Elections Innaguartion day thread

I hear the sounds of abundance of rain, I hear the sounds of victory. I hear the sounds of abundance of rain, I hear the sounds of victory. I hear the sounds of abundance of rain, I hear the sounds of victory. I hear the sounds of abundance of rain, I hear the sounds of victory. I hear the sounds of abundance of rain, I hear the sounds of victory. I hear the sounds of abundance of rain, I hear the sounds of victory. I hear the sounds of abundance of rain, I hear the sounds of victory. I hear the sounds of abundance of rain, I hear the sounds of victory. I hear the sounds of abundance of rain, I hear the sounds of victory. I hear the sounds of abundance of rain, I hear the sounds of victory. I hear the sounds of abundance of rain, I hear the sounds of victory. I hear the sounds of abundance of rain, I hear the sounds of victory. I hear the sounds of abundance of rain, I hear the sounds of victory. I hear the sounds of abundance of rain, I hear the sounds of victory.
Hated so much he not only didn't lose supporters this election, he gained them, including record numbers of poc, beating 2008 Obama in votes.

Little did he know that lurking in these US were untold amounts of people who didn't turnout for Hilary in 2016, but would show up in 2020 to vote in a virtual corpse, running solely on hate for the other candidate.

What a story!

That was gold.<45>
Call me when a woman runs for the Republican ticket.
But you know your reasoning is flawed, you're just hurting today. It's normal. You can use my shoulder to cry on.

Identity politics. Do you walk into every room and demand equal representation? Do you get frustrated when there are too many of those pesky straight white men around?

Sounds like you do.
Hate and divisive rhetoric won. You can expect much more during the next four years as Biden and legs up will need to scapegoat every lack of policy and tax payer waste. Imagine winning on a platform of hate and lies funded by globalists and propagated by Big Tech masters and the main stream reich.

Yuri was right. Brainwashed and demoralized will see that boot in their lifetime.
I hear the sounds of abundance of rain, I hear the sounds of victory. I hear the sounds of abundance of rain, I hear the sounds of victory. I hear the sounds of abundance of rain, I hear the sounds of victory. I hear the sounds of abundance of rain, I hear the sounds of victory. I hear the sounds of abundance of rain, I hear the sounds of victory. I hear the sounds of abundance of rain, I hear the sounds of victory. I hear the sounds of abundance of rain, I hear the sounds of victory. I hear the sounds of abundance of rain, I hear the sounds of victory. I hear the sounds of abundance of rain, I hear the sounds of victory. I hear the sounds of abundance of rain, I hear the sounds of victory. I hear the sounds of abundance of rain, I hear the sounds of victory. I hear the sounds of abundance of rain, I hear the sounds of victory. I hear the sounds of abundance of rain, I hear the sounds of victory. I hear the sounds of abundance of rain, I hear the sounds of victory.

Watching Pence and Harris with Pence leaving. It's a point when new President and Vice President should be seeing off the leaving President/Vice President off. It's only VPs.......

Trump is such a cunt. Anyone that respects that guy is a cunt too.
Yeah I agree, I don’t think a fiery and inspirational liberal speech from a younger politician would be the best right now. People are very sore (read the comments in this thread), so you could imagine how poorly it would go over if Biden actually said something polarizing.

Biden is somebody the country should be able to rally around to some extent, or at least offer basic support. He’s not extreme, he’s not divisive, he’s fairly well liked by members of both parties. He’s very religious and respectful about it, he has a loving wife, he understands loss and tragedy.

He’s not perfect, but no politician (or person) is perfect. But I think he is somebody most Americans should be able to support and hope the best for.
Do you even believe what you wrote?
Yeah I agree, I don’t think a fiery and inspirational liberal speech from a younger politician would be the best right now. People are very sore (read the comments in this thread), so you could imagine how poorly it would go over if Biden actually said something polarizing.

Biden is somebody the country should be able to rally around to some extent, or at least offer basic support. He’s not extreme, he’s not divisive, he’s fairly well liked by members of both parties. He’s very religious and respectful about it, he has a loving wife, he understands loss and tragedy.

He’s not perfect, but no politician (or person) is perfect. But I think he is somebody most Americans should be able to support and hope the best for.

yea, I picture Biden as your "Goldilocks" type of president.
not too hot, not too cold. like luke warm.
he's not an extremist either way, and right now, I think more than ever, this country needs someoen like that.
Good speech...preaching unity and representation of all.

The challenge, of course, will be to move beyond lip service and put that into action. The most interesting part of this administration will be how it moves to repair the divisiveness that has very clearly become worse in recent years and how it 'reaches across the aisle'.
Oh man, the QAnon posts online are high quality stuff
Trump is playing Infinity D chess.
He is making Biden think he is President, before Trump starts serving his second term. Trump laying traps that will snare Biden.
Identity politics. Do you walk into every room and demand equal representation? Do you get frustrated when there are too many of those pesky straight white men around?

Sounds like you do.

Hunh? Do you even know what we're talking about? @Hadron90 was saying Dems hate women because Hillary lost in 2016. I had to call him out on his copium induced delusion and set him straight. This was the last retort of that exchange and you're saying this? I'd tell you to stay in your lane but you're on the wrong sife of the freeway here.

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