News RIP Aniah Blanchard, Walt Harris' Daughter (2000-2019) | Three Suspects Charged

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Fuck! Mannnn....the suffering she endured at the end of her life, smh...this world fucking sucks sometimes. Evil does exist in this world. RIP beautiful angel.
Really? You can't figure it out? It's not that hard to understand. She is the daughter of a UFC fighter. By letting the UFC community know about this, it increases the chances of somebody recognizing her in the last few days or recognizing the suspects and thus they can give valuable information to the authorities about it.
UFC fighters, managers and Dana also bumped up the amount of reward money as well, which could’ve played a role in things.

Props to them either way, it was noble of them to do so.
I’m just thankful they get closure. The not knowing would be the hardest part.
Sadly, with the death penalty taking upwards of 15 years or more, that is no longer a deterrent. IMO, the only thing that would be a true deterrent is to sentence the perp to the EXACT same thing he is found guilty of doing to the decedent.

This isn’t an area of expertise for me but I am familiar with some of the work that has been done in this area, and that work indicated that most criminals aren’t particularly in tune with the legal consequences of what they get up to. Most reasonably law-abiding citizens assume that the DP would be a big deterrent but that simply does not seem to be the case, and it doesn’t seem likely that that would change it the process was expedited.

If you or any other poster knows more about this I would be interested to learn about it.
hate that this could be the outcome of this.

i know he not the real dad but still cant begin to think what the family is going thru if this come back to be her.

no parents ever wants to outlife there kids.

Shorter, AL is about halfway between Auburn and Montgomery. They must’ve been pretty close to finding her with Equisearch but still didn’t. The information they obtained led to the exact location. Good job by LEOs to get that information.
I just saw the ticker at the bottom of ESPN saying how they found what they think to be her remains on a road.

That's absolutely disturbing. Really messed up world we live in.
Shorter, AL is about halfway between Auburn and Montgomery. They must’ve been pretty close to finding her with Equisearch but still didn’t. The information they obtained led to the exact location. Good job by LEOs to get that information.
Yep, I know information to the public was slow and they really played their cards close to the chest but they did what they needed to do. I'm pretty sure they knew she was gone based on the amount of blood that was in the car but they didn't want to outright say it before they got their leads on who did it. The important thing is they have 2 suspects and found the body. That is realistically the best outcome possible on the law enforcement side once they got wind of what happened.

That eye witness will forever have to live with Aniah's blood on their hands. There is definitely no guarantee she could've been saved had they immediately reported to the authorities but her fate was sealed when they kept quiet. Hope they are able to sleep well at night cause I know I wouldn't

Edit - Apparently it's 3 suspects now. Fine by me. The more scum bags off the street, the better.
Yeah it is pretty fucked up. Too bad the guy who witnessed the kidnapping didnt do shit to help or call the police. I guess he lives by the code "Snitches get Stitches"......
this. if you see something like this going down you don't have to be a hero by tryna beat an ass or two, you just have to make that call and better yet follow the car if you can and maintain sight until cops intercept. you don't even have to give up anonymity if you are scared, but ffs you gotta make that call.
Rough news -- may she RIP and may the family rest easier at least knowing that there is closure. Despite the news, this was a thread that I was grateful for. Thanks to those that posted updates and kind thoughts. There are some good folks on these boards.
This world is bizarre. Don't get what the intentions would be behind doing something like this to a 19 year old girl

Is it the world that's bizarre or is the problem us men? Seriously, most of the horrific, barbaric shit that goes on or has happened in the world is at the hands of men. I like being a man, but often I have to shake my head in disbelief at the actions of my fellow men.

I'm absolutely disgusted. How can people hurt little girls like this????

That moron and his ice hag should sit in prison for not coming forward. Absolutely outrageous!!!!
Kill these things before they procreate. Or at least make them eunuchs

The human race needs to be cleansed of these kinds of psychopaths
924E08CA-3E03-4176-8EAD-F1B99EC809FA.jpeg They got the bastard. 2 others arrested. Hope the get dealt with properly once “safely” in prison.
Rough news -- may she RIP and may the family rest easier at least knowing that there is closure. Despite the news, this was a thread that I was grateful for. Thanks to those that posted updates and kind thoughts. There are some good folks on these boards.

I feel the same in that fucked up situation, just show that we can understand each other a little bit more despite all the differences.
Anyway, thoughts to the family and to this young girl.
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