Hobbies that expose you to new people.

Outdoor V-ball has been a good hobby for me lately(2019).
I'm on a Faceboook group, and pre-covid they would just name a park, and tons of people would just show up all different talent levels.

It depends though town to town some V-ball players are really snobby and cliquish.
I think it's more up to you TS, what do you enjoy doing for fun, as hobbies, or are passionate about?
Literally any hobby. Hell, any hobby you can think of has conventions.

Go ahead: Type "________" convention into Google and see what you get.

As a chess player I notice if you look hard enough you'll always find somewhere in your town, a place people congregate to play. They can be weird sometimes... and this coming from me!

Although I imagine nowadays it'd be a bit harder to find social activities.
Dungeons and Dragons
