Media Jon Jones still trashing DC on twitter

DC still thinks about. Don't pretend he doesn't.
Yup, while he enjoys fan love, fighter admiration and fraternity, a healthy, loving family, a storied career, a great commentator and analyst job, while he's considered one of the best representatives of the sport in the world.

Jon gets to get drunk and rage on his family, drag his gf (allegedly) out of slumber by her hair and hit her in the mouth, terrify his children, spend nights in jail, dare cops to fight him, blame it all on God, post narcissistic bs that makes him seem insane, all while basking in that certain knowledge that "DC still thinks about it".

We get the rewards we deserve sometimes. This is a guy who can't even be PROUD of being considered GOAT by many because there are so many layers of shame and embarrassment on top of that one layer of gloss. Imagine being able to shit the bed on your legacy of being the GOAT? That takes a lot of bad karma.

While DC probably regrets the losses, Jon regrets and denies the general theme of his life.
DC retired on a 2-fight losing streak meanwhile Jon is still undefeated.
Jones is a drug addict, drug cheat, woman beater, and broke a pregnant woman's arm. Every win he has is fake and has a huge asterisk for multiple steroid failures.

He's not in GOAT contention at all.
Jones is a better fighter but what does that matter when Jones is a complete loser at life and a piece of garbage excuse for a sub-human being? He is every bit as worthless as Conor.
he s a millionare
You didn't get the joke? Think it through for a second, it's not exactly deep.

And the bolded sentence isn't saying what you think it's saying. Give yourself a moment to think that through too.
Elaborate then.
yeaa his trash talk is meaningless.
dude needs to learn to take responsibility and quit blaming his fuck ups on his "faith".
Jones does have a point, he doesn't know what he can learn from DC because he beat DC. I think DC could tech jones about fighting at HW though because Jones has never fought there thus, never experienced any measure of success at heavy weight.
Elaborate then.
The dude said to Jones that he should train with DC. Jones responded that he wants to get better... insinuating that DC is unskilled and wouldn't have anything for him in the training room that would help him become a better fighter.

As for your sentence, the words you were looking for were 'Jones is not even 1/10000th...'

Saying he isn't 1/10000 ect means exactly that, so he could be any other percentile of DC, including better than him.

I wouldn't have bothered pointing that out but it was ironic that you didn't get the joke and in the very next sentence say something illogical to what you wanted to say.

Just busting your balls mate!
DC has won absolutely nothing, but he does owe his career and status to jones. As someone else stated, if jones did not get into a car accident and or lose the belt from his antics, DC would not have been a LHW champion.

DC owes his career to jones although he did want to be jones.

<Lmaoo><Lmaoo> What kind of loser opinion is this?
DC's life is good 'cos he played it smart, made good decisions, speaks well, and earned a reputation as a hard and reliable worker. He didn't need Jones to self-destruct, lol.

It's not like every champion gets post-career opportunities, and It's not like every successful mma personality is a former champion. Whether or not you're a champion matters for roughly as long as you are a champion - unless you can capitalise on other opportunities. DC made his own fortunes, and he would have even if Jon hadn't turned himself into an opportunity to exploit.

It's not DC's fault that everybody had a better plan for how to use jon's career than jon himself did.
All that trash talk is useless…

DC has a great life, storied MMA career, loving family, brotherhood of fighters who adore him and a promising MMA analyst/host career.

Jon Jones life is in shambles, has addiction problems, family problems, gym problems and career will forever have a huge asterisk beside it. I’m sure I could go on lol

And for Jones you forgot: Had to cheat to beat DC, and then was scared to fight him at HW
Meh. Jones just slides further into irrelevance every day. He already destroyed his legacy and wasted much of his prime years. DC has already moved on to the next phase of his life, while Jones is sitting around trashtalking people while in career limbo.
DC still thinks about. Don't pretend he doesn't.
Think's about how he lost to a cheater when he's been a genuine athlete his whole life? I don't care if u dont like DC for whatever reason, I care that anyone compares him to a known and proven cheating felon.
All that trash talk is useless…

DC has a great life, storied MMA career, loving family, brotherhood of fighters who adore him and a promising MMA analyst/host career.

Jon Jones life is in shambles, has addiction problems, family problems, gym problems and career will forever have a huge asterisk beside it. I’m sure I could go on lol

I've been saying it for years. DC is playing the long game. Jon is going to fade into obscurity while DC will remain beloved for perhaps decades to come. No one is going to care in 2030 or 2040 that some guy named Jon Jones beat DC.