Crime "You are a disgrace": German MP calls out Trudeau to his face during intense speech


Steel Belt
Dec 3, 2010
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"You are a disgrace": German MP calls out Trudeau to his face during intense speech

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau got an earful from a German Member of EU Parliament on Wednesday.

After speaking with European parliamentarians during his two-day official visit to Brussels, the floor was given to German MP Christine Anderson who called out the Canadian prime minister, saying he should not be able to speak in European Parliament.

Anderson says she took the opportunity to give Trudeau an “appropriate welcome,” calling it “short, concise” and “hitting the bull’s eye.”

“Based on article 195, I would like to point out that it would have been appropriate for Mr. Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada, to address this house, according to article 144,” she began. “An article, which was specifically designed to debate the violations of human rights, democracy, and the rule of law which is clearly the case with Mr. Trudreau.”

Anderson accused Trudeau of openly admiring the Chinese basic dictatorship and called out the prime minister for trampling on “fundamental rights by persecuting and criminalizing his own citizens as terrorists just because they dare to stand up to his perverted concept of democracy.”

She ended her speech by telling Trudeau he is a “disgrace for any democracy. Please spare us your presence.”

Croatian MP Mislav Kolakusic also called out Trudeau for violating the civil rights of Canadians who participated in the “Freedom Convoy” protests. During his own blistering speech to fellow EU Parliamentarians, Kolakusic told Trudeau his actions in enacting the Emergencies Act was “dictatorship of the worst kind.”

Trudeau sat and listened as Kolakusic informed the prime minister that many Europeans watched as he “trampled women with horses,” and blocked “the bank accounts of single parents.”

Romanian MEP Christian Terhes also refused to attend Trudeau’s speech to the other EU Members.

During his European stay, Trudeau will also attend meetings of G7 and NATO leaders concerning the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine.
Well, in this situation for EU is not advisable to have conflict vs Canada.
Canada is rare case with 0 real energy dependence from Russia.
More than this: they sooner or later might impact uranium, crude oil and natural gas prices more seriously.
They also does have mining industry where some production is the same as Russia's production. Including rare earth metals.
Hey, Frau Anderson!