Elections TRUMP vs BIDEN: 1st Debate Thread

Who won the Debate?

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"You couldn't do the job we do. Joe, it's not in your blood."


Shutting the country down wasn't Trump's idea. That was supposedly born out of science.
Why don't they cut the mics during the other person's time?
Cause this shit is for entertainment purposes only. Anyone who actually uses it to make informed decisions should not be voting.
Biden continues to laugh at Trump. Now that’s a beautiful thing.
Of couse it's weeks away. After the election Covid will be gone.
You do realize the rest of the world is also dealing with covid and could give two shits about this election, right?
It's so weird how partisan the reactions are here.

The right thinks Trump, who is speaking absolute nonsense, is winning.

The Liberals think Biden is winning.

Me, someone who gets shit on for not voting for either is picking Biden in this opening round. 10-9 so far. Trump is kissing his own ass, and saying we're doing a good job with COVID when over 200k died. Biden is attempting to discuss actual policy and point out how retarded Trump's takes are.

Oh yeah you're a total centrist bro
Trump can't win the COVID debate. He has to bunt here.