Social Qanon Megathread V1

you are the only person i think is a sophist on this forum. quit pretending i do this with anyone who disagrees with me. that is another of the many lies you tell hoping your credibility (such as it is) will obfuscate that fact.

But everyone who disagrees with you is subhuman in some way because you don't know how to disagree like a man. Anyway, I think I've demonstrated that your thesis is both crazy and substantially different from C&H's in MC.
Politicians, Captains of Industry and the Social Elite of Entertainment (Of a Liberal bent) belong to a cabal of Pedophiles that engage not only in the trafficking of minors but also in their sacrificial murders. It should be noted that not every Liberal in those circles is being painted with the Q brush by the Q-Berts. They also believed by some Q-Berts that much of the troublesome social engineering going on in US society finds its roots from their ranks. I believe there is also a claim of NWO-esque ambitions regarding One World Government, etc.

So think secretive cabal of devil-worshipping pedophile murders and sex-traffickers looking to destabilize society and engender a one world government they share control in.
You left out the influence of the "Globalists".
Its funny because almost no one posting shit like that actually seems to know what it is either. I think 2 people in the whole thread have actually tried to articulate what it is.
I think the left knows more about them from the echo chamber media they read. That media puts as much stories about Q as possible and try to tie it to everyone on the right. Any Q threads here is always by a lefty poster.
But everyone who disagrees with you is subhuman in some way because you don't know how to disagree like a man. Anyway, I think I've demonstrated that your thesis is both crazy and substantially different from C&H's in MC.

frankly im surprised at your unwillingness to address the crux of your misunderstanding. here is another opportunity for you. ill quote the areas you seem to have a misunderstanding about and we can clarify.

if your argument is that none of the people involved in propagating propaganda ever have a moral choice to make because they are so thoroughly indoctrinated that they truly never see through it you would be arguing against reason and certainly against chomsky's take on the matter.

if your argument is that my position is that news reporters and publishers are always aware of the misinformation they tell then you are assuming something i don't think.

here is the original post from me that you quoted and made your false assumptions from. this should make it all very easy to address.

everybody ought to read noam chomsky's book "manufacturing consent" and realize that both sides are absolute propagandists, that all of the news media are propagandists and that we need to call out lies, not sides or all is lost.
Question for the democrats on this forum, have you ever noticed that you've never met a conservative that belies Qanon or admits to being a part of their group? Has it ever occurred to you that Qanon might just be a handful of lunatics, and the mainstream media has blown it out of proportion to make you fear and distrust conservatives?
Among these candidates who have endorsed or given credence to the conspiracy theory or promoted QAnon content:

  • Two candidates, in Georgia and Colorado, were elected to Congress in the general election on November 3. Both are Republicans.
  • Twenty-seven candidates -- 25 Republicans, one member of the Independent Party of Delaware, and one independent -- were on the ballot in November’s general election after competing in primary elections or after fulfilling other requirements needed to get on the ballot.
  • Of those 27 candidates, five were from California, four were from Georgia, three were from Florida, two each were from Illinois, Arizona, and Delaware, and there was one each from Colorado, Nevada, Hawaii, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Oregon, Ohio, and Texas.
  • Three candidates, one in New York and two in Massachusetts, ran as Republican write-ins in the general election. One candidate in Alaska ran as an independent write-in candidate in the general election.
  • In total, 89 of the candidates were Republicans, two were Democrats, one was a Libertarian, one was a member of the Independent Party of Delaware, and four were independents.
Qanon is a name for very, very deeply disturbed and misguided individuals.
its just lefties duping their low iq base with some random right wing boogeyman
Apparently there is reason to believe there were two Q's operating as one. But, I mean, the whole thing is so wacky to me. For people to put any stock in some anonymous person claiming to be something ON THE FRICKING INTERNET and then taking everything he is saying as gospel. Nothing he has said has been verified, ever. Not by anyone outside of their little echo chamber. People who wind up there are gullible and insular types with probably some predispositions...

I'm not claiming Q is an organization. It isn't. But Q's message gets put out there and reinterpreted several different ways to fit an adherent's cognitive structure that could lead some into action.

Trump has done nothing to squash it. He doesn't mind having a direct link to these people. This Q person did an awesome job at bonding them to him. They have become his useful idiots and he weaponizes them at his convenience.
The thing that amazes me the most is the unquestioning faith in this with absolutely no evidence whatsoever. Reminds me of Scientology. I mean, at least the early Christians had an excuse--they had people claiming to be eye-witnesses to a resurrection from the dead. This is just some rando egomaniac like Hubbard.
frankly im surprised at your unwillingness to address the crux of your misunderstanding. here is another opportunity for you. ill quote the areas you seem to have a misunderstanding about and we can clarify.

if your argument is that none of the people involved in propagating propaganda ever have a moral choice to make because they are so thoroughly indoctrinated that they truly never see through it you would be arguing against reason and certainly against chomsky's take on the matter.

if your argument is that my position is that news reporters and publishers are always aware of the misinformation they tell then you are assuming something i don't think.

here is the original post from me that you quoted and made your false assumptions from. this should make it all very easy to address.

everybody ought to read noam chomsky's book "manufacturing consent" and realize that both sides are absolute propagandists, that all of the news media are propagandists and that we need to call out lies, not sides or all is lost.
My argument is a lot of people are really dumb.
I think the left knows more about them from the echo chamber media they read. That media puts as much stories about Q as possible and try to tie it to everyone on the right. Any Q threads here is always by a lefty poster.
It is truly mirth inducing to see you accuse leftist of being confined to an echo chamber. How many Gabs and Parlers have they initiated?
Among these candidates who have endorsed or given credence to the conspiracy theory or promoted QAnon content:

  • Two candidates, in Georgia and Colorado, were elected to Congress in the general election on November 3. Both are Republicans.
  • Twenty-seven candidates -- 25 Republicans, one member of the Independent Party of Delaware, and one independent -- were on the ballot in November’s general election after competing in primary elections or after fulfilling other requirements needed to get on the ballot.
  • Of those 27 candidates, five were from California, four were from Georgia, three were from Florida, two each were from Illinois, Arizona, and Delaware, and there was one each from Colorado, Nevada, Hawaii, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Oregon, Ohio, and Texas.
  • Three candidates, one in New York and two in Massachusetts, ran as Republican write-ins in the general election. One candidate in Alaska ran as an independent write-in candidate in the general election.
  • In total, 89 of the candidates were Republicans, two were Democrats, one was a Libertarian, one was a member of the Independent Party of Delaware, and four were independents.

taking anything seriously from media matters is comical. theyre dishonest lefty hacks taking everything outta context and engaging in a which hunt.

it's literally guilt by association.

just like they accuse anybody of white supremacy.

its low iq morons manipulating even lower iq morons in lefty camp.
taking anything seriously from media matters is comical. theyre dishonest lefty hacks taking everything outta context and engaging in a which hunt.

it's literally guilt by association.

just like they accuse anybody of white supremacy.

its low iq morons manipulating even lower iq morons in lefty camp.
Marjorie Taylor Greene: US House votes to strip Republican of key posts

The US House of Representatives has voted to expel a Republican congresswoman from two committees over incendiary remarks she made before being elected last November.

Marjorie Taylor Greene had promoted baseless QAnon conspiracy theories and endorsed violence against Democrats.

You're one of the most retarded posters on this forum.
Corporate MSM is all fake news, I only believe what Tucker spoon feeds me!
