Media Conor McGregor Passes Out After Clubbing and Partying in Hollywood

What are you, some Puritan? Nothing wrong with partying.
Slow MMA news day apparently.

Sort your shit out.
The headline would be a lot less eye-catching if it read “human sleeps”. But it would be just as accurate. Why is this news?
Yes because nobody ever sleeps in cars except drunk alcoholics.

Seriously, I'm all for shitting on Conor when he says or does something stupid, but this is TMZ level bullshit.
Don't even pay attention. Most of this shit is just Conor fan girls trying to play up this idea that he is only losing because he parties 24 hours a day 7 days a week even in training camp ...

They just need some excuse why he's losing other than he's finally fighting actual contenders that are actually his size. Too rich, not motivated, partying day and night, raising a family, etc etc etc.
and Mcg nuthuggers still think he'll be back and regain the belt?

this POS only cares for coke, booze and easy fights, didn't cared to fix his cardio, fills his camp with yes men and still thinks he's the best.

In 5 years or more he'll be begging for freak shows for money once he spends everything on booze OR he'll have serious health issues due to alcohol consumption.
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Alcoholic UFC fighter Conor McGregor Passes Out After Clubbing and Partying in Hollywood at Drake listening party

Conor McGregor Passes Out After Clubbing and Partying in Hollywood (


Gooby never learns lol. Also that excuse Conors team put out is bullshit. He went to go out drinking and probably got hammered as usual
Man stop posting this shit LOL

Why because it triggers some latent feelings in your downstairs? Bro the Human body is amazing why be shy about it?

Conor Bless youse bums!!
500 people will post in this thread about how little they care about this thread
They need to pad that post count and defend their boy. Conor nuthuggers are the new TUF Noobs.

their post