The real loser today was the sport.

That's a Cerrone contract issue which he negotiated. He does say that this issue presented itself after the Conor fight, causing him to renegotiate his contract and his next 6 fights will be money fights under his new deal.

In short. That wasn't a Conor issue, that was a Cowboy issue.
exactly so how did selling a million ppvs help anyone besides connor and wme??? it didnt hence why connor not being on top doesnt effect fighter pay
for us more hardcore fans, we may see it that way. but in reality, the sport loses when superstar fighters like conor lose, because whether you like him or not, conor inspires people to get into the sport. that in turn inspires more people to participate in mma, and you naturally see more talent entering as a result.
i can kinda agree with this, but the ufc needs to push their fighters towards theat superstardom instead of just the one... Jon Jones should be a way bigger star then he is...they have prime opportunity with Izzy, even holloway. Think about how long it took for them to push khabib....they could have made him so big....
exactly so how did selling a million ppvs help anyone besides connor and wme??? it didnt hence why connor not being on top doesnt effect fighter pay

Oh no it just lowers interest in the sport somewhat. We need another loud mouth who wins a bunch.
Look at what happened to golf's ratings after Tiger Woods dominance ended.

Love him or hate him, McGregors polarizing and larger than life persona draws in the viewers and has people talking. There's arguably at least 20 better fighters than him at any point but he played his role to perfection.

Unfortunately I see no fighter in the near term that can recreate that allure.
Are you kidding me? That kid can't draw anyone. He needs to go full Mayweather bad guy...but he won't
he is more skilled the connor and could become a draw if the ufc pushed him like they did connor....but because he isnt white they wont.... sad truth i said it
I actually think it was good for the sport. Now MMA can move forward and not just stuck on one fighter.
he is more skilled the connor and could become a draw if the ufc pushed him like they did connor....but because he isnt white they wont.... sad truth i said it
Conor wasnt pushed by the UFC. His mouth made him impossible to ignore. That's what fighters dont get. It's not the UFC that does it...its the fighter and then the UFC picks up on it and supports it.
Love him or hate him, Conor was not only the biggest combat sports star of his generation, but arguably all time (ppv average FACT), something which this bad loss has effectively ended. No matter how good a fighter is , they cannot match the attention and excitement that a super star attraction brings to a sport like Conor did.

That big fight atmosphere which was reminiscent of prime Tyson days, The amazing press conferences, the hype, the pop culture cross over he managed to create that brought so much entertainment to us all , is all basically finished now.

Now what? I can't see anyone who can come close to replacing him. Israel is a cringe lord, and Jones is a boring psychopath. The end of a great era. The sport will probably never be as exciting again, the last superstar is gone. Dustin is a solid fighter but he will always be a Fight Night level attraction and nothing more.

And for the folks saying I'm getting carried away. No. There are losses, and then there are bad losses which effectively end careers as we knew them. This was the latter. It was not a flash KO, or a close decision loss after a great fight. It was a complete exposure.
So I agree with the spirit of what you said, just not the extent.

McGregor in 2016 was an amazing personality that lit up the sport.

The McGregor of 2017-2020 was largely a disgrace. He basically ruined his career during the entirety of the Trump presidency, and it is absurd. Dropping belts, fake retirements, demands for special fights and unearned title shots. He went 1-2 in that time, with a pointless celebrity boxing match thrown in.

Conor circa 2016 was good for the sport. Today's Conor should re-earn his stripes.
Love him or hate him, Conor was not only the biggest combat sports star of his generation, but arguably all time (ppv average FACT), something which this bad loss has effectively ended. No matter how good a fighter is , they cannot match the attention and excitement that a super star attraction brings to a sport like Conor did.

That big fight atmosphere which was reminiscent of prime Tyson days, The amazing press conferences, the hype, the pop culture cross over he managed to create that brought so much entertainment to us all , is all basically finished now.

Now what? I can't see anyone who can come close to replacing him. Israel is a cringe lord, and Jones is a boring psychopath. The end of a great era. The sport will probably never be as exciting again, the last superstar is gone. Dustin is a solid fighter but he will always be a Fight Night level attraction and nothing more.

And for the folks saying I'm getting carried away. No. There are losses, and then there are bad losses which effectively end careers as we knew them. This was the latter. It was not a flash KO, or a close decision loss after a great fight. It was a complete exposure.

Conor fights once every two, years, retires every six months and costs more than entire fight cards to maintain.

Plus he's a PR nightmare outside the cage.

The UFC doesn't need him.
Love him or hate him, Conor was not only the biggest combat sports star of his generation, but arguably all time (ppv average FACT), something which this bad loss has effectively ended. No matter how good a fighter is , they cannot match the attention and excitement that a super star attraction brings to a sport like Conor did.

That big fight atmosphere which was reminiscent of prime Tyson days, The amazing press conferences, the hype, the pop culture cross over he managed to create that brought so much entertainment to us all , is all basically finished now.

Now what? I can't see anyone who can come close to replacing him. Israel is a cringe lord, and Jones is a boring psychopath. The end of a great era. The sport will probably never be as exciting again, the last superstar is gone. Dustin is a solid fighter but he will always be a Fight Night level attraction and nothing more.

And for the folks saying I'm getting carried away. No. There are losses, and then there are bad losses which effectively end careers as we knew them. This was the latter. It was not a flash KO, or a close decision loss after a great fight. It was a complete exposure.
Very accurate assessment, good thread TS! It’s funny how it’s even called a tko, you can see Conor lose consciousness, that was a legit KO.
Ufc was plenty exciting long before Conor and will be exciting after his time as well . And I don't think all you people pretending to be ufc shareholders saying " i don't want see so and so they don't put buts in seats or don't sell tickets " realize that WE as fans decide who sells tickets . Not Dana . Not the media ...we decide . And lastly tho respect to Conor for all his hard work and great fights . Never a boring fight I respect that.
lmao Peahead Dustbin living rent free in there huh? B)
As a big Conor Fan I have to disagree.

While no one has reached anywhere near close to the same level of popularity as Conor in this Sport, what Conor did is lay down the foundation and set the blueprint for achieving such levels of popularity.

There will be others eventually, just a matter of time. They just need the right kind of skill, hype and charisma to make it happen.

There were fighters before Conor who did what he did, and some denied the opportunity because they weren't as popular. I've always felt that BJ deserved it more and did it better.

I've never seen Conor as a groundbreaker in anything other than marketing and he wasn't the first at that, either, he was the just the most successful. I always disliked Tito but he brought me back to the sport for good and added excitement to something that had gone stale.

Conor was a really, really, really good fighter and a supreme showman. That combination gave him extreme success.
Sport was okay this time or was there a dolly bus event that happened before this fight again?
Just found this thread.

Didn't read the entire Novel the TS typed.

I only came here to say :


at Conor getting his shit pushed in.

Awesome job by Dustin to Take Out The Trash. <{jackyeah}>

I also wonder what Fat-Head Dana was thinking when that happened? <31>

I bet he wasn't thinking stupid shit like " gonna go after pirates who illegally stream...hurrr" anymore.

He was probably crying inside that his meal-ticket was utterly annihilated.
The sport will move on it evolves.. Conors heart hasn’t been in fighting since like 2018. He’s a big star not an elite dominant championship level fighter same issue with Ronda Rousey/ Lesnar.