Jon Jones Allegedly Hit His Girlfriend and Head-butted a Cop Car

She could just leave him though, and she didn't for 15 years. Don't come with this "she's too scared" bullshit, if she wanted to leave she would've.

A mother usually has mother instinct and would not leave her children. The way she speaks she is scared of Jones. He probably told her he will kill her or the children if she leaves.
Dark as I thought it would be, no surprise the fiancee tried to cover him. Probably a mix of love and fear guiding her actions.

Jones gonna end up like a lame version of sonny liston. This man just can't seem to break his ways and the facts he actively tries to decieve people is what makes him a truly evil man because he knows what he is doing. When Tyson was young and going crazy, he at least never tried to cover up who he was.
Lnfao he did try look at his early interview with Bryant gumble
I'm not shitting on you bc you mean well, but we need to stop perpetuating this drivel that's reserved for talk shows and Criminal Investigation dramas directed at 50 year old women who have deep sexualized trauma.

In the real world, most women will dump you for leaving a porn tab open, let alone being a lying drug addict who hits pregnant women with cars. It's not that common. It happens, sure, more than it should, but most women are smart enough to get the fuck out of a toxic situation when it hits the point of abuse or physical escalation, unless there is life-altering incentive to stay. To Jesse, the pros outweighed the cons until the cons hit her in the face. It's what it takes for some people and that sucks.
How do you know what went on in her head? You don't know what happened before this incident. Maybe he was abusive towards her from the start and that can really fuck people up to the point where they're not particularly good at making rational decisions anymore. It's not always about the resources and the logistics of getting away. Hell, maybe she was being abused as a kid which can fuck people up even more. Abuse can literally change your brain structure and chemistry.

Now I realize that all of these are assumptions and none of this may be the case. But what you're saying is also just an assumption. Point being, nobody knows her or why she did what she did. Maybe she really is a traumatized person. Maybe she really is a rational person who was fine with it as long as is benefited her. We don't know.
A mother usually has mother instinct and would not leave her children. The way she speaks she is scared of Jones. He probably told her he will kill her or the children if she leaves.

She's not anywhere near as dumb as one might assume.

Her excuse about having blood all over here that 'her lips were dry' is intentionally implausible.

She doesn't incriminate Jon, but she makes sure her cover up story is so unbelievable everyone sees through it.

That's actually an intelligent way to play it - most of the time 'I slipped' or something - that's when you're actually trying to cover someone's ass.

It's pretty clear she is NOT trying to cover Jon's ass here.
She's not anywhere near as dumb as one might assume.

Her excuse about having blood all over here that 'her lips were dry' is intentionally implausible.

She doesn't incriminate Jon, but she makes sure her cover up story is so unbelievable everyone sees through it.

That's actually an intelligent way to play it - most of the time 'I slipped' or something - that's when you're actually trying to cover someone's ass.

It's pretty clear she is NOT trying to cover Jon's ass here.

Very much disagree.
She's acting like a typically disoriented woman who was just beaten by her man in front of kids and badly lying to cops to cover JJ. Remember the cops need the woman to file a complaint to do anything. Also, it's the kids that called the cops. She has Stockholm syndrome.
I wouldn't watch him tie on someone else's gloves; fuck that piece of shit.
I'll watch if there's a good chance that a lifetime of karma visits him within the span of a few minutes. Like Ngannou.
Very much disagree.
She's acting like a typically disoriented woman who was just beaten by her man in front of kids and badly lying to cops to cover JJ. Remember the cops need the woman to file a complaint to do anything. Also, it's the kids that called the cops. She has Stockholm syndrome.

No, sir. They don't need her to make a complaint at all. They don't necessarily even need a statement from her.
I would like to hear what set Jon off, are they going to release any more details. Why wouldn't they include the conversation?
Wow and I thought he would have got his act together by now.
Is this any worse than bumping into a pregnant lady in a car? Yet, everyone seems to have forgotten due to his elite fighter status. This will also be old news soon.

The car didn't say "pregnant lady". It's just a car, as far as he was concerned. It's the same as bumping into any other car
Cecil peoples scored the round 10-9 for The girlfriend.

In all seriousness i hope he goes to jail for 5 years this time.

His poor kids.

Daddy got drunk and high and Beat up mommy and is always in jail.

I bet his daughters can't even look him in the eye anymore.

Nah I want him to return and lose several times then he can go to prison