I hate the girls that I meet in my 30’s

Just a bit of a vent.

When I was in my 20’s all the girls I met were attractive and hot and fun and had pretty good attitudes and just wanted to have fun.

Girls I meet in my 30’s just suck.

They’re older, they weigh more, and they somehow, SOMEHOW expect more when they are LESS attractive than they used to be and have a higher bodycount.

I wish someone had told me when I was in my 20’s that women will suck when I’m older.

I would have just gotten married to one of them or something. But then I just would have ended up divorced which would be worse.

I’m 32 and my kids mom is 29 and she looks like she’s 40 now and I look way younger. She looks like she got beaten with an ugly stick.

End Rant.
They're not girls anymore. They're women.
I’d probably say the same about men if I were gay. Who knows though…
Yeah people always paint it as misogyny, but I'm sure dating dudes sucks just as much as dating women. But I'm not into dudes so that's never been my problem.

Fuck, if anything it would make life easier because men always seem more interested than women.
Yeah people always paint it as misogyny, but I'm sure dating dudes sucks just as much as dating women. But I'm not into dudes so that's never been my problem.

Fuck, if anything it would make life easier because men always seem more interested than women.
Lived with some friends sometime after 2010 and it was great. They never made me do anything I didn’t want to do. Spent a lot of time together simply because we wanted to. Watched Breaking Bad every week. Played CoD. Mutually masturbated. It was fun. Then one of them got a girlfriend to move in and everything kind of went south. We didn’t really masturbate each other.
Lived with some friends sometime after 2010 and it was great. They never made me do anything I didn’t want to do. Spent a lot of time together simply because we wanted to. Watched Breaking Bad every week. Played CoD. Mutually masturbated. It was fun. Then one of them got a girlfriend to move in and everything kind of went south. We didn’t really masturbate each other.
Getting older is the shits. The girls get uglier and your body starts fallin apart, and all your friends turn into assholes or have families and don't want to hang out anymore.
Getting older is the shits. The girls get uglier and your body starts fallin apart, and all your friends turn into assholes or have families and don't want to hang out anymore.

And apparently they stop masturbating with you. Who knew?
Quit feeling sorry for yourself and grow a personality. I’m not overly attractive but I’ve always had an easy time finding some.
It’s like a video game and I’m playing on hard

I don't feel sorry for myself bud I was just venting about how I don't like women my own age.

I just bitch about stuff sometimes, it's not like I'm depressed or suicidal.
Then he'll start complaining that they're unfaithful, can't relate to them, they won't commit, they don't work hard or have morals or that they just don't get him.

Yea in hindsight this is a thread i made about a grown man bitching about regular ass life experiences. Not some kind of legitimate sorrow.
Yea in hindsight this is a thread i made about a grown man bitching about regular ass life experiences. Not some kind of legitimate sorrow.

Life isn't easy. As you get older, it gets harder. Adjust your expectations. Have some fun. Just let things happen. You're trying too hard.

Wish you luck man. I've fucked up some solid relationships with some great women over dumb shit and valued some shit women in bad relationships far too much. There's no right answer.
I don't feel sorry for myself bud I was just venting about how I don't like women my own age.

I just bitch about stuff sometimes, it's not like I'm depressed or suicidal.
Women in their 30’s that are single either found the wrong guy or are the wrong girl for somebody. For most, they’re happily married so you’re kind of dipping in the bargain bin a bit to put it bluntly.
They're disgusting. They shoukd be treated as used whores by all accounts..
Women in their 30’s that are single either found the wrong guy or are the wrong girl for somebody. For most, they’re happily married so you’re kind of dipping in the bargain bin a bit to put it bluntly.

There's a lot of truth to this. In rural Ohio, many of the wife material girls were either engaged or 100% taken by their high school sweethearts by 18. And the rest were in deeply serious relationships before graduating at age 21 - 23. Which is why there was a STEEEEP decline in quality after that age.

It's a bit different here in NYC, since most people marry later. However, most of the girls who are serious about becoming good wives actively look for husbands in their 20s and are usually married by 28 or so. Meaning if a girl here is in her early 30s and single, she's probably not wife material. OBVIOUSLY with exceptions, though.

The above may seem harsh, but from experience, the girls who were 18 and knew they wanted to be a wife with kids almost always got what they wanted by age 30. The worst case scenario for women is when they're 32 and single and then realize they want kids before the timer runs out. That's where the desperation and stupidly high standards come from.
Make good money and date an early 20 something year old when you're right around 30. I was 32, she was 21 and it worked out well.