Media GIFs Derrick Lewis' ALL KO/TKO Losses

I wish mark fucking goddard would have let hunt knock him in a proper way instead of letting him quit like that
Deserves to be made fun of for getting question mark kicked by a human burrito.
How many threads predicted that Mitrione, Jordan, and Hunt would make “HW evolve” and would become “HW GOAT”?

I just wanted to know if there is any precursor to the shit being said right now, or if all of this hyperbole is being said just this once when someone beats Lewis.
Lewis going down the Bob Sapp road. Big strong powerful dude that goes fetal when hurt.
Those dudes are throwing full torque just to get the big bastard down.
Figure this thread is worth bumping seeing as all his TKO losses pretty much come when he's backed up, hurt, and tired like he was against Tai.

Coincidentally its also when he's most likely to score a KO, and then say something that will spawn more threads than his actual fight.

War Black Beast... Lol @ the dive talk.
Holy shit - there's a HOOK KICK tko in the ufc?! From a HEAVWEIGHT? What universe am I living in? Kudos to Shawn Jordan for that one!
I think the only time he has been out cold was versus Matt Mitrione. Anyways, here are the GIFs I just made, next time I'll make one out of his KO victories in the UFC.





Hunto is GOAT.


@Limbo Pete
All hate aside, Lewis still has an extremely good chin, taking bombs like that plus the follow up shots and still not being completely out is impressive. If he was able to get his cardio to a higher level to help that recovery and resilience he’d be that much more dangerous.

Unfortunately he seems to mentally fold as soon as he gets rocked and looks for a way out, I see a similarities between him and Oliveira earlier in his career. Maybe he needs to get on the same program that got Charles over the hump.

Chute Box BB would be the UFC HW Champ.
that switch kick thing BB does in the shawn jordan gif is hilarious

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