Lost Ark getting US release! Amazon games new 4k trailer

Don't much care for the trailer, but I like the idea. It's been a while since I messed with an MMO, and I've yet to really enjoy one that's come out of Korea; but playing an action MMO from an isometric perspective might be the only thing that could rope me back in.

I'm not really into the currency exchange thing either. I'd rather they just charge a sub fee if it's warranted and leave it at that. But if their hooking whales lets me enjoy the game without a sub fee, and I don't feel like leveling and gear have been nerfed to entice me to spend more money I'll be okay with it.
since OP seemed upset about my gif or something, i figured i'd take a look at this.


tl;dr - the game is p2w

you're all welcome.
before you jump the gun crapping all over a game thats not even out yet
maybe watch this.. lost ark is not pay to win.. all content is accessible to all players...
can you pay to progress faster ? somewhat? but all players can get to the same place
also in raids all players are equal and you cannot use pay to win to beat other players...
before you jump the gun crapping all over a game thats not even out yet

it's been out for years.

before you jump the gun crapping all over a game thats not even out yet
maybe watch this.. lost ark is not pay to win.. all content is accessible to all players...
can you pay to progress faster ? somewhat? but all players can get to the same place
also in raids all players are equal and you cannot use pay to win to beat other players...

and lolz @ defending p2w and rationalizing it as something else. 'it's not p2w! it's just pay to progress faster! it's just pay2speed up! it's just pay2boost! it's just pay2get advantages over other players! it's totally different!'


why did you even bump this after 2 weeks?
Was interested in this game looong ago. Seems I first saw it ages ago. That time is past now/
before you jump the gun crapping all over a game thats not even out yet
maybe watch this.. lost ark is not pay to win.. all content is accessible to all players...
can you pay to progress faster ? somewhat? but all players can get to the same place
also in raids all players are equal and you cannot use pay to win to beat other players...

i wanted this game, but why not making a flat price instead of adding a bunch of bullshit in it ?

Wait a second, Korean people helped shape this game for the west? WTF? Then they'd know to get rid of the stupid ass shop and make it a flat price.
maybe watch this.. lost ark is not pay to win.. all content is accessible to all players...
can you pay to progress faster ? somewhat? but all players can get to the same place
Just because content is still accessible to all doesn't make a game not pay-to-win. You can grind as a F2P and get the same stuff as a Whale putting in way less effort from buying shortcuts but if the model is to entice players with microtransactions it is still P2W
Just because content is still accessible to all doesn't make a game not pay-to-win. You can grind as a F2P and get the same stuff as a Whale putting in way less effort from buying shortcuts but if the model is to entice players with microtransactions it is still P2W
Well then I guess the game is bad and no one should play it or post threads about it. Please delete the thread
Well then I guess the game is bad and no one should play it or post threads about it. Please delete the thread
I don't necessarily think that entails that the game is bad; I actually have a few gacha games on my phone that I play and enjoy them quite a bit. Some games are just geared towards making their money over time with impulsive people and that isn't really a bad thing unless you are one of those types or care about playing competitively. If the game is fun, it is fun

Well then I guess the game is bad and no one should play it or post threads about it. Please delete the thread

they were orginally planning on making this a flat price. But hearing how they had koreans design it for the west, was the first red flag. Western audience dont like "free" model.
Well, the game comes out next week. Im gonna be playing it. Word of mouth has been mostly positive from the streamers that I've seen. My understanding is they ditched the economic model that people saw as P2W for the western release because western audiences dont like those mechanics. There was some sort of system where you purchased crystals and with enough of them you could get some sort of bonus roll on dungeon content, but that mechanics has been removed for the western release and the focus is on more cosmetic items like skins, etc.

The opinion seems to be that the devs listen to the community and their improvements seem to be consistent and in line with fixing the problems the community has. More importantly, there seems to be content geared towards hard cores and people that cant play 6 hours a day.

Plus note, the game has steadily increased its player base in both Korea and Russia, which is kind of nice to hear that in 2021 (or 2022 at this point) an MMO is actually growing instead of shrinking.

Western audiences also get the bonus of coming into the game with what has now been a few years of new content/balancing, etc. So theres apparently loads of end game content and I guess some sort of system where you can create you own mini-games at your stronghold and invite people to play them...or something? Apparently theres tons of mini games like tower defense, racing, platforming, and more to come including some variation of mario party.

There’s a difference between how “westerners” and Asians view f2p/p2w?

Apparently, yeah. I can only go by a few things I see on the various streaming vids but western audiences despise p2w schemes and European/Asian regions dont seem to have the same hatred of it. My understanding is theyve been removed from the western release an d the focus is on cosmetics.
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I played in the beta and enjoyed it, I am very excited to get back in and explore the world more. Classes look fun and the leveling system is not some crazy long as journey. The rewards for rest experience in dungeons is amazing, the game seems to respect your time much better then most MMO/live service games.
Officer Rick got banned? Several months ago to boot? How did I not know that? People in the War Room hated that guy, I would’ve expected more hullabaloo about him getting the hammer.
I played in the beta and enjoyed it, I am very excited to get back in and explore the world more. Classes look fun and the leveling system is not some crazy long as journey. The rewards for rest experience in dungeons is amazing, the game seems to respect your time much better then most MMO/live service games.

This is arguably the biggest reason Im actually excited for an MMO for the first time since KOTOR. While I certainly dont expect it to be grind free, what I hated was how much of a time sink MMOs had become without any real gain. Youd play for hours and basically get some trash loot and not much else. Everything Im hearing so far about their end game activities makes it sound like theres a shit ton of stuff to keep you occupied, whether you want to jump in and log out or stay for a long haul.
This vid goes into more depth about the real money mechanics. This streamer argues that he personally find it to be "Pay for convenience" but he also acknowledges that others might disagree.

NOTE: In PvP all gear is equalized. Meaning that no matter how far ahead you might be from other players in PvE, when you get into a PvP match everyone is on even ground, so any advancement in PvE content/loot will have no bearing on PvP play.

Only watched the vid once but I'll try to break it down.

Theres 4 types of currency.

Gold and silver. You get this for just doing stuff. Quests, grinding, etc. Gold is more valuable and the main means of interacting with the auction house in game.

Crystals. heres where interpretations start to come in. Crystals are a more exclusive form of currency and can be purchased with in-game gold. It hasnt been officially announced but on other regions you can get it in game through log in rewards/dailies, etc so the assumption is that it will remain so for US launch. Crystals can be spent on in game shops for quality of life items. Shorter cooldown on fast travel, resurrection feathers, etc. Crystals are also used in game to purchase certain mats for item upgrades, including upgrades that are necessary for progress. You can choose to acquire all of these item up[grades by questing, but it will take a bit longer. NOTE: The devs point out that one of the reasons for this feature is that it keeps people from gaming the auction house to buy up all the important mats and then sell them at rocket high prices. The in game store gives a flat value to these items that are required for PvE progress.

So basically, you can use your in game gold to purchase crystals, and with crystals you can purchase quality of life and item upgrades. The item upgrades for progression occur naturally during the game, but if you use crystals you can acquire them a bit faster.

The final currency is royal crystals, and this is the only currency available to purchase with real money. This is the currency for things like skins, cosmetics, etc. You can also purchase crystal packs, and as we just established, crystals can be used to acquire certain mats for PvE progression that would take slightly longer to acquire just playing the game and questing.

So some people would call it p2w. For me personally, I dont really care if someone pays money for something that affects their own personal game, especially something that I'll get anyway. P2W for me has been a big issue in anything competitive, like PvP. If someone wants to pay real money to avoid a bit of grind, I couldnt give less of a shit. Most of the streamers I've seen that have talked about how the crystal currency works say it's not intrusive and doesnt break any balancing issues. But we'll see.

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