Martyn Ford Vs Iranian Hulk

One was ousted as a fraud

The other is Iranian Hulk

I love Iranian Hulk, but he's just a fat guy with a rudimentary understanding of Photoshop.
waste of time this match... sorry I dislike the whole idea of juice vs juice
Iranian Hulk does not exists. He is basically a regular fat dude with a bunch of photoshop
iranian hulk doesnt even exist. all these photos you have seen are photoshop. he is a lil chubby fat kid that trolled all of you
I have a soft spot for dumb freakshows like this. Wasnt it like 2018 when Martyn first announced he was going to fight? it looks like its probably never going to happen at this point.
WTF why does his Wikipedia still say he's real and an athlete that visits childrens hospitals with $

I love Iranian Hulk, but he's just a fat guy with a rudimentary understanding of Photoshop.

Iranian Hulk does not exists. He is basically a regular fat dude with a bunch of photoshop

iranian hulk doesnt even exist. all these photos you have seen are photoshop. he is a lil chubby fat kid that trolled all of you
Yellowcard, PED accusation of MMA fighters
says orange belt :D dude, at least learn before you start speaking non-sense and study a bit on them. I guess you don't even know these two guys are everything but MMA fighters, number one. Number two, at least learn something about MMA before you start giving such comments. :D

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