if that isn't a consistent downward trend, and a significant one at that, sounds quite specious.
The irony in a Trumper speaking ill of the Tea Party. Incredible.

Are you dumb?

Tea party started as an anti bank theft party with a similar message as Michael Moore's in 'Capitalism,' but because of the danger that corp media now sees in many Trump followers, the tea party was quickly hijacked and had it's message basically 180'd by establishment Republican plants. That's why it died and faded away.

I just can't. You talk like you are unable to think. You use words like "Trumpers" and think only in rigid, media approved political terms. Another brain wasted.
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