Nate Marquardt accused of bigotry

Definitely. The doctor is probably like "oh shit, you're right" when their AIDS patient tells them about drugs they saw during a cage fighting broadcast.
Probably most of the time, but now the doctor and patient both know about this new drug and might be more interested in it or its manufacturer in the future. Like I've said repeatedly, this is advertising 101.
Probably most of the time, but now the doctor and patient both know about this new drug and might be more interested in it or its manufacturer in the future. Like I've said repeatedly, this is advertising 101.
Nah bro; the sherfront bigots know more about pharma marketing ROI and the secret gay agenda than the trillion dollar industry does.
Nah bro; the sherfront bigots know more about pharma marketing ROI and the secret gay agenda than the trillion dollar industry does.
It's really diabolically genius. Make more people gay so you can sell them more gay medicine for gay illnesses. Duh.
You're asking for scripture that states Jesus was about love, not hate?


You have a messed up interpretation of the Bible, fella.

Not shocked that you misunderstood the question . . .
Jesus would not wish death upon them. You know that as much as I do. Like I said if Nate would have just said he does not approve I would have moved on from this story. He likes to brag about his Christianity while wishing death upon people. Hence is why I have filed Nate into the Cafeteria Christian category. He likes to call himself a Christian but certainly does not act like one.

This has nothing to do with what I asked. Of course I know that Jesus taught the 2nd greatest commandment is to love your neighbor as yourself. The first one is to love the Lord thy God with all your heart. Folks who sin and don't ask for forgiveness aren't abiding by the first one in my opinion. Jesus offers all of us a chance at repentance and eternal life. But WE have to seek it and ask for it. If WE choose not to do so it's on us. WE are condemning ourselves to death. Not Him. So while He gives us the chance to avoid an eternity without Him, He's not going to give a pass to folks who don't seek it, ask for it or do anything to pursue it. That's not Him wishing death upon anyone it is Him letting us decide for ourselves.

I agree that many people have taken a very extreme view of Christianity without giving it any real investigation or taking the time to study. They mistakenly take the word of their pastor as truth without looking into it themselves.
They're not equivalent, so why did you try to make it vague and refer to it as "just 2 people expressing affection" instead of being more accurate and calling it gay guys making out?
This is an absurd strawman - A straight couple kissing in public, does not draw a second glance. A straight couple fucking in public will get arrested.

You are trying to conflate the two acts, because you have no reasonable argument.

Or... and hear me out... you could stop trying to plug your sex life into everything and just go on about your business without demanding applase from strangers.
How often do adverts show a straight couple kissing? Are you a massive prude who is offended by that also, or is it just men kissing that triggers you?

If the obese people in stretch pants from walmart started walking into your living room making out with each other while you're watching TV with your kids, you'd probably complain too.

I'd complain because two strangers have broken into my house. If I see two fat, ugly people kissing on TV, i do not give it a second thought.
This is an absurd strawman - A straight couple kissing in public, does not draw a second glance. A straight couple fucking in public will get arrested.

You are trying to conflate the two acts, because you have no reasonable argument.

How often do adverts show a straight couple kissing? Are you a massive prude who is offended by that also, or is it just men kissing that triggers you?

I'd complain because two strangers have broken into my house. If I see two fat, ugly people kissing on TV, i do not give it a second thought.
Are you seriously having trouble wrapping your head around why an audience of almost entirely straight males would find gay guys making out gross?

What commercial are you referring to specifically that is telling straight people to pop pills so they go clubbing and get in some bum's dirty arsehole and not catch AIDS?

Yeah, if there was a commercial telling guys to buy their product so they can go clubbing and fuck randos, that would also be inappropriate to air on a sports broadcast, let alone run it 50 times

I know you want to be victim, but the same people who find this ad gross and inappropriate say the same thing about hyper sexualized rap videos with thots twerking or any other celebration of promiscuity.

If you're offended by someone finding gay sex gross, just don't follow them on twitter and you can avoid their opinion entirely. The same can't be said the other way when gay hookup commercials are pushed into completely irrelevant broadcasts like sports or the discovery channel
Are you seriously having trouble wrapping your head around why an audience of almost entirely straight males would find gay guys making out gross?
Yes and no.
Are there lots of straight males grossed out by this?
Yes, but only the garbage bin bigots like you. Though there are a lot of you.
Yes and no.
Are there lots of straight males grossed out by this?
Yes, but only the garbage bin bigots like you. Though there are a lot of you.
What percentage of your posts are just a response to something without rage and name calling strangers? Id it even 5%?

For someone who pretends you're super virtuous for getting turned on by gay hookups, you sure seem full of rage, and your emotional incontinence discredits your opinions.
I'm grossed out by two dude kissing.

I'm grossed out by two bull dykes kissing.

I'm not grossed out by two hot chicks kissing, because they're hot. And because I'm attracted to hot chicks.

I don't find dudes attractive or bull dykes for that matter either.

None of these scenarios are something I particularly need to see on TV. But at the same time, I'm not the type to tweet about it, I'll just roll my eyes, change the channel, and move on with life.
I'm grossed out by two dude kissing.

I'm grossed out by two bull dykes kissing.

I'm not grossed out by two hot chicks kissing, because they're hot. And because I'm attracted to hot chicks.

I don't find dudes attractive or bull dykes for that matter either.

None of these scenarios are something I particularly need to see on TV. But at the same time, I'm not the type to tweet about it, I'll just roll my eyes, change the channel, and move on with life.
My subjective thing is right and yours is wrong; wahhhh!
What percentage of your posts are just a response to something without rage and name calling strangers? Id it even 5%?

For someone who pretends you're super virtuous for getting turned on by gay hookups, you sure seem full of rage, and your emotional incontinence discredits your opinions.
You're the one crying about kisses and flaunting a shitty opinion lmao
Are you seriously having trouble wrapping your head around why an audience of almost entirely straight males would find gay guys making out gross?

What commercial are you referring to specifically that is telling straight people to pop pills so they go clubbing and get in some bum's dirty arsehole and not catch AIDS?

Yeah, if there was a commercial telling guys to buy their product so they can go clubbing and fuck randos, that would also be inappropriate to air on a sports broadcast, let alone run it 50 times

I know you want to be victim, but the same people who find this ad gross and inappropriate say the same thing about hyper sexualized rap videos with thots twerking or any other celebration of promiscuity.

If you're offended by someone finding gay sex gross, just don't follow them on twitter and you can avoid their opinion entirely. The same can't be said the other way when gay hookup commercials are pushed into completely irrelevant broadcasts like sports or the discovery channel

Another strawman. The product being sold was/is not the subject of the criticism. Nate was clear, his problem is with seeing men kiss.

Just own your homophobia dude, and give the mental gymnastics a rest.
I'm not saying your wrong, dude why are you so defensive and angry all the time?
I don't see what is defensive about my post, when people freaking out about kisses are quite literally angry and defensive. Shouldn't you be a little more worried about those folks than me?
I am on the offensive with jest about what one person vs. another finds hot. I agree with you conclusion that nobody should throw a defensive tantrum over a commercial and can change the channel.
I'm grossed out by two dude kissing.

I'm grossed out by two bull dykes kissing.

I'm not grossed out by two hot chicks kissing, because they're hot. And because I'm attracted to hot chicks.

I don't find dudes attractive or bull dykes for that matter either.

None of these scenarios are something I particularly need to see on TV. But at the same time, I'm not the type to tweet about it, I'll just roll my eyes, change the channel, and move on with life.
Isn't that kind of the point? What channel can you change it to?

It's twitter. I don't even have a twitter account, so I wouldn't tweet anything anyway, but the entire thing is there for people to post opinions on random crap.

The weird part isn't that a UFC title contender from 16 years ago took 10 seconds to call a gay hookup ad gross on his personal twitter, it's that several pretty big publications felt it worthy of full articles that a UFC title contender from 2007 didn't like the gay hookup ads on the sports network.
I don’t really like watching dudes kiss either.

It’s a little odd that he went on Twitter to complain about it I guess.

I don't like it when my corn and carrots touch but I don't get so fired up about it that I go on Twitter and announce that everyone who lets their corn and carrots touch are subhuman.
Please just saying you wouldn’t be attracted to a trans person makes you bigot.
Saying that transpeople are disgusting (not being forced to watch them kiss or whatever, but just for being) and shouldn't exist, or are evil sinners going to hell/deserving of death, on the other hand does.

The thing I don't get about people crying over being called out on their trans and homophobia is that they want to play the victim too. Just own up to being a bigot already.
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