Crime Rittenhouse trial underway ***Verdict: Acquitted of all charges***

Did the evidence provided in Court proved beyond a reasonable doubt that Kyle R is Guilty of Murder

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Hold the fuck up, there's a major difference between doing an OK sign and this shit right here.

People don't group up and all do OK signs like they have muscular dystrophy. Y'all know damn well those are white power signs. Fuck this creepy little piece of shit. Foolishly wanting to be Rambo is one thing, but this is something else. Kid is just a Boogaloo Boy without enough of a spine to own up to it when he isn't surrounded by other double digit IQ goons.

Toothless trumpers will put a racoon skin hat on their babyfaced teen, hand him an AR15 and tell him "youre a man now boy, go get em"
As opposed to you, who put some ecko on your kid, hand him an AK-47 and tell him to smoke his cuzin for slanging rocks on yer block without permission?

See how stupid generalizations sound?
You're nothing but a lowlife, no class having, bitch ass troll account.
Have any jurors made any statements yet? I'd really like to know what was going on in the jury room.

MSNBC's jury bus-chasing team should have the first scoop ;)

Jokes aside, the vast public interest for the jury's opinion right after the case is probably why Irene told her freelancers to tail the jurors in the first place, not any of that conspiracies in the rightwing circle. Too bad the bumbling idiot couldn't even follow a giant bus without breaking traffic laws.
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There have been around 5 requests for the link of biden saying it and not a single link given. Its strange. Im not sitting through 5 minutes of the most dishonest abhorent shit network on television and their liying spin to get it either. Fox news is disgusting frankly.

Anybody got a link to the actuall tweet from biden? Id like to see it.

Edit-- @GearSolidMetal thanks for posting it. I was begining to think it didn't exist as multiple requests have gone unanswered. I dont understand why politicians lie like this or take definite sides on an unresolved issue. Sometimes its hard to comprehend the stupidity of it. I sure despise liars.

@Contempt. there is no need to lie about me. Anybody here on the right that knows my post history knows i dont shill for my side ever and if anything am harder on my side than i am the right. Im sure youll retract your post lying otherwise though.

Well, in this case, FOX was the ONLY main network being honest.
Toothless trumpers will put a racoon skin hat on their babyfaced teen, hand him an AR15 and tell him "youre a man now boy, go get em"

After the carnage inflicted by thugs last summer on small business owners and civilians, and cops unable to save and control them, every small business owner must now own a AR15 and use antifa and rioters for target practice.
The shooting starts before the looting starts ;)
Am I missing something from the trial that made an actual case against him being a white supremacist? Not being convicted for murder does not also exonerate him of everything he's ever been accused of.

Yea, he handed his cell phone over. And prosecution could find nothing suggesting he was even slightly into White Supremacy
Actually no, it really isn't.

Rittenhouse went to the riots to defend private property and provide medical attention to whoever needed it as best as he could.

He was attacked, he defended himself, and 'one side' have been trying to destroy him and send him to live in a cage until he dies.

If riots were threatening YOUR friends and family's areas, would you stand by and do nothing? Maybe you would. I, and many over here with the means to defend what's valuable to us, would do whatever is neccessary.

How about doing what in neccessary to survive a 3-on-1 attack? Don't you have the right to self-defense?

And that's why many more people than probably you would have thought have been taking this court case very personal.

This isn't just about Rittenhouse, its about our rights to self-preservation when the government fails to do it.

Thank God Rittenhouse had that gun, and I'm guessing you had no clue that while he was being chased a handgun was fired behind him?

Also, his 3rd attacker, the one that survived but his bicep was blown off? Did you know he pointed a gun at Rittenhouse and was about to pull the trigger but thankfully Rittenhouse did first?

I ask those questions honestly not knowing if you knew the answers. So please answer them.

Those that don't aren't paying attention.

Yet you sound like you think everyone that's right-wing is a die-hard Trump supporter.

Apathy is death.

Sounds like you're fine with indifference.

Remember last years BLM riots? I sure as hell do.

Causing $2 Billion of damage, 32 people dead, and untold amount of chaos?

There'd be much fewer rioters if there were more Kyle Rittenhouses across the nation. And no, not to shoot people, just to show that there are armed people in areas there'd be no defense against those that'd want to burn it all to the ground.

That's an interesting question - "Is the general population doing better?"

Just look at the world in the last 20 months. What were the problems? What have been the solutions? What are the new problems? What problems were there before and that have gotten worse?

What's the source of those new problems?
Why haven't those problems that could have been fixed been fixed yet?
Are those who are in charge of problems view the problems as problems?

Everyone that has their answers to these questions have picked a side.

Honestly, and I'm not saying this to be a dick and this will probably be my last post on this, your entire rebuttal really proved exactly what I am talking about. You've really confirmed my main points:

1. You, along with many others, love this side vs. side bullshit of an antiquated political system.

2. Ironically, side vs side is probably one of the worst things for our nation and our foreign enemies love it. Aren't you military or former military? Do you not acknowledge this?

3. You actually think more armed citizens at a riot is a good idea, or on the flip side, you think this is actually a deterrent for riots. Either way, I don't think you could be more wrong. Again, I thought you were military (I could be wrong), but I'd guess most in law enforcement or military will agree that the bulk of citizens, even if typically responsible gun owners, have no business being in a high pressure situation like a riot armed to the gills.

4. You bringing up the facts of the case shows you aren't even hearing what I'm saying. It shows the mindset that most are doing with the case. He's critiquing Rittenhouse, he must be on the "other side"! Yes, I know all of those facts, and that's why I said Not Guilty was correct.

5. Apathy on the situation? Honestly, I view it as the exact opposite. Instead of being so narrow minded and sheepish that I'd need to include myself on "one side" of the situation, I can look at both sides and see faults and correct points.

I don't normally engage in all of this because it is all noise. Here's what I know for a fact: I've set up my life to excel under any leadership. The quality of my life is not going to be contingent upon a political party being in office or in power. I'm not immune to the effects of the government, but I'm going to adapt and still improve. Just like with when Trump was elected and just like with when Biden was elected, winners will continue to win and losers will continue to lose. Most throwing stones from one side to the other are guilty of doing the same shit.

My final point is the irony about the media critique. This trial changes very little. Will Rittenhouse get payouts? Probably, but the media companies will still profit. Why? Because those of you who seem to hate the media so much will continue to feed them heavily through clicks and views. Your die hard and never ending debates on your side vs. the other is feeding exactly what you are bitching about.
Not trying to be a dick here nor was my original post just directed at you (your post just seemed relevant to my thoughts on the entire situation), but you missed the entire point of my post. My post is basically stating "picking a side" is ridiculous and shows just how broken our political system is. You have one side claiming the media is creating this divide and that side eats it up. The other side claiming someone like Trump is creating a divide and that side eats it up. Both sides just go on and on with hyperbole and childish arguing. I realize this isn't a new thing and it's one of the reasons that I stay out of the war room, but it's been amped up majorly in the last few years. Both sides love the fucking drama, and our foreign threats are loving the divide. Everyone should know this, but what is their counter? "Well that side created it and they are worse!". Honestly, it's like dealing with young children.

Not everything is Left/Right. Some things are just right/wrong. Take the Arbury case, I see very little argument there. I see little defense for those murderers from the right.

This case should have been the same, but one side is still stuck believing this is left vs right because the media/ big tech and damn near every politician on 1 side.
Some Americans don't know the history of their own nation, it would seem,

"A 17 year old boy should not be allowed to carry a rifle!"

Yeah, if it wasn't for a 17 year olds(and some even younger)carrying rifles, America would still be a British colony, dumbass:rolleyes:
Part of the false, biased narrative people keep bringing to this case. He shouldn't have been there, he was a minor, etc. He was absolutely within his rights to be there. And his age should only be brought into question if there is proof he did something immature or responsible that could reasonably be blamed on youth and inexperience. I have yet to see a shred of evidence supporting that.

I have seen a lot of evidence that KR conducted himself more more responsibly than many adults do in these situations. More than the adults he killed. Not murdered. Killed.
Oh, and one last thing.

If the facts of the case aren't enough to convince you that Rittenhouse is innocent, just check out 'the side' that couldn't give a fuck about the facts of the case and want Rittenhouse thrown in prison for the rest of his life anyway.

Holy shit - this is exactly why I don't post here and illustrates how much you just want to argue side vs. side. Did you not see how many times that I've said he is not guilty? Honestly, I'm surprised they deliberated that long as it was an easy decision. He's innocent and not guilty, but honestly pretty fucking stupid to be in that situation and lucky it didn't go bad. If you are a parent, I can't imagine you'd support your undersized 17 year old carrying an AR to a riot as a vigilante. And before you start talking about the attackers, as mentioned many times, total dumbass decisions all around. But guess what? I'd expect a bunch of fucking idiots at a riot and would likely steer clear if possible.
Not everything is Left/Right. Some things are just right/wrong. Take the Arbury case, I see very little argument there. I see little defense for those murderers from the right.

This case should have been the same, but one side is still stuck believing this is left vs right because the media/ big tech and damn near every politician on 1 side.

I'm not sure what side you are referring to, but it's pretty clear in this thread that both sides think this is a side vs side thing. And please don't go the route of "they started it"...
Am I missing something from the trial that made an actual case against him being a white supremacist? Not being convicted for murder does not also exonerate him of everything he's ever been accused of.
The defense attorney talked about it in an interview after the trial. He said that the FBI and federal government had access to Kyle's cell phone and computer, which would have shown whether he went to any white power websites or groups. If he had, then the state prosecutor would have used it in court, but apparently there was nothing.
Not everything is Left/Right. Some things are just right/wrong. Take the Arbury case, I see very little argument there. I see little defense for those murderers from the right.

This case should have been the same, but one side is still stuck believing this is left vs right because the media/ big tech and damn near every politician on 1 side.

It’s also convenient to ignore that the state, the politicians, judges,DAs, mayors, administrators etc. told the police not to protect people/property. It went so far that a mother and her children called 911 in their car as they were being attacked by rioters and the dispatcher told her to fuck off essentially. So if the state isn’t going to protect you as someone is whipping a firebomb into your business or soccer kicking your teeth down your throat, what other option do you have?

That point has been lost in all this, the state was complicit in all the violence, and even encouraged and sanctioned it. Absolutely treacherous.
Business owners should have the right to be armed and defend their property, with the help of friends. They should not be trying to clear streets but on their property and protecting it.
not true there are always rules.

false surrender is the most cowardly thing you can do which is why it is a war crime under the Geneva Convention in times of war

And who false surrenders to an active shooter? Active shooters are murderers, not cops.
The perils of being a facts based center type guy is you often get shit by both sides and called an alt something lol.
I'm going to call you an ALT - Libertarian

ALT-CTRL-DEL. That's what I feel like doing whenever any of the WR partisan drones/trolls quoting me just to say something profoundly stupid, hahaha.

The good thing is, this poll result serves as an excellent template for everyone to update their ignore lists.
That can't be right. If it were that would make this black on black crime. The left gives a fuck about this shooting. It's not black on black crime.
Technically we all are since the sapiens came from Africa.
Holy shit - this is exactly why I don't post here and illustrates how much you just want to argue side vs. side. Did you not see how many times that I've said he is not guilty? Honestly, I'm surprised they deliberated that long as it was an easy decision. He's innocent and not guilty, but honestly pretty fucking stupid to be in that situation and lucky it didn't go bad. If you are a parent, I can't imagine you'd support your undersized 17 year old carrying an AR to a riot as a vigilante. And before you start talking about the attackers, as mentioned many times, total dumbass decisions all around. But guess what? I'd expect a bunch of fucking idiots at a riot and would likely steer clear if possible.

He wasn't guilty, but still had to go through a year of:
  1. A year of the media painting him as a white supremacist; painting him as a clear aggressor at the protests
  2. A year of dealing with a criminal case with the penalty of life in prison for charges there were was no legal basis for. The only arguable one was the gun charge, which the state lost. They could have got the curfew one if they wanted, but was also asymmetrically applied as no one else was hit was a curfew violation.

On a larger scale, it was a good example of truth v fiction. It was incredibly documented what had happened that night and the trial filled in much of the ancillary details around it. It's a good thing that the truth won. The claims of the state were incredibly dangerous. You are provoking an attack by putting out arson? You are provoking an attack by open carrying? You have to get into a fist fight before you are eligible to use a gun for self-defense? Absolute lunacy.

Anyone trying to obfuscate from that with nonsense like "he crossed state lines" or "he shouldn't have been there anyways!" or "would you want your 17 year old there?" is just missing the point. We have a legal system. Kyle's actions, against the serious charges of homicide and wanton endangerment, were so clearly legal. Yet, a large percentage of the world, including the state, wanted you to believe what you saw wasn't real and that the law isn't the law.

At the same time, we have retards on TV and in Hollywood circles trying to get Julius Jones off, again through the same campaign of lies. A murderer who is now getting rich off of his celebrity from murdering an innocent man for a car.
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