Social GoldenWolf's COVID Vaccine/Lockdown Protest megathread Vol. 2


Brown Belt
Dec 14, 2020
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GoldenWolf's megathread to discuss all things COVID. You know what to do and this is the place to do it in.

Social - GoldenWolf's COVID Vaccine/Lockdown Protest megathread | Sherdog Forums | UFC, MMA & Boxing Discussion

Previous thread above.
The following content was merged into the COVID mega-thread for consolidation.
- Strychnine

So here is a SNL skit on covid:

What does everyone think of it now?

I know my son had to be tested for covid before athletic meets. So he told me the deal was to get tested and get a negative. But if he got a positive, just go to another clinic and get a negative test and then he could do sports.

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I have zero thoughts on the content of your thread.
So here is a SNL skit on covid:

What does everyone think of it now?

I know my son had to be tested for covid before athletic meets. So he told me the deal was to get tested and get a negative. But if he got a positive, just go to another clinic and get a negative test and then he could do sports.


It became acceptable once vaccines became widely available. It was a pandemic of the unvaccinated (and/or unboosted) after Q2 2021
Depends what job you have whether you can not turn up.
I have wondered that also....hmmmm.....
I actually laughed at the skit.
Since my team was deemed essential throughout the whole fiasco, can't say I really blame them. Funny thing is, the only reason they were deemed essential, they couldn't work remote. Go figure. They did get nice bonuses.....oh they didn't.


Only bad part was is when I applied for unemployment from being off from having Covid, I never received anything, as well as everyone else at work. I went two weeks without any income. They even made me stay home, without pay for ten days again after my wife got sick.
I turned a one week vacation from work into a two week vacation because I got exposed to Covid in October 2020
I didnt lie, I got exposed by a buddy of mine who was really sick but I felt fine, my supervisor told me to take another week off anyways and go get tested
If youre offering...
Ppl really believe that? Lol

What do you mean mate? It's on their own websites, and always has been. You need to wake up. Go to the FAQ sections of any of the main players (Pfizer, Moderna, FDA, CDC, WHO) and look for the question asking if vaccines prevent transmission.

At no point did COVID-19 vaccines indicate any prevention of transmission, just read the science. It was always the case, the media took up the "do it to save Grandma" narrative and most people ate it up. Gross stuff!