Tito Ortiz predicts he would have beaten Jon Jones in his prime by split decision

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It's not the stand-up, but the wrestling difference. Both Chuck and Randy were better wrestlers than Tito, but because Tito went for TD's he was often given an advantage over them in wrestling. Chuck and Randy were good wrestlers for their time. Jones and DC are better than them. Tito would get taken down and GnP TKO'd.
"Of all the judges on one night, 4 out of 3 would have give it to me... on the second night, of the 2, there would be another 1 for me... followed by 2 out of the third time for the fourth night."
Let me tell you how you're feeling right now
he got beat up by frank shamrok jon would sonnen him
Tito was a tough fight, but his style doesn't mesh well with Jon Jones' or his body type at all. Tito was more of a plodding wrestler with average boxing technique, no speed, and is shorter with a much shorter reach. I also don't believe he would've been able to take Jon down. Daniel Cormier in his prime years was a far better wrestler and a much better/more complete fighter and he couldn't even take Jon down.
Ohh I’m sure u would Tito ....someday Tito’s kids will go on YouTube and watch “ Tito Ortiz being a dumbass “ volume 1 2 3 4 5 6 ......he must be proud
Jones vs Tito would have looked a lot like Jones vs Brandon Vera
Jones wins this fight 999,000 times out of 999,655 times. Give or take a couple in either direction.
Both Jones and DC would have made Tito look like an amateur.
Tito in his prime wouldn’t even be top ten in the division Jones ripped through in his prime.
Everybody talks shit on Tito but nobody remembers what he was before he turned into a meme. I'm not saying tito would have had a good chance but he absolutely could have had a bit of a chance of were talking prime for prime.
It's actually pretty comical that he stipulated split decision, but no, Tito's spacious noggin is filled with dust, wind, and pure fantasy.
Interviewer said prime but he is taking it one step further by basing it on his current self. And two parts of him think he will win but this other third part thinks he's got no chance.
I think this is the first time I've ever read or heard a fighter say he'd win by split decision.

Not a KO or submission, or even a unanimous decision. A split decision.

How is this a prediction?
If Tito trains six days, actually six days a week for five days a week, to train three days a week, with one of those days training two days of the week, so six days a week of training, he could beat Jones by split decision, to be the greatest LHW, of the night.

Prime Tito vs 2021 Jones would have been fun. Today’s Tito gets pummeled.
Him saying “by split decision” is such a Tito thing to say.
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