Social Dominion Voting Systems files $1.3 billion defamation suit against MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell


Steel Belt
Oct 29, 2006
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Fox News, Newsmax and OANN backed off of this shit as soon as Dominion started making threats.

Might not be the full amount, but this idiot is going to have to pay out.

Bye bye Mr. Lindell. There are penalties for being a worthless piece of shit.

People like Lindell, Powel, and Wood have been claiming there is evidence, huge amounts of evidence and that it is coming at any time. How long do we have to wait while they get to spew this nonsense.
Just want to remind my liberal friends that siding with Dominion means siding with a giant corporation.

I’m backing my man Mike, a self-made man with a family business, living the American dream, even if I disagree with his politics.
Dominion Voting systems = "he hurt my feelings. 1.3 Billion"

I assume they come up with these numbers from somewhere and not just their asses?
Just want to remind my liberal friends that siding with Dominion means siding with a giant corporation.

I’m backing my man Mike, a self-made man with a family business, living the American dream, even if I disagree with his politics.

....or maybe everybody involved is an asshole and it's fun to watch them go after each other?
Bye bye Mr. Lindell. There are penalties for being a worthless piece of shit.

People like Lindell, Powel, and Wood have been claiming there is evidence, huge amounts of evidence and that it is coming at any time. How long do we have to wait while they get to spew this nonsense.
watch out..your authoritarianism is showing.
They came up with that number to keep the little people in check from speaking out against corporations.

That's what it seems like. 1.3 Billion? Give me a fucking break.
Dominion Voting systems = "he hurt my feelings. 1.3 Billion"

I assume they come up with these numbers from somewhere and not just their asses?

You can't sue for hurt feelings. You have to prove actual actual economic loss to be awarded damages.

That figure is probably some kind of projection of lost business opportunities related to the smear campaign that Trump and his minions started.
A company in the position of this would predictably go for as much as they can. If we believe they are innocent of all accusations then they probably have a case, if they are guilty and have gotten away with it then they are protected by some entity "greater" than our justice system...
watch out..your authoritarianism is showing.

You seem more like the authoritarian as you have no issue with your party breaking the rule of law, lying to the public, and destroying a company with lies. You feel that the big lie was ok. The big lie is 100% authoritarian. It's a good thing we have a strong government and free press or you'd be living in Trump's nightmare.
A company in the position of this would predictably go for as much as they can. If we believe they are innocent of all accusations then they probably have a case, if they are guilty and have gotten away with it then they are protected by some entity "greater" than our justice system...

By filing the lawsuit they've opened themselves up for discovery, and they are doing it against people with the means to expose them through that.

I'm betting they're as clean as you can be.
You can't sue for hurt feelings. You have to prove actual actual economic loss to be awarded damages.

That figure is probably some kind of projection of lost business opportunities related to the smear campaign that Trump and his minions started.

Oh I figured, but 1.3 Billion? Just no. They'll probably meet in the middle somewhere.
Just want to remind my liberal friends that siding with Dominion means siding with a giant corporation.

I’m backing my man Mike, a self-made man with a family business, living the American dream, even if I disagree with his politics.

You are backing lies and misinformation. What kind of American dream is that? I am siding with the truth and responsibility, I guess you abandoned that awhile ago.
You seem more like the authoritarian as you have no issue with your party breaking the rule of law, lying to the public, and destroying a company with lies. You feel that the big lie was ok. The big lie is 100% authoritarian. It's a good thing we have a strong government and free press or you'd be living in Trump's nightmare.

I don't have "a party". That's the difference between me and you.
LOL @ Trump and his rich friends being "little people."
Yeah man, I guess a self-made man who overcame drug addiction really isn’t an average Joe anymore because he is wildly successful (due to his own merit and not from a small loan of $1,000,000)

Won’t somebody think of the corporations?!