Crime 'Eunuch Maker' ring on trial in London (Warning: disturbing content)

The internet really does allow freaks like this to carry out this fucked up shit. Not saying it never ever happened pre-internet, but for sure the super weird stuff like this was way less common.

Like, irl how would the conversation even happen.

"Hey you see the game last night?"
"Yeah, crazy finish right?"
"Totally crazy. So anyway, what you got going on tonight? Interested in stopping by for a beer and to let me chop off your cock and balls and keep them in my freezer?"
I saw one from a guy in Japan who cut his off, cooked it, threw a party, and served it to the guests. 70 people showed up.

His name was Mao Sugiyama.
It's not like they're going to reproduce, right? It's a self solving problem.

Sometimes you just let events unfold by itself. Like with most rappers and gangbangers. Just throw in a couple "rest in power" to fit in the thread.


That's some messed up shit. What's strange world.

So would he have been ok if he had the proper medical training and licensing? As crazy as this stuff is, if people want to lob off their bits and bobs I say let em.

Typically we frown on mutilating the mentally ill. Even if they ask
I saw one from a guy in Japan who cut his off, cooked it, threw a party, and served it to the guests. 70 people showed up.

His name was Mao Sugiyama.
Take that Mr. Andronicus!