Elections Innaguartion day thread

Well, she got more total votes, did she not?
She didn't get the votes she needed in some key states of a few states. It was a poorly run campaign.

But your suggestion that Dems hate women is... ooooff

She didn't get nearly the votes Biden got. That's a fact. Biden trounced Harris and Warren in record time. Also a fact. Call me when Dems actually show up to vote for a woman.
Well, she got more total votes, did she not?
She didn't get the votes she needed in some key states of a few states. It was a poorly run campaign.

But your suggestion that Dems hate women is... ooooff
*key counties in a few key states. Can't edit because of dubz
Nice try.

I have no problem with a black man being president or a black Indian woman being a VP. I have problem with the terrible job Barack did and the terrible job I know Harris is about to do. Barack is fortunate that Joe Biden is such a moron that it will make his presidency appear more impressive by default.

Joe Biden is going to be the worst president of all time. He is an incompetent good.
No need to check in with us you dopey Mother Fucker..
Anger stage, almost there little guy.

All the dudes I follow on Parler said Trump was declaring Marshall Law today to Stop the Steal and starting to serve his second term.
Having Biden at Trumps inauguration, is a weird way to declare Marshall Law. I was told God was behind Trumps second term.
The Triumvirate of Legal Geniuses; Rudy, Wood and Powell was supposed to deliver the Dominion plans that shows the fraud that they got from personally leading a team of patriots to storm Dominions lair which is at the bottom of an island volcano, run by Cyborg Chavez.
This day is not making sense at all. Trump is supposed to be President.

I actually read that in Arnies accent and in the manner " Get to the choopah"!

Oh I bet when was watching the broadcast when the TV is showing Donald Trump about to leave the White House with Marine one in the foreground.

Oh man, the QAnon posts online are high quality stuff
Nice try.

I have no problem with a black man being president or a black Indian woman being a VP. I have problem with the terrible job Barack did and the terrible job I know Harris is about to do. Barack is fortunate that Joe Biden is such a moron that it will make his presidency appear more impressive by default.

Joe Biden is going to be the worst president of all time. He is an incompetent good.

Incompetent good is probably preferred to competent bad, but it's definitely preferred over incompetent bad.
She didn't get nearly the votes Biden got. That's a fact. Biden trounced Harris and Warren in record time. Also a fact. Call me when Dems actually show up to vote for a woman.
Call me when a woman runs for the Republican ticket.
But you know your reasoning is flawed, you're just hurting today. It's normal. You can use my shoulder to cry on.
Because Trump is hated THAT much. What is so hard to understand?

Hated so much he not only didn't lose supporters this election, he gained them, including record numbers of poc, beating 2008 Obama in votes.

Little did he know that lurking in these US were untold amounts of people who didn't turnout for Hilary in 2016, but would show up in 2020 to vote in a virtual corpse, energized solely by hate for the other candidate.

What a story!
considering how torn this country has been, I thought Biden's message of unity was more valuable and important .

and agreed on your other points.

Yeah I agree, I don’t think a fiery and inspirational liberal speech from a younger politician would be the best right now. People are very sore (read the comments in this thread), so you could imagine how poorly it would go over if Biden actually said something polarizing.

Biden is somebody the country should be able to rally around to some extent, or at least offer basic support. He’s not extreme, he’s not divisive, he’s fairly well liked by members of both parties. He’s very religious and respectful about it, he has a loving wife, he understands loss and tragedy.

He’s not perfect, but no politician (or person) is perfect. But I think he is somebody most Americans should be able to support and hope the best for.
Hated so much he not only didn't lose supporters this election, he gained them, including record numbers of poc, beating 2008 Obama in votes.

Little did he know that lurking in these US were untold amounts of people who didn't turnout for Hilary in 2016, but would show up in 2020 to vote in a virtual corpse, running solely on hate for the other candidate.

What a story!

He was hated so much he drew people out who never voted before. Think about that.