Phil Baroni's is tweeting some weird ****.

Looks like someone went into Jon Jones' secret stash and had a little taste.
Phil, "Hey wink I forgot my water bottle do you have an extra one?"
Winklejohn, "Yeah over there on the ledge."
Phil, "Thanks."
Phil ~proceeds to drink whatever was in jon's "water" bottle.~
Damn, it sucks seeing him post stuff like that ... he's gotta be pretty desperate and/or strung out.

Alcohol doesn't make you weird like that for days on end. He's probably addicted to pain pills, and they've turned his mind into mush along with taking too many punches over the years. This type of paranoia is common with guys that go down that road

Fucking sad. It happens way too much. Mark Coleman seems to have turned things around a bit, but he was in the same place several years back. Destroyed his marriage and temporarily destroyed his relationship with his daughters before cleaning his act up.
Fuck that guy he blocked me on twitter a couple of years ago. All I did was ask for some naked pics of his bitch... for science.
Please translate his shit line by line (including what "mxmas" is). I get the gist of his crying, but still have no idea what the details are. What's the expense list? Who compiled that? Who paid that? Why did he get kicked out? Why did his fight get cancelled? Who did he give his last $500 to? Jackson/Wink? Did they cancel his fight? If not, and he still did his training there, then they provided a service that the paid for. Is it their fault the fight was cancelled? Aside from DaBestEva feeling he was ripped off, I'm still totally fucking lost...
SU your own damn research.
Opiates. Guy needs help. Stop putting money into that gofun
If this was a wmma fighter everyone would respond
Doubt it. If Phil was born Philonena, they'd both be given a wide birth. No action on his twitter or insta, wink shovelled him I reckon
I honestly thought he was in a halfway house.

And sparring?

Hope he doesn't plan on fighting again.
He retweeted RVD an hour ago. Hes still alive at least