Looks like Khabib is getting political in retirement

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Ppl have a right to a opinion whether it is right or wrong.
It takes someone with sound mind to look at it and think what is it being said here.
Ppl shouldn't jump the gun.
Fuck macron

Ppl have a right to a opinion whether it is right or wrong.
It takes someone with sound mind to look at it and think what is it being said here.
Ppl shouldn't jump the gun.
He's literally calling for Macron and his "followers" getting disfigured, whatever the fook he means by that, but combined with the picture it doesn't exactly look like he wishes Macron well...
Cancel Khabib. This is really really bad. Please never come back to the western world, the world who made you rich. Stay back in the Middle Ages. And Dana, don't bring extremists to UFC. Fuck them. Khabib = Pig And sherdog, don't be a sheepdog and don't delete this thread. The MMA world has to know the real and dangerous beliefs of this person.
Ruler: we are at war with X kingdom, lets smash them under our boots!!
Sheep: but dear ruler, the holy text says that we shouldn't kill.
Ruler: dude they don't want to kill for me, write some exceptions to that rule.
Ruler: Look my people the scholars have provide us with a true interpretation of the holy text! we shouldn't kill...unless is someone we decided we are at war with! lets crush them!!!
Sheep: Allahu Ahkbar!!!!

I don't blame you for your stupidity tbh. You believe everything you read and have no clue about how the religion is derived. Believe what you want.
Finally some of the extremist pieces of shit that we tolerate on this forum are showing their true face.
Fuck a country leader for condemning beheadings and killings and wanting freedom of speech?
Fuck you ass hole! Im not condemning shit, he is just a shitty leader.
He is using the same freedom of speech to express his opinion.
He is right in all what he said. And at least we know that he is not a hypocrite
Why would anyone be mad/surprised ?
Khabib always being like that.
I won't lose respect/dislike him because he said that
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