News Jon Jones arrested for DWI and Firearm Charges

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why isnt he home playing DOOM ETERNAL like any rational male?
Wow sherdog went down so Jon got super bored and got drunk and fired shots. Good job sherdog admins.
Jones is a sad man. Something in his mind , big time demons. I hate Jones. He lives in my city and gets away with nonsense, but damn... Get it together dude... It's getting sorta sad. Not sure why though... Normal morons do this shit all the time.

he def doesn’t get away w non sense ,the cops are on his ass they know he’s famous party boy so they keep an eye on him
Classic defeatist behavior. Dude fucking wants to get caught doing stupid shit. He knows he's a cheating fraud deep down.
He will do a few days for the mandatory dui x2 charge and that’s it. Think it’s 40 days or something mandatory for dui x2. He’s Jon Jones. He has money. He won’t see any time aside from the absolute minimum
Usually, yes, but with a good lawyer and a plea deal, he will not serve any time. It isn't what I want to happen, nor do I think it's fair, since a lot of poor people that aren't famous serve time in this situation, but the idea that Jon Jones will serve 40 days in jail for a second dwi seems far fetched, unfortunately.
How could arguably the greatest fighter of all time be such a little bitch?
For what??????

He will not go to jail.. I mean he will for a night.. but he's not going to be sentenced to jail over some misdemeanors

And the cops had no reason to stop him or any of that. Sounds like he shot his gun off to impress some homeless people whist drunk driving. Don't get me wrong that is incredibly stupid. .but it's not anything to go to jail over and the police in that county are fucking with him

For driving drunk and putting the safety of others at risk. Again. For discharging a firearm in the street. He deserves punishment. I'm guessing he'll spend a couple days locked up, then pay a laughable fine and be on his way, but I would like to see him locked up for a while because he is going to hurt or kill someone acting like this.
Would they send a non-violent offender in jail right now in New Mexico?
From what I've read, thanks to Corona, in most states they're trying to rid the jails/prisons of their drug related inmates, guys who commited non-violent crimes, and old convicts in general who aren't much of a threat, and put them all under home arrest for the time being.
This is just a pulse from his previous DWI and he won't be suspended.
Jones needs professional help at this point. He clearly has addiction issues.

My thoughts:
The cops in the video seemed pretty moronic....did you hear them trying to explain to Jon how to do the sobriety tests? I couldn't understand it and I'm stone cold sober.

Jon was an IDIOT for admitting to drinking earlier and admitting to driving and planning on driving.

The 1 cop poured the frickin tequila out!!! Good luck getting a conviction on an open container if you don't have the contents of the actual container.

He wasn't actually moving in his car....he may be OK with a good lawyer who may claim he drank at the bar or in his car and then realized he was drunk and decided not to drive but instead sit in his car..however he has priors which is going to kill him in court if he gets a tough judge.
All these people acting like DUI offenders should be murdered haha. Hate to tell you but most people have driven drunk multiple times, especially if you have nice cars. They wouldn’t know anything about that though they’ll just spend Friday night on a forum arguing with random people haha

Do you enjoy making a grown man cry?
What in the world is Jones doing driving around in the middle of the night. Shouldn't he be home with his wife and children?

And whats up with those purple shoes. And ffs how about taking his car to the carwash!!
Lol, what a douchebag.
Lying and even bringing up his daughter.
What a filthy snake.
There's 4 charges.

Driving without insurance. They fucking know who he is.. they know he's insured. They wrote a ticket anyway

Dude I could go fucking get trashed and drive around until I get a dwi. With an open bottle. You don't get another charge over shit like that. Give me the dwi its 20x worse than an open container. Why did he get pulled over? Because someone shot a gun "close" to him? A gunshot sound can travel like 10 miles

It's insane. They're fucking with him and yes he is a fuckup I'm just saying he should leave that town
And all these are misdimenors he won't do 1 day in jail. That department is out to fuxk him
They must've gotten him drunk too, how dare they...

And it doesn't matter if they know he's insured or not, he's still going to get a ticket for it until he proves he's insured.

They wouldn't be "out to get him" if he didn't keep fucking up
It sounds like he's crying at the end of the footage. Jones literally sounded defeated there.

I'm a pretty outspoken Jones critic and I feel bad hearing him like that. The guy really needs help.
Didn't he leave rehab after like a day and said he was fine?
For what??????

He will not go to jail.. I mean he will for a night.. but he's not going to be sentenced to jail over some misdemeanors

And the cops had no reason to stop him or any of that. Sounds like he shot his gun off to impress some homeless people whist drunk driving. Don't get me wrong that is incredibly stupid. .but it's not anything to go to jail over and the police in that county are fucking with him
Lol repeat offenders will go to jail even for misdemeanors.

You should just stop trying to deflect blame onto everyone except Jones, it makes you sound ridiculous
This virus has bored people doing stupid things. I can't blame the guy.