Gf dont want me to werstling with girls in the gym

Funny, my coworker (female) was looking for a spot to get into bjj. I brought her to a dojo with me, my wife requested she does not roll with me... which was weird because I've rolled with women millions of times and this one was more like a sister to me.

I think my coworker got a tad bit offended.

In any case, it's no big deal. Yeah, you're all tangled up and crap, but when the fighting starts you switch to "fight mode"... especially if she is skilled.
But what do you tell everyone at his place of work when the girl's want to roll? "I'm sorry, my fiancee won't let me", he'd get pointed and laughed at.
Somehow my gf (soon to be wife) knew about me wrestling
With the females in the gym, we had a big argument she was ok with boxing but no bjj or ground stuff.

When I was down on my luck the
gym owner and his wife gave me a job there
It helped get back on feet. Im grateful for them
so I cant be a basterd incel and make that weird request
What to do?

Im not trying to be an asshole but your gf needs to grow up a bit.
It's not like you're giving naked lessons in a private room ffs.

What is she so jealous of anyway?
But what do you tell everyone at his place of work when the girl's want to roll? "I'm sorry, my fiancee won't let me", he'd get pointed and laughed at.

I would think his fiancee needs to get over it.

The only other time I heard of something similar was this Muslim dude in our Judo class that said he couldn't touch a woman who isn't his wife. I remember a Jewish man saying the same thing. I don't think it's that serious, but it's their religion and they're entitled to their belief.
I would think his fiancee needs to get over it.

The only other time I heard of something similar was this Muslim dude in our Judo class that said he couldn't touch a woman who isn't his wife. I remember a Jewish man saying the same thing. I don't think it's that serious, but it's their religion and they're entitled to their belief.
If it's a religion it's totally different, I agree. This is why I posted the pic of Pence. He won't even have a business lunch with someone who isn't his wife.

I think if it's rolling in his place of work then she's being WAY over the top. Could you imagine going into work and saying you're from now on you're only allowed to roll with guys? How embarrassing it would be? I could maybe understand if it was one girl and him on their own if she's hugely insecure then fair enough.
Defending against rape is a primary reason for training BJJ. In order to be a good training partner, you need to try to put yourself in the mindset of a raper. Otherwise your partner isn't getting the most out of your rolls.
lol - solid reasoning
Somehow my gf (soon to be wife) knew about me wrestling
With the females in the gym, we had a big argument she was ok with boxing but no bjj or ground stuff.

When I was down on my luck the
gym owner and his wife gave me a job there
It helped get back on feet. Im grateful for them
so I cant be a basterd incel and make that weird request
What to do?

Tell your wife to grow the fuck up. You train and sometimes there are females there. It shouldn't be that big of a deal.
I understand both sides of the argument but it does seem like it's a bit of a tell doesn't it?

It's also a HUGE tell on the wife/gf. I mean, right off the bat she's showing her insecurities and some trust issues. If I'm the boyfriend/husband those are some red flags to me.

What's next, she doesn't want you talking to the women at the gym? You have to maintain 6 feet distance from all women at all time? I'd be weary if I'm TS.
Your gf is trying the establish what you can and can't do at work.

Isn't that your boss's responsibility?

FWIW, I've been a wrestling coach for years. That included grappling with women that are trying to improve their bjj. My wife has zero issue with this because she knows it's simply part of my job.

And your wife trusts you and your intentions and isn't insecure or jealous about it. That's the key, she trust you.
That s closed minded. To most people, a man rubbing crouch with a woman whose legs are wrapped around him is very suggestive. Don t pretend.

And as a professional the TS isn't in there bumpin uglies, he's teaching.
Suggestive or not it's still super immature of his lady to demand such a thing.
And as a professional the TS isn't in there bumpin uglies, he's teaching.
Suggestive or not it's still super immature of his lady to demand such a thing.
It may be over the top to request him to stop but don't pretend that grappling between a man and a woman should be a no topic for every non grappler.
It may be over the top to request him to stop but don't pretend that grappling between a man and a woman should be a no topic for every non grappler.

As someone that wrestled for most of my life, I can say I understand what you're point is.
What I can't see is someone telling me as an adult man what I can and cannot be doing.

All she's doing is killing a piece of the man she loves because she can't just grow up, and possibly use her head and not her bitch muscles.
If shes happy making him miserable, than maybe she's not the one for him sir.
I need to see the GF can size to properly gauge response here.
As someone that wrestled for most of my life, I can say I understand what you're point is.
What I can't see is someone telling me as an adult man what I can and cannot be doing.

All she's doing is killing a piece of the man she loves because she can't just grow up, and possibly use her head and not her bitch muscles.
If shes happy making him miserable, than maybe she's not the one for him sir.
Fair enough sir.
My wife finds a lot of grappling positions very suggestive. She would never even think of asking me to stop grappling, sir.
It may be over the top to request him to stop but don't pretend that grappling between a man and a woman should be a no topic for every non grappler.

To be totally fair there are issues in grappling, with instructors or other staff grooming or predating upon students with affairs and abuse taking place.

But there are also the same issues in other sports, and the same issues in universities, religious schools, even Yoga communities.

If TS loves the woman he should talk to her, unpack her feelings about touch, sexuality, betrayal, and more. Have her come to some classes, her choice to watch or participate. If he works through it with her honestly and she still can't trust that he's not the type of instructor to sleep with his students... yeah at that point do not get married.

For all we know she might be emotionally scarred from past cheating, being a victim, or knowing someone who was harmed by a coach or physical teacher of some kind. Or she could just be emotionally invested in dumb beliefs that require some untangling.

If you care about the relationship, talk it out.
Fair enough sir.
My wife finds a lot of grappling positions very suggestive. She would never even think of asking me to stop grappling, sir.

Exactly, because your wife is an adult, and she trusts you enough to know you're not going to do anything stupid.

This guys girl comes off as a super insecure person, and insecure people make shitty decisions because they refuse to fix what's wrong with they try to be a tyrant to you.

I know, I was with one for 10 years...WAS with one.
Now Im married to a woman that knows that I'm a social butterfly...but also knows im not going anywhere...because she knows who SHE is.

These are important traits sir...much love.
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