News Conor laying down the truth

I don't know if I would call it the biggest fight in history, just another Conor fight that lots of people tune into, because it's Conor.

No title, no nothing on the line, just another Conor fight.
What's the degenerate's beef with DC exactly? I skipped through the thing where DC's meant to be 'drunk' and he kept it together pretty well for supposedly being so unprofessional.
damn seeing as DC is my most hated fighter I kinda love mcg now for saying this.

never knew DC was a drunk and honestly its probably just made up by conor.. but DC already has enough negative qualities being an over competitive bully and corporate ass kisser.
Conman definitely laying down

second post sounds like a snitch running to the boss trying to get someone fired , not a good look<FookIsThatGuy>
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Bruh you were literally drinking at a press conference
No he wasn’t Conor would never drink alcohol before a press conference, hes too professional. He only does cocaine before press conferences.
Conor is right here. Poirer didn't check a single kick, except maybe with the elbow. DC's stills on ESPN actually prove Conor's point.