Cro Cop was a far superior striker to Anderson Silva

Can't believe what i'm reading
Do you realize Anderoid was outstruck by wrestlers,and bad ones for that matter who are nothing like Fedor standing?
Back to school fella and then comeback.

I failed out of school in grade one because I can't read or write (I'm only hitting random keys here and hope they make readable sentences) -- the school won't let me back in until I know at least the first half of the alphabet. Unfortunately that's unlikely to happen, so if you only want to discuss with educated people you're better off ignoring my posts.

However, if you're masochistic enough to continue this discussion with an unschooled person, which wrestlers outstruck Anderson in his prime (ie when he was between 27 and 31 years old)? Being outstruck when you're in your mid to later 30's doesn't say much -- for instance Muhammad was out-struck by Leon Spinks and Trevor Berbick in his mid-30's.
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Crocop wasn't exactly outstruck by Fedor though. It was a mix of outgrappled and he won the scrambles and GnP-ed.

I literally watched this fight again last night on Youtube.

I'll have to watch the fight again, but I recall Fedor winning the standup as well, forcing Crocop to retreat despite Crocop fighting best while moving forward.

However its been a decade since I watched the fight. It was an amazing event, and the suspense building up to it was the biggest I've seen in MMA, so its possible my first impression was wrong, especially given the suspense and excitement.
Kevin randleman knocked cro cop out with a short punch easily and he doesn't even knock people out

Yeah, and Anderson didn't get KO'd by high kicks from BJJ guys. This is about MMA striking, not what Cro-Cop did in another sport. Heck, Cro-Cop even won a K-1 tournament after being KO'd by Gonzaga, Mir and Schaub. That should tell you something.
Anderson got slept by a half assed arm punch from Chris Weidman

Compare that with Cro Cop taking bombs from Fedor

Anderson was 38. Cro-Cop was getting KO'd when he was a decade younger than that. Do you know how many guys KO'd Mirko by the time he was 38?
TS, Agree with cro cop being more powerful
Skillwise, no, and not even close, Anderson had a bigger arsenal and was faster

Cro-Cop being considerably bigger had something to do with his power. Cro-Cop couldn't cut to LHW much less MW.

In other surprising news, Ngannou is more powerful than Israel. Imagine that!
Pedro Rizzo, Andre, Brett Roger's, etc. And, more.
c'mon - rizzo was 39 and both guys were out of their prime. rogers wasn't a pure striker, he was a tire salesman who won some mma fights against other tire salesman before winning the lottery against the one striker on fedor's resume (arlovski).

again, fedor was a great striker and had pretty heavy hands and (more importantly) fast combos but don't try to oversell........
He also verbally tapped to leg kicks. Don't forget that part.

Or got "Technically knocked out by a leg kick".... take your pick.

Silva and Crocop are about the same size (10ish lbs difference) but one fought 2 weight classes above the other....

I think Mirko frauded his height because he looks significantly bigger than Anderson. Usually it's the other way around - the darker your skin the more muscular you look.
I think Mirko frauded his height because he looks significantly bigger than Anderson. Usually it's the other way around - the darker your skin the more muscular you look.
The only reason why Silva was a MW and not a LHW is because he has Jon Jones twiggy legs. If he didn't, no way he'd be a MW.

He certainly didn't look very outsized facing giant LHWs in Forrest and Bonnar.
The only reason why Silva was a MW and not a LHW is because he has Jon Jones twiggy legs. If he didn't, no way he'd be a MW.

He certainly didn't look very outsized facing giant LHWs in Forrest and Bonnar.

Mirko's upper body still looks significantly bigger

I'm going on a weird google trip to figure out Mirko's true height
No one (on the first page) points out Mirko was never a K1 world champion, you're all a bunch of nOObs.
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prime cro cop is the thing of 90s action movies that your favorite action stars tried to imitate
No one (on the first page) points out Mirko was never a K1 world champion, you're all a bunch of nOObs.
That's because he won the 2012 K1 Grand Prix and is thus a K1 champion.....

Anderson wasn't a kickboxer. He blended taekwondo and muay thai. IMO his striking is streets ahead of K1 winners like Cro Cop, Hunt or Overeem.

At range he was incredibly elusive with devastating counter striking. His angles and footwork were incredible, as was his balance and rolling ability.

Or he could close distance and wreck guys with plum clinch or elbows.

Suggesting Cro Cop achieved more than Anderson in an MMA context is so ridiculous I'm not sure if you're serious.
I love CroCop the fighter, the person not so much, but this assumption is plain ridiculous....

Crocop was a great striker, not compareable to anyone as he would go in there not to fight and win but to just finish you and he did it not by going in there and trying everything he can but he would specifically wait, circle, stalk and then at one moment go for the kill. This is why we dont watch most of his fights, which were mainly boring, but we watch his highlight which are the best ever in HW MMA.

I do think that he deserves to be there in the top hw goat discussion, even thought he never held a Pride or UFC HW title (not ocunting the OWGP) and I would argue everyone that he is better than some of the hw goat applicants who get way too much credit for their short mickey mouse careers with not even 30% of Mirkos professional fights, but he was not a better striker than Anderson Silva, just no!
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Can't believe what i'm reading
Do you realize Anderoid was outstruck by wrestlers,and bad ones for that matter who are nothing like Fedor standing?
Back to school fella and then comeback.
This is the problem when talkin about striking in mma,just to make your argument more convenient. Chael sonnen may not be able to stand toe to toe with Anderson Silva in a striking match,but see,that doesnt matter. He used his takedown,and takedown threats to take advantage of Anderson's tendencies. He was effective at using whole mma game to get off first on Anderson. In the same way,Fedor was able to land consistently on Crocop,despite crocop's striking pedigree. So when people say,who is the better striker,this question is not really important in an mma context. Mma is different than kickboxing and boxing. Anderson and crocop getting out struck by fighters with a more grappling oriented background might be surprising,but neither should be denigrated for it happening. You can praise chael and fedor for their gameplan and preparation to take their opponents out of their game. The whole premise of this thread is ridiculous considering these men arent in the same weight class,were not fighting the same people,vastly different styles,and really have nothing at all to do with each other
Mirko fought much better competition

If Anderson fought Fedor he would've gotten his ass kicked too
Good thing he was 3 weight classes below Fedor the last time they fought in the same organization
In general this thread seems very suspicious to be honest....

way too many new members jumping on Sherdog and start questioning the GOAT status of Anderson and GSP... I know, I know, this guy has GSP in his avatar but that might just be some kind of distraction tactic and the intention is simply to discredit Andersons GOAT status and not to promote GSP, then soon again someone with a new registration date will open a thread trying to discredit GSP and so on. Its ridiculous but if a certain amount of people keeps on shatting on those two than at some point even the most ridiculous assumption becomes an legit opinion, you just have to repeat it often.

To make it short, all those anti Anderson and GSP threads serve only as platform to a certain fighters troll-nuthuggers to throw in their boy into the GOAT discussion
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