5 episodes into the wire and


Steel Belt
Jun 10, 2016
Reaction score
I was excited to watch this being a fan of law and order. Seemed like a similar show and I know Munch shows up at some point.

Its pretty good but I can't say I'm super blown away yet. Don't add spoilers but when does the show take off? I'm in it till the end either way.
People will tell you it's a slow burn. Those people are idiots. It's great from jump. Perhaps your tv is upside down and you find yourself confused because everyone is walking around on the ceiling? Ask your mom for help.

It seems pretty slow burn to me. Seems like typical law and order formula but in a serial format instead of an episodic one.
Lol it's a show you gotta keep watching at this point. You gotta focus if not it's meh to some people .Enjoy keep us updated @revoltub

The wire is 1 of the goat shows
Yo Omars comin...

I liked the Wire a lot but I almost feel like it's overrated. It's kind of "cool" to say the wire is the greatest show ever but I don't really think it is. It's pretty damn good don't get me wrong but IMO Breaking Bad shits on it. Much better show. Even early seasons of OZ on HBO I think are better.
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I may try again one day but I only got to 3 or 4 episodes until I turned it off and never went back.
I watched the first 2 episodes about 5 times... And then I got all the way to the last episode, and never watched it.. I had a huge spoiler given for it and it completely put me of finishing it.. Bit mental but what can you do.
I made it through the first season but never went back. Part of it was somehow HBO at the time had the episodes out of order so I got all messed up and confused.
The first season works more like an introduction to the characters and world. It's a solid season but not the best, and the show doesn't really hit it's stride until season 3. Season 2 is good, but it's really off beat and almost feels like a spin off.