Social How come most black people are Democrats?

The Civil rights act of 1964 and the voting rights act of 1965 flipped the voting loyalties of southern white voters to republicans. The Republican Party policy followed this new constituency.
During the 60’s the Democrats started showing support for equal rights for Blacks while the Republicans started appealing to the racist white supremacist crowd who were dissatisfied with the Civil Rights Movement.

Today the Republican party is largely a safe haven for bigots which is why they get very few support from Blacks.
If you want to get rid of those guys then you're probably better off trying to address the problems of the prison system, as well as the racial segregation within. Because that's where most of the "white power" Neo-Nazi types are spawned.

Biden and Harris certainly aren't the answer to that based on their history.
Can you provide evidence for that? Idk you see a lot of these types in OC that are actually born into wealthy families and have at most been to jail not prison.
If you want to get rid of those guys then you're probably better off trying to address the problems within the prison system, as well as the racial segregation within. Because that's where most of the "white power" Neo-Nazi types are spawned.

Biden and Harris certainly aren't the answer to that based on their history.

Can you source your claim that most white supremacy originates in prisons? Can you explain rising white nationalism in other countries?
Because if you don't vote Biden you ain't black

the first two responses are wrong, there is more nuance to it, but basically in the late 70s and early 80's the democratic party had begun showing signs of subversion with identity politics, and thus labeled the right as white supremacist's/bible thumpers etc. and tried to use tribalism as a means of gathering votes instead of ideas. The right acted poorly, and doubled down accepting some of those titles thus creating a rift.

Why don’t you actually pick up a history book instead of making up bullshit in a effort to look less stupid and bigoted.
Likely fabricated, FYI.

Some of those quotes were attributed to LBJ by the African-Americans that dealt with him, though. So I wouldn't question their experiences.

We do know about the language he used, and the sentiments he had regarding the subject. He was a hustler.

You think the majority of black people have stockholm? Are you one of those ‘leave the democrat plantation!’ people?
he's a bad 1984 memes guy.. and a gun nut
Can you source your claim that most white supremacy originates in prisons? Can you explain rising white nationalism in other countries?

There's no rise of white nationalism in other countries. Not as far as I know. Whatever elements are there, are ones that have always existed, perhaps only given more publicity in recent years.

In America, prisons are the strongholds for white supremacist/Neo-Nazi gangs. The nutjobs with the Nazi/white power tattoos who are mostly violent criminals. I can't speak for the "alt-right" or the "Proud Boys" or whoever the fuck, who don't really qualify as that.

If you see a guy like that dude in the picture posted by the person I quoted, it's more than likely that they're someone who has rolled with the white prison gangs. And that stuff has been going on for the better part of the last 30-40 years, in America's prisons, because the prison system actually encourages this.
If you have ever researched what has become of blacks in the U.S. since the Civil Rights Movement,
you would have to consider the notion that they have been brainwashed by the Democratic party at
least in part. Why else would they vote for them time and time again at their own peril?

For being less racist. That's really all it takes. When Ahmaud Arbery died, which side immediately assumed he was a criminal and used the word "jogger" sarcastically? When a black dude gets killed by a cop, which side is immediately looking to see if they have a criminal history and using that as an excuse? Which side responds to "Black Lives Matter" with All Lives Matter? Which side tries to suppress their vote every election? Which side still supports the Confederate flag? Which side complains when a black actor gets cast in a role? I mean c'mon now, there's a reason white nationalist and supremacists flock to this party.

At least if things such as poverty rates, single mother households, incarceration rates, abortion rates,
life expectancy, government dependency and financial security are of any importance to them.

Oh wait, it's the whole systemic racism issue, right?

But then why don't those things significantly affect all of the other minority races in the country too?

I know, I know, it must be true though, because MSM said so.

Without the Democrats and their policy of instituting government dependency the black community
would surely improve in all of the aspects of American society mentioned above.

And takes like this turn black people off as well. Imagine trying to appeal to a community that has been oppressed until recently by telling them systematic racism doesn't exist.

The sad thing is Dems don't have to do a damn thing for black people. Republicans do a perfect job of burning that bridge all on their own. If they pretended to care about black people like Dems do they could probably pull a lot more of them. Lot of conservatives in that community.
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A lot of us want to vote republican. But then see these dudes at republican events and it turns people away.
Look, the official tattoo of Trump supporters