RCP pulls back call of Biden win, puts it back at 259 to 214

The article I posted is from late yesterday evening. It hasn't had a chance yet to be debunked yet. Someone speculating that something is "unlikely" to occur certainly isn't the same thing as flat out "debunking" it, but I have no problem accepting whatever "truth" actually comes of it.

It's not just someone bro, it is a professor who specializes in voting system security acting on behalf of the Michigan Department of State charged with analyzing and reporting on the situation... He lays it out very clearly in great detail in that article, you should read it.

You guys need to start applying Occam's razor a bit more in these situations. I'm glad you will accept whatever happens though, as will I if it turns out there is a secret democrat plot to overthrow the government.
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LOL "bends the truth a little"? He has told (literally) over TWENTY THOUSAND LIES since taking office. He is one of the most dishonest, untrustworthy, shady motherfuckers in the history of the world. And I am not exaggerating. He is a pathological liar.
Believe me. What you perceive as him "lying", is just strategy he uses to keep our Nation's allies on their toes. He's playing 4D chess. He's a little bit like Maverick from Top Gun. Totally unpredictable and that's what makes him so great
Trump claiming the election was stolen from him is going to set off a lot of domestic terrorism in the coming year.

They already called a bomb threat into one of the polling stations and a teen got a visit from the FBI after threatening to assassinate Biden.

that’s nothing compared to what the left is going to do if don wins. Not even comparable.
Believe me. What you perceive as him "lying", is just strategy he uses to keep our Nation's allies on their toes. He's playing 4D chess. He's a little bit like Maverick from Top Gun. Totally unpredictable and that's what makes him so great
Oh, you are trolling. Ok.
The equivalent of leaving an upper decker on your way out. Who cares how much damage he does to the country as long as he can stick it to the libs one more time.

So undignified, so irresponsible.

It would be pathetic, if it weren't so dangerous.
Seriously, can anyone say that they think Donald Trump is an honest man?

But we are believing his claims, because....?
They believe his claims because they want to believe his claims and it's because they live their lives through Trump, he's the man they always wanted to be, he says the things they can't say because unlike Trump they would get their asses kicked, fired from their jobs, shunned ect., Trump has the wealth to live the life they would love for themselves, he sticks it to the people who they believe look down on them. If Trump goes away all of that also goes away also.
Oh, you are trolling. Ok.
yes. But I know people who actually see it that way. People who are otherwise intelligent outside of Politics, but when it comes to Trump it's like they lose control or their ability to think rationally. That's why I'm convinced that Trump's followers are unknowing participants in a cult of personality.
yes. But I know people who actually see it that way. People who are otherwise intelligent outside of Politics, but when it comes to Trump it's like they lose control or their ability to think rationally. That's why I'm convinced that Trump's followers are unknowing participants in a cult of personality.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ It is absolutely a cult of personality. I don't call them Trump cultists to be cute. They are actual cultists.
They believe his claims because they want to believe his claims and it's because they live their lives through Trump, he's the man they always wanted to be, he says the things they can't say because unlike Trump they would get their asses kicked, fired from their jobs, shunned ect., Trump has the wealth to live the life they would love for themselves, he sticks it to the people who they believe look down on them. If Trump goes away all of that also goes away also.
That's actually pretty damn insightful.
Hey everyone, check out this sweet new Shermoji!

I guess we will see. You have nothing to worry about. Stay calm. ;)
I will always point out propaganda.

You know when Trump says "Fake News"?

That's literally what you are sharing, pretending that it's legitimate.
Trump knows this about them too and he knows exactly how to tap into and exploit their feelings