Media .


Whoever wins it will be another great fight I hope :cool::cool:
@Paynebringer :)
Didn't he show the image originally of the fracture to prove it wasn't a break?
The only time I've seen anybody claim it wasn't even 2-2 going into the 5th round are the die-hard Colby fans claiming the fight would have been stopped if the ref didn't call for the break.
No one questions his abilities as a fighter,

The problem is that he's an asshole and obviously oblivious about it and it's kinda sad, because he continues to isolate himself more from the ones that he share a common interest with..

Dude's kinda dumb to be honest..
Surprised Usman even took this bout as he really needs to start thinking about a huge payday superfight before he gets injured or Dana trashes him like Ngannou.
The reffing was def bullshit in that fight, and DC's commentary was ridiculously biased towards Usman.

People get so up in their feelings that they can't judge things properly.

For sure, I think Goddard did do some questionable reffing in the fight. Especially the end, I thought the stoppage was bs.

Colby was defending his head with one arm on ground and still going for a single leg with other arm. He was still in that fight.