Law Radicalized by Fox News - "Foxitus" and "Foxmania"


Red Belt
Mar 27, 2004
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So a lawyer for one of the Jan 6th rioters is using this as a defense:

-Anthony Antonio, of Clayton, Delaware, watched Fox News for six months prior to the Capitol riot, the attorney said during a multi-defendant hearing on Thursday related to the Capitol siege.

The attorney said his client started "believing what was being fed to him" by the news outlet and former President Donald Trump-

I can't see this defense working but it's really interesting that they'd even attempt it.
Hilarious how obvious it is to people that the media they dont follow is a lying propaganda machine but they cant see that their side is doing the same thing. The cable "news" networks are shameless in their cheerleading and severely lacking in any interest in getting to the whole truth. Spoon feeding their audiences the outage porn they crave to get higher ratings is the standard now.

Fox is a danger to the mental well being of the citizens and a danger to democracy
I disagree. While they have been guilty of being slanted on occasion, i would say they are more motivated by the greater good.
Lololololol. The greater mean Money??????? Cause that's their only motivation. Just because Fox News started this modern news shitshow and is clearly the best at it, does not absolve msnbc and CNN. 20 years ago, sure. But they have transitioned into exactly what Fox news is...untrustworthy political garbage. And I don't even blame them, as this is what makes profit. Rupert Murdoch said himself that Fox News would be a left leaning liberal station if that's where the money was.

The Days of Edward R Murrow are long forgotten.
Fox is a danger to the mental well being of the citizens and a danger to democracy

Bro, I turned on Fox news for two seconds while channel surfing and I strangely started getting the inclination to start rioting at a government building and at the same time wanted to secure our borders from illegals.

It was weird.
Fox is a danger to the mental well being of the citizens and a danger to democracy

Remember that after Trump lost the election, rightist nutters were looking at ditching Fox because it wasn't crazy and authoritarian *enough*. So the problem is much deeper than this. The issue is that a lot of people think that they're entitled to news that supports their beliefs, regardless of whether the beliefs are true or not. What's more, a lot of them think wrongly that that's how real news works, too--just caters to a different set of beliefs. Having propaganda outlets like Fox around contributes to the problem, but the demand for (rather than the supply of) that kind of thing is the problem.
Looking from the outside it is quite funny how bolshevics are ceasing power in USA with zero pushback.

Down to hunting down and eliminating political dissidents after an election that the guys in Belarus would be embarrassed to try and pull off.
Hilarious how obvious it is to people that the media they dont follow is a lying propaganda machine but they cant see that their side is doing the same thing. The cable "news" networks are shameless in their cheerleading and severely lacking in any interest in getting to the whole truth. Spoon feeding their audiences the outage porn they crave to get higher ratings is the standard now.

There are layers to this. At no point during Russia investigation did CNN or MSNBC etc incite a riot or violence against the current administration. They would report on the leaks and unnamed sources crap but they didn’t whip up viewer into a frenzy.
Looking from the outside it is quite funny how bolshevics are ceasing power in USA with zero pushback.

Down to hunting down and eliminating political dissidents after an election that the guys in Belarus would be embarrassed to try and pull off.

You’ve been given bad information if you believe this. People who commit crimes should be held accountable regardless if they did it while in office. Taking down the opposition is what Trump tried to do to Biden before the election with Ukraine. That is going after a political rival like Putin does to popular rivals.
There are layers to this. At no point during Russia investigation did CNN or MSNBC etc incite a riot or violence against the current administration. They would report on the leaks and unnamed sources crap but they didn’t whip up viewer into a frenzy.


Did you forget there was an attempted assassination on half the Republican senate?
Remember that after Trump lost the election, rightist nutters were looking at ditching Fox because it wasn't crazy and authoritarian *enough*. So the problem is much deeper than this. The issue is that a lot of people think that they're entitled to news that supports their beliefs, regardless of whether the beliefs are true or not. What's more, a lot of them think wrongly that that's how real news works, too--just caters to a different set of beliefs. Having propaganda outlets like Fox around contributes to the problem, but the demand for (rather than the supply of) that kind of thing is the problem.

I have said it before multiple times, Fox needs to be taken off the air. It is no different than having Al Qaeda on our airwaves. They are a clear danger to the country and this proves it.
Phuck off 10x the violence was invited by cnn, and their propaganda is intense and weird right now.

I used to call for Fox News to lose the right to call itself “news,” because it was biased. Cnn is far worse now. Straight propaganda.