News Francis's agent reveals vile message from Vegas number before the fight.

Dana for sure..

But he is bulletproof from cancel culture..
As dumb and hotheaded as Dana is, I don't see him calling someone a 'dumb black bitch'

Don't think he'd bring race into it, and he doesn't call people bitches. He calls people goofballs, idiots, dummies, morons, pussies, dicks, pieces of shit, but never have I heard him call someone a bitch.
According to sherdoggers, we're all supposed to shut up about salaries because more money will make fighters lazy.

According to sherdoggers, fighters are not supposed to ask for a raise in pay because they don't deserve more.

According to sherdoggers, fighters who bleed, sweat, and cry should be paid the same percentage as a janitor or waittress.
Weak "evidence".. could be any affiliated Vegas guy. I don't think its beneath Dana though.

Probably someone higher up in the company. Even knowing facts about the agent like where he used to work. All because the heavyweight champ wanted to get paid more than 600k and to be treated with respect. Fucking despicable.

Luckily Francis won and made the UFC eat shit. You can tell they are pissed by Dana refusing to put the belt on him and to attend the press conference.

Edit: the guy was also a former UFC employee and now works for the agency the UFC hates CAA.

francis shoud leave
Dana for sure..

But he is bulletproof from cancel culture..
The day cancel culture comes into MMA, is the day I'm probably done with the sport. Everyone is going to be censored in a sport where you beat the living shit out of each other.

I guess if anyone deserves to be "cancelled" it's probably Dana White.
Dana can make his title defenses harder or easier. And Ngannou does not move PPV like Conor, only reason Conor got his boxing match was because of that.

How can Dana make his title defenses harder or easier?
HW isn't a deeply stacked division. And Ngannou has leverage as the champion. It won't be a good look for Dana or the promotion if they blatantly try to rob Ngannou of it.
Ngannou is also a free agent, AND he has the belt, so he's not locked into the contract like others would have been.

Does the UFC want their HW champion to just leave for another sport for a bigger pay day? Does that make the UFC look good?

Dana has favorites. The UFC also promoted the shit out of Conor. They don't do that with all fighters. They did a world press tour for the Aldo fight, and the whole 'double weight' champ started for Conor.
Would Ngannou be as big as Conor if he had had the same push? I doubt it. But, he'd be bigger than he is now.
The UFC does a half ass job of promoting most of its fighters, so it makes little sense to then use that as a way to discredit their popularity.
Does sound like Dana to be honest, from the comments I've read he often types like a child, bad punctuation, poor grammar, emojis etc.
As dumb and hotheaded as Dana is, I don't see him calling someone a 'dumb black bitch'

Don't think he'd bring race into it, and he doesn't call people bitches. He calls people goofballs, idiots, dummies, morons, pussies, dicks, pieces of shit, but never have I heard him call someone a bitch.

He also used to call people f@ggots before he got taken to task by glaad
Dana literally used to pay people to make YouTube videos bashing Fedor so I don’t see this type of behaviour as beneath him
Why block the number? Let it roll. Whomever this racist piece of shit is that sent the message deserves to be bombarded with spam at the very least.

Ok. Why do we even need laws then? Anyone can just randomly decide which punishment should be applied for each crime.
Nah. That shit was awesome
It was awesome wasn't it bro. I watched after a friend told me how boring it was but didn't spoil the results and when the later rounds came I was on the edge of my seat man. So exciting and I was happy and impressed with Nnganou game planning grappling
How can Dana make his title defenses harder or easier?
HW isn't a deeply stacked division. And Ngannou has leverage as the champion. It won't be a good look for Dana or the promotion if they blatantly try to rob Ngannou of it.
Ngannou is also a free agent, AND he has the belt, so he's not locked into the contract like others would have been.

Does the UFC want their HW champion to just leave for another sport for a bigger pay day? Does that make the UFC look good?

Dana has favorites. The UFC also promoted the shit out of Conor. They don't do that with all fighters. They did a world press tour for the Aldo fight, and the whole 'double weight' champ started for Conor.
Would Ngannou be as big as Conor if he had had the same push? I doubt it. But, he'd be bigger than he is now.
The UFC does a half ass job of promoting most of its fighters, so it makes little sense to then use that as a way to discredit their popularity.

UFC is about the brand and not the fighters, they don't build stars. Any Champion that has complained about purse got the hard treatment.

How can they pressure Ngannou? Offer him Lewis again, demand a date that makes harder for his return, leak to the media stories about him refusing fights. Dana has done this constantly to guys he does not like.

He will not resign Francis. Dana is the guy that passed up on Fedor out of spite, defaming him for a decade.

But this could be a positive change for fighters, Francis should move out.