Crime Tyre Nichols video to be released soon. 5 Memphis cops fired and charged with murder for his death

My guess is it's going to turn out there was no reason to detain or stop him, making it a kidnapping.

Same reason as CRASH or Gun Trace Task Force. You make a unit and tell them they are special and then judge them based off things like arrest numbers and seizures. That's a recipe for perverse incentives and abuse.

I mean, I don’t really care in the end. Fuck these cops. They murdered that dude and now every cop in the country will have to deal with the repercussions of their violent actions. How many cops will get shot over this. Fuck, assholes in Dallas snd Baton Rouge killed innocent officers over the death of two complete shitbags in mike brown and alton sterling. The former was attacking the officer inside of his cruiser and the latter was a pedo with a gun. But they were black and killed by police and that was enough to get blm riled up
People are protesting because of a bigger issue. Not just because of these 5 cops. And I do think protesting can be beneficial and create change.
What bigger issue and how would protesting change situations like this? You cannot 100% stop people from breaking the law/rule if they choose to do so. What you can do is punish them when they do break the law/rule which is what's being done now.
What got me was him crying for his mother. Fucking disgusting what those five police officers did and I sure as shit hope all of them get life in prison and are put into gen pop
to be fair, considering they aren’t white, there’s a good chance they will.
They were clearly having a difficult time cuffing him, otherwise they would have cuffed him easily and he wouldn't even have the opportunity to run off the first time.

Shaking off the pepper spray and running, weirdly calling for his mother and being so difficult to pin down despite only weighing 140 lbs would suggest drugs in the system.

Speculating him being on drugs doesn't minimize the guilt of the cops. Being drugged up doesn't justify the kicks and the punches and I have never even implied as much.

No evidence he even committed a traffic violation either.

The dude had no arrest record at all, he was a corporate employee at FedEx.

The police chief has said there's no evidence the initial stop was justified.

The fact that they released these videos, before releasing footage of his supposed crime, OR a toxicology screen, has me thinking he legitimately didn’t do anything wrong.
That video isn't deceptive though. These guys are done for, no matter the composition of the jury.
I wasn't really referring to this video, more in general. But I still think it's a better idea to release video footage publicly to more correspond with the trial
I bet starting pay for a teacher in Memphis is less

You bet, but you don't know, because..."Grr, cops bad" or something?

and they need degrees and have to deal with a shitty underfunded inner city school system.

And what do their degrees do to prevent the shit they have to deal with, exactly?

You're not making a point here. You're just flailing about hoping to stick the landing on the "Fuck the Police" bullseye. You have not stuck that landing.
I trust you and haven't seen you be a partisan of any sorts...

I'm not going to watch the video, so will just ask you. Is it that bad? I mean, every source says it's bad, but is it what I'm imagining? From the first few pages and some random sources this sounds like a 1% gang boots to face type a shit.
It is that bad. He gets hit by a baton when he's nearly unconscious.
They were clearly having a difficult time cuffing him, otherwise they would have cuffed him easily and he wouldn't even have the opportunity to run off the first time.
I think watching the video, you'll see multiple chances where they could have stopped beating him and cuffed him.
Shaking off the pepper spray and running, weirdly calling for his mother and being so difficult to pin down despite only weighing 140 lbs would suggest drugs in the system.
....Calling for a mother is quite a normal trauma response when people are scared or dying? You probably missed this part, but he also died less than a 100 yards from his mom's house. Hence he is screaming for his mother to save him.
What got me was him crying for his mother. Fucking disgusting what those five police officers did and I sure as shit hope all of them get life in prison and are put into gen pop

Agreed, but then these sentiments are probably what those animals shared in the first place.

Disregard for life is what causes crimes like this.

Still, wouldn't oppose death penalty for the nasty POS delivering the heavy and totally unnecessary shots against a defenceless human being.
So people should be on the hook for egregious fuck ups of the cops? What kind of communist boot licking is that?

Public works does have their own insurance fund for their mistakes. If cops don't want it out of their pension then malpractice insurance has to be implemented and paid from union dues or their existing budget. No way the tax payers should pay extra for cop fuck ups.

It comes out of the city budget the sane as the insurance for public works. I agree there is a lot that needs to be fixed especially some police departments. However going after the good cops is definitely the wrong way to go about it.
I mean, I don’t really care in the end. Fuck these cops. They murdered that dude and now every cop in the country will have to deal with the repercussions of their violent actions. How many cops will get shot over this. Fuck, assholes in Dallas snd Baton Rouge killed innocent officers over the death of two complete shitbags in mike brown and alton sterling. The former was attacking the officer inside of his cruiser and the latter was a pedo with a gun. But they were black and killed by police and that was enough to get blm riled up
I get where you're coming from given your position, but like I've said multiple time, the fact that 5 absolute pieces of shit happened to end up together really hints at there being systemic failures. No amount of individual good behavior can overcome systemic failures of that scale.
They were clearly having a difficult time cuffing him, otherwise they would have cuffed him easily and he wouldn't even have the opportunity to run off the first time.

Shaking off the pepper spray and running, weirdly calling for his mother and being so difficult to pin down despite only weighing 140 lbs would suggest drugs in the system.

Speculating him being on drugs doesn't minimize the guilt of the cops. Being drugged up doesn't justify the kicks and the punches and I have never even implied as much.
They didn’t even try to cuff him. He didn’t resist with 3 cops on him.
Hasnt happened and wont happen until police instigates
They already broke out the windows of a police car per your previous post. Give it time but we will just have reporters standing in front of burning cars and buildings stating that the protests are mostly peaceful and shit/shats like you will believe it.
And what do their degrees do to prevent the shit they have to deal with, exactly?

You're not making a point here. You're just flailing about hoping to stick the landing on the "Fuck the Police" bullseye. You have not stuck that landing.
The same reason children are taught calculus. It's not because of direct use of the knowledge, it's that mastering it shows a certain level of competence and maturity, the ability to see difficult tasks through. It helps (not completely) weed out shitheads like this.
I trust you and haven't seen you be a partisan of any sorts...

I'm not going to watch the video, so will just ask you. Is it that bad? I mean, every source says it's bad, but is it what I'm imagining? From the first few pages and some random sources this sounds like a 1% gang boots to face type a shit.

Yea its that bad. Cops appear to be totally out of control and like they started the whole thing looking to fuck that guy up.

Like for example the guy gets away for a second and it might be the first time I have ever thought trying to get away from cops might have been the best option kinda bad. I know you shouldn't resist or run .....but what do ya do when the police are out of control when they come at you ?
Did the one cop spray himself with mace and then take his stupidity out on Tyre by beating him with his baton?