International Coronavirus Breaking News, v13: Over 21,000 Healthcare Workers From Around The U.S Heading To N.Y

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I know we have all been parroting that 10-20% need ICU, and that death rates spike when ICU's are filled but NY has 60k cases. ICUs should be filled, and we should be seeing 400 to 500 deaths a day in NY.

There are 146k active cases in the US. We should be seeing 2-3k people dying daily in the US, instead the total number of deaths is 2.6k since the start.

I am not a denier of this thing being deadly, or social distancing etc... Just saying this may be a little over hyped. I've been following this since mid January and expected it to be a shit storm, we aren't really seeing that. The exponential growth isn't continuing it's trend and perhaps that is the quarantine doing it's job. We expected Italy's numbers to hit 1k deaths, then 2k deaths, then 4k deaths etc. What we are seeing is it hovering around 600-800 a day.

The state of Washington which was one of the earliest hit should be pouring in deaths daily. It's at 200 deaths total.
This is the first wave of a virus which has at least 8 documented strains. Wait until reinfection occurs and get back to me then.
10% of Ontario's 1706 cases as of today have been hospitalized. This figure will probably rise if the hospitalization rates we've been hearing about in other countries (15-20%) comes our way.

Again, 10% of Ontario's known cases. I am really guessing there are more than 1700 cases in all of Ontario. They had spreaders riding around on their public transportation over a month ago. If you think there are only 1700 cases in a metro area of 6 million I have a bridge to sell you...

NY was later to the party and they are at 60k KNOWN cases.

This is the first wave of a virus which has at least 8 documented strains. Wait until reinfection occurs and get back to me then.

Japan literally ignored everything in order to keep the Olympics going, right now they should be at critical mass (given their elderly population) and zero efforts to combat this thing. We should be seeing thousands of deaths pouring in from Japan at the moment guys.
I know we have all been parroting that 10-20% need ICU, and that death rates spike when ICU's are filled but NY has 60k cases. ICUs should be filled, and we should be seeing 400 to 500 deaths a day in NY.

There are 146k active cases in the US. We should be seeing 2-3k people dying daily in the US, instead the total number of deaths is 2.6k since the start.

I am not a denier of this thing being deadly, or social distancing etc... Just saying this may be a little over hyped. I've been following this since mid January and expected it to be a shit storm, we aren't really seeing that. The exponential growth isn't continuing it's trend and perhaps that is the quarantine doing it's job. We expected Italy's numbers to hit 1k deaths, then 2k deaths, then 4k deaths etc. What we are seeing is it hovering around 600-800 a day.
No one expected Italy to reach 1,2 and 4 thousand deaths a day. That would have been nearing bubonic plague territory. Who's saying that ICU rates are 10-20% as well? Are you talking about hospitalization?

Deaths in New York shouldn't be 400-500 already because there's a lag time of several weeks from infection to death. Last three days were 134, 209, 237 per day. It's rising pretty rapidly, and probably will for a little while yet, but hopefully it tops out early.

I agree with you that the actual morality rate will obviously be lower than current estimates, but we've always known that. However what we have is the case fatality rate and that's what we have to use (albeit with everything else in mind). Ultimately the mortality is a result of various factors.
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Epstein could.

Ha ha. Seriously though...are you required to actually stay inside your house? That would be the first I've heard of that anywhere in the US.
Hey revo You near Irvine ,Tustin , Santa Ana at all ? Stay safe brah this shit has hit here and is spreading
I'm in that area. Last I checked Irvine has the most cases in OC. Expecting it to get to start spreading quicker.
Guys with the Chloroquine solution coming seemingly a week after the bail out of corporate America and the planned recession and reignition of the economy... and death rates every where seeming to be around 100-800 a day MAYBE...

I'm just starting to doubt it a little bit. I've argued against the just the flu bros since Jan and Feb in here but this thing is starting to look suspicious. Call it them not letting a good crisis go to waste perhaps... Call it us being cautious and good citizens..

The truth is France, Germany, the UK, South Korea combined yesterday for 600 deaths.
I'm in that area. Last I checked Irvine has the most cases in OC. Expecting it to get to start spreading quicker.
Ya I’m in Irvine , tons of old people, many Chinese elderly as well. Surprised it didn’t pop off earlier. I’m basically guaranteed to not leave my pad for the next 2 weeks to a month. That’s a long ass time to not go anywhere but no way I’m risking it.
Guys Japan has a super elderly population, has done nothing to contain the spread, downplayed testing and treating it in order for the Olympics to make it. and had cases back at the start of February. They have 54 total deaths.
I hate liking these posts, and I know others have said this too, but to make it clear I'm doing it to show appreciation for the information..

You may petition the Admins to change it to "Thanks" :cool:
Ha ha. Seriously though...are you required to actually stay inside your house? That would be the first I've heard of that anywhere in the US.

Most of the stay-at-home orders I've seen allow for personal exercise as individuals or as household groups (couples, parents with kids, etc.).
Ha ha. Seriously though...are you required to actually stay inside your house? That would be the first I've heard of that anywhere in the US.
Yes, for the most part.
We can kinda be outside but we have to have a good reason if the authorities ask or it's jail and/or fine.
Ha ha. Seriously though...are you required to actually stay inside your house? That would be the first I've heard of that anywhere in the US.

I just actually, you know, read the order and here is what it said:

Engaging in outdoor exercise activities, such as walking, hiking, running,
or biking, but only in compliance with paragraph III below and applicable
social distancing guidance published by the U.S. Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (“CDC”) and the Maryland Department of Health
Yes, for the most part.
We can kinda be outside but we have to have a good reason if the authorities ask or it's jail and/or fine.

Wow. Would "I'm taking a walk with my wife and kid to get some exercise, and we are staying well away from other people" be a "good reason"?
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