Khabib brutally dwarfed by football player (van dijk)

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This confirms it! Soccer players are A level athletes and can come in and get the strap with 3 months of training.
Funnily enough, a soccer player at that level brings at least two things which help massively as a fighter: insanely good hand-eye-coordination (this term refers to the coordination of all limbs) and great athleticism all around.

"I know what it is injures, be patient"


Kebab was out for years with injuries, wins belt but only manages three titles defences before retiring. Yet, wants to be labelled as the GOAT. The cunt is healthy and not fighting. This sport has become a joke.
Who else in MMA is 29-0 without being scratched?

Khabib is not asking to be named GOAT, that's just what many commentators, broadcasters and pundits are calling him.

Also, he retired because his Dad died, clown shoes.
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Funnily enough, a soccer player at that level brings at least two things which help massively as a fighter: insanely good hand-eye-coordination (this term refers to the coordination of all limbs) and great athleticism all around.
Don't know man, they seriously lack any sort of arm coordination and movement. They could probably be powerfull kickers though. Maybe could implement a poirier style tactics and low kick opponents calfs into bellowns to a title.
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