We keep seeing lockdown on Sherdog. Khabib now using it. How many of you are going into work?

JM Barrie

Oct 23, 2017
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I saw Khabib's instagram post recently about how whole countries are in lockdown. Celebrities and famous sports athletes are in lockdown.

Khabib isn't the only one to talk about country lockdowns
What does that really mean?

I am making this thread while I am at work.

I haven't stopped working since the virus came into the media's sight.
I will continue to have to go to work.
Millions and millions of people still have to go into work, from country to country. Not work from home, but actually go into work.

People make it seem like no one is going into work, which is false.
I know many others personally that are still having to go into work.

I live in Wisconsin and work in a homeless shelter.
I still have to go into work just like my boss and co workers.
I go to the grocery store the same as normal and there are people working there.
I still go to the gas station to get things like normal.
Pizza is still being delivered to people's houses.
I have friends that are still going into work.

People act like the word lockdown means absolutely nothing is in operation. That isn't true.

If you don't want to fight and you fear for your safety then just keep it at that, but don't go about it like if you fight you'd be the only one going into work.
I’ve been going to work everyday exposing myself to the virus. Trust me, I’d rather be locked down at this point. I don’t blame Khabib at all. He has the right to stay home, and quite frankly, should.
Only people working in most of the country are essential workers. Pretty much anyone else who can't work from home is s.o.l. My previous job has been laying people off like crazy to try and save money.

Your job is considered essential which is why you are working. Food, groceries, and medical care cannot be shut down for obvious reasons
cock fighting is not essential work TS ...
lol i like how you named services that stay open but didn't mention all the ones they shut down.. like umm almost every damn sport in the world. Also travel restrictions, he isn't Inspector gadget and doesn't have propellers he can erect out of his hat.
im at work right now. I operate a water district that serves about 650k people. we have to have an operator on shift 24/7. I feel fortunate to be able to go to work. Lots of people out there are not so lucky. But I get what you are saying TS. People are saying lockdown but there are tons of people going on about their regular work routine.
So MMA fighters are essential workers now?
im at work right now. I operate a water district that serves about 650k people. we have to have an operator on shift 24/7. I feel fortunate to be able to go to work. Lots of people out there are not so lucky. But I get what you are saying TS. People are saying lockdown but there are tons of people going on about their regular work routine.
Yeah, people who have to work for the country to keep running functionally.

It's a lockdown in the sense that if your Jon is not 100% necessary, you no longer have a job until further notice.

agreed. very convenient for khabib. while tony wipes out another decent wrestler/legit lw. khabib watches on.
Tony is fighting anyone. He won't sign a contract with no location and I'd put money on Tony not wanting to leave the US to fight in this current situation. Can't see him willing getting himself trapped overseas for an indefinite amount of time
My entire office (over 1000 ppl) have been WFH since 2 weeks. The whole company has moved to home office. That's how it should be.
I saw Khabib's instagram post recently about how whole countries are in lockdown. Celebrities and famous sports athletes are in lockdown.

I am in Canada, in lockdown, but lucky to be able to work from home. Plenty of ppl are not as lucky as me and lost their job.

Khabib isn't the only one to talk about country lockdowns
What does that really mean?

I am making this thread while I am at work.

I haven't stopped working since the virus came into the media's sight.
I will continue to have to go to work.
Millions and millions of people still have to go into work, from country to country. Not work from home, but actually go into work.

People make it seem like no one is going into work, which is false.
I know many others personally that are still having to go into work.

I live in Wisconsin and work in a homeless shelter.
I still have to go into work just like my boss and co workers.
I go to the grocery store the same as normal and there are people working there.
I still go to the gas station to get things like normal.
Pizza is still being delivered to people's houses.
I have friends that are still going into work.

People act like the word lockdown means absolutely nothing is in operation. That isn't true.

If you don't want to fight and you fear for your safety then just keep it at that, but don't go about it like if you fight you'd be the only one going into work.
Still have to work here, clients are old people who call for their house/yards to be fixed etc, it is a pain as we deal with about 6 to 10 different clients a day and we have to keep changing masks, gloves etc for health reasons. We even have to disinfect cash just incase we need to give change.

Would prefer to be in quarantine, but when you are self employed, you can't rely on govt assistance as it doesn't even come anywhere close in what you make in a day or 2.
Only people working in most of the country are essential workers. Pretty much anyone else who can't work from home is s.o.l. My previous job has been laying people off like crazy to try and save money.

Your job is considered essential which is why you are working. Food, groceries, and medical care cannot be shut down for obvious reasons
So they say “only essential work” but I don’t think it’s really the case or is as limited a definition as people would think. Lots of private industries haven’t shut down. I work in the construction industry and know people working in manufacturing, neither have shut down here in Canada. And my construction project is a new casino/hotel, far from what I would consider essential lol
im at work right now. I operate a water district that serves about 650k people. we have to have an operator on shift 24/7. I feel fortunate to be able to go to work. Lots of people out there are not so lucky. But I get what you are saying TS. People are saying lockdown but there are tons of people going on about their regular work routine.
yeah only non essential businesses are shutdown and schools, but to use lockdown, its misleading, if it were a true lockdown then nobody and all businesses would be shutdown and they would have national guards in humvees and tanks paroling the streets, and dropping off supplies and food rations to each block.

All I know is im scared,my sibling are still working and coming back home and Im worried they can get sick and bring it back home, these are trying times and scary :(

They also suggest if you have a wife or husband who is working do not have any contact with them when they get home meaning no kissing or sex, direct fluid contact like that increases viral load making it severe.
Yeah, people who have to work for the country to keep running functionally.

It's a lockdown in the sense that if your Jon is not 100% necessary, you no longer have a job until further notice.

Tony is fighting anyone. He won't sign a contract with no location and I'd put money on Tony not wanting to leave the US to fight in this current situation. Can't see him willing getting himself trapped overseas for an indefinite amount of time
even the "100% necessary" part is debateable. I mean im in so cal just outside of los angeles so this is a pretty hot spot for the virus. liquor stores are open. marijuana stores are open. My girl reviews blueprints and reciepts for a heating and air conidtiong company and they are 100% still working. I have a friend whos a security gaurd at a college that is shutdown and hes still doing his nightshifts. ANother friend that is a saleseman for a flooring company and while they sent most emplyees home, they kept the store open so hes still working. My step dad is a courier for a medical company so hes working. The majority of people I know are still working. Maybe my first hand experience is the outlier.
its just a flu
So they say “only essential work” but I don’t think it’s really the case or is as limited a definition as people would think. Lots of private industries haven’t shut down. I work in the construction industry and know people working in manufacturing, neither have shut down here in Canada. And my construction project is a new casino/hotel, far from what I would consider essential lol
Construction, not necessarily your current project, is essential. Your company may have active projects or requests that make it necessary to stay in business.
So they say “only essential work” but I don’t think it’s really the case or is as limited a definition as people would think. Lots of private industries haven’t shut down. I work in the construction industry and know people working in manufacturing, neither have shut down here in Canada. And my construction project is a new casino/hotel, far from what I would consider essential lol

Independent contractors are still working, I seen some builders and construction workers still working on a home a few blocks away from me.
even the "100% necessary" part is debateable. I mean im in so cal just outside of los angeles so this is a pretty hot spot for the virus. liquor stores are open. marijuana stores are open. My girl reviews blueprints and reciepts for a heating and air conidtiong company and they are 100% still working. I have a friend whos a security gaurd at a college that is shutdown and hes still doing his nightshifts. ANother friend that is a saleseman for a flooring company and while they sent most emplyees home, they kept the store open so hes still working. My step dad is a courier for a medical company so hes working. The majority of people I know are still working. Maybe my first hand experience is the outlier.
That's weird bro they shut pretty much everything down here in New Orleans that isn't essential. Most people that I know here that are working are in the military, construction, banking, or medical field.
That's weird bro they shut pretty much everything down here in New Orleans that isn't essential. Most people that I know here that are working are in the military, construction, banking, or medical field.
to be fair, i do know quite a few people out of work too. And everyone I named in my first post was related to medical, water, security of facilities or provides services to construction (hvac, flooring) which has been deemed necessary