Widespread riots after Death of George Floyd V.2

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will antifa (sometimes feels like half this forum) officially be labeled a terrorist organization after these past few days?

is that the easiest way to bring this manufactured crisis to a close? zero tolerance of antifa scum?

@Covfefe 19
@Corn Pop Hombre

Are you proud of how retarded you sound using terms you have no idea about?
Yeah man "half of Sherdog, a bastion of right wing bros watching cagefights, is antifa" you've got it!
We totally made up the murder of the guy by police and all the vids of police shooting at people!
No doubt.

People live there. Their neighborhoods are being set on fire. I'm not making excuses for the bad behavior of rioters.

@Sigvard seems to think that overt violence by the police will settle this and everything will go back to normal. As if the actions of the police won't just fuel the fire for more of this.

What's the solution?
Your recommending the police use peaceful protest to stop a riot?
Ok we’re done here.
People walking down a street being deemed a riot and then getting shot with gas and nonlethal bullets is retarded provcation by the police, not stopping a riot.
I have numerous people I know here in LA, as well as in Oakland and PDX who walked around on live video and I watched them get shot for literally walking around filming. Not some edited clip or out of context thing; live video and them being hit with shit and the people around them doing the same. What's your definition of a riot?
Indiscriminately arresting people and firing a bunch of cloudy smoke bombs is a great way to create chaos that doesn't really stop the people smashing and looting and quite often makes their jobs easier when the cops start tangling with the big groups of random protesters.
Most the cops are happy to attack random weaker protesters calling for their jobs be reformed than real criminals pulling off heists that aren't protesting against them. Much easier and makes the cops political message stronger: less rallies against them and they can point to looting to discredit it.
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Your recommending the police use peaceful protest to stop a riot?
Ok we’re done here.
How can you be done when there will continue to be riots? Maybe you should try a different strategy. The one being employed isn't working.

Let me ask you a question now, do you think videos that show more violence by the police will calm the riots or fuel them? Fuel future riots?
If people continue to populate the streets past curfew it impacts the polices ability to protect innocent people’s businesses, homes and lives. By being out after the curfew, they are interfering with law enforcements ability to keep us safe. If the worst thing that happens to someone who is disobeying the curfew is a flashbang, then I consider them pretty lucky.

@skysolo strikes me as someone who doesn't contribute to a business, have a home, or have a life.
What's the solution?
The riots won't last forever. They will eventually end. But that anger will still be there.

What's your solution to stop it from happening again?

My solution is to do what MLK told me.

What's yours?
People walking down a street being deemed a riot and then getting shot with gas and nonlethal bullets is retarded provcation by the police, not stopping a riot.
I have numerous people I know here in LA, as well as in Oakland and PDX who walked around on live video and I watched them get shot for literally walking around filming. What's your definition of a riot?
If you are out past curfew you are breaking the law. There is a curfew in place to protect those who wish to peacefully protest, as well as their communities.

The police cannot protect you from being beaten, stabbed, shot in the head with an arrow, lit on fire, ran over with a car, shot with a gun, and worse if you are out passed your curfew (see videos ITT). The only way they can safely enforce the curfew through intimidation and non lethal force.

Again, if a flashbang hits you and that gets you off the street for the night, I have 0 issue with that, because people are literally being killed.
Your recommending the police use peaceful protest to stop a riot?
Ok we’re done here.
They're not stopping riots they are more focused on interrupting actual protests with flash bangs and mace. Shooting people in the distance with rubber bullets, pushing the elderly and women to the ground. You know police stuff.
Are you proud of how retarded you sound using terms you have no idea about?
Yeah man "half of Sherdog, a bastion of right wing bros watching cagefights, is antifa" you've got it!
We totally made up the murder of the guy by police and all the vids of police shooting at people!

meaning this subforum specifically, not all of sherdog.

will you denounce antifa incitement of violence? the world is watching.
They're not stopping riots they are more focused on interrupting actual protests with flash bangs and mace. Shooting people in the distance with rubber bullets, pushing the elderly and women to the ground. You know police stuff.
What a profound and interesting statement backed by 0 facts, statistics or proof.
Did he put an arrow in that guys head??? Not going to post a pic but there are some screen shots in the link that don’t look good.

I think he just fell and hit his head while dodging the shot. You can see in the video that the arrow doesn't really take off properly.
meaning this subforum specifically, not all of sherdog.

will you denounce antifa incitement of violence? the world is watching.

Best to not feed the most obvious trolls
meaning this subforum specifically, not all of sherdog.

will you denounce antifa incitement of violence? the world is watching.
He won't denounce violence committed by the left.
There's so many idiots pulling up right in front of news cameras with their cars.
The seeds are being sown.

The people are scared and will want an authoritative leader and they will have a group of people to scapegoat.....................sounds kinda familiar.
Rioting is not the language of the unheard. Its the actions of opportunists looking to run amok and maybe score some free shit. Sprinkle some anti Trump antifa soy already mad they lost the upcoming Presidential election and you've got a powder keg of idiocy.

i am seeing twitter traffic saying "this wont end after trump loses," meaning, its payback for derailing bernie. i think the far left has already penciled in a loss in november by default, because they dont want biden or trump.
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