Elections TRUMP vs BIDEN: 1st Debate Thread

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Now that Biden is angry Trump should go cold Turkey on the jabs and over-talking. Hit him with some normalcy and shit will get weird.


Biden isn’t doing anything incredibly strong, but Trump’s “nonstop snarky remarks and constantly being the loudest” routine is old AF.

In 2016, dumbasses were like "LOL, how awesome is that! He's totally owning Hillary with the put downs!"

That act has gotten old. It should have never gained traction but it's finally wearing thin.
It is funny how Biden is getting under that orange skin. Joe is playing nasty and it is great to see. No need to take the high road!
Joe, about Trump closing off travel to China, this "Has nothing to do with COVID"?? WHAT?
Weeks away from a vaccine? Does anyone believe that? Lmao