Law Democrats introduce constitutional amendment to reverse Citizens United

Rational Poster

Actually the Best Poster
Sep 18, 2013
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A group of House Democrats introduced a constitutional amendment on Thursday to overturn a Supreme Court ruling that eliminated restrictions on corporate campaign spending.

The Supreme Court’s 2010 ruling in the Citizens United v. FEC case prohibited the government from restricting political campaign spending by companies, nonprofit organizations and unions. This amendment, if passed, would allow Congress and state governments to enact “reasonable, viewpoint-neutral” limitations on campaign funding, including restricting corporations from spending “unlimited amounts of money to influence elections.”

Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), who introduced the amendment, said in a press release that it would “close legal loopholes” that corporations and other wealthy groups have “exploited for far too long.” Schiff has introduced an amendment to overturn the Citizens United ruling every year since 2013, according to the release.

“The flow of unrestricted corporate and dark money into our elections has dangerously eroded the American people’s faith in our democracy, and in our government’s ability to deliver for them and their families,” Schiff said in the statement.

“Citizens United was one of the most egregious enablers of special interest money, but it was only the latest in a long line of Supreme Court cases that opened the floodgates. To truly rein in dark money, we must amend our Constitution,” he added.

Should we get dark money out of politics? Do you guys support this measure?
I do... there is too much influence and would support equal time for tv ads for candidates etc.. money does talk but in politics it keeps these two parties in total power forever.
corporations are people too. And George Santos is President and CEO.
What an incredibly dumb take. I don't think you know what the word resolve means.
Don't get but hurt over it...what's the point of making a stink about this now when they no longer have the leverage?
Not an Ami, but aint it really hard to ammend that constitution?

Its damn near impossible up here, though that may just be b/c of our bitchass frenchies
I support changes the rules to control corporations donations.

This has no change as a amendment.
Don't get but hurt over it...what's the point of making a stink about this now when they no longer have the leverage?

Constitutional amendments require a 2/3s vote in both houses of Congress in order to go to the states for ratification. The Democrats have never had 2/3s control of Congress so they have never had the leverage to do this without substantial Republican support. Your ignorance on this topic is astonishing.

Just say you don't like Democrats and will blame them for everything even when it's Republicans' fault and move on.
Constitutional amendments require a 2/3s vote in both houses of Congress in order to go to the states for ratification. The Democrats have never had 2/3s control of Congress so they have never had the leverage to do this without substantial Republican support. Your ignorance on this topic is astonishing.

Just say you don't like Democrats and will blame them for everything even when it's Republicans' fault and move on.

Thanks for pointing out it's not even a serious attempt