Dude the power and accuracy of this horse kick

ts should get banned for posting such a sickening, disturbing and sad video.

@mods surely this is against some rule.
Well I hope you don't get banned for that. It's kinda eye opening, what one kick from a horse can do to (probably a 1400lb+ horse).
Between this and the zebra video, I don't know which is worse.
I'm surprised more people don't die/get seriously fucked up by horses more often. They are 1000+lb beasts that we often casually treat as pets/toys.
That guy saw it and is still trying to reign it in? I'd have bolted. If one kick can kill a horse, if that landed on me my head would go shooting into space and join Overeem's in orbit...

But seriously, my face would definitely be painted across the that yard.
Eastern European would shrug that shit off.

Maybe a little forepony would have helped?
Did that horse legit die?

Men throughout the whole animal kingdom thinking with their little head gets them killed


Sounded like he shit himself too
This is 100% why I never get anywhere near behind a horse. Those fuckers kick hard. Beautiful animals though and I enjoy being around them and riding when I get the opportunity. But I'm only getting close from the front or side.
Not trying to see some animal twitch and die…

shows how low iq the op is ..this is the crap he watches during his unemployment.