Tools that you hate

Joe Biden if no one said that.

I also hate 'weed eaters' or whipper snippers whatever you call them where you are.

I also remember when I was a little kid I had the chores of feeding the cat and dog. I hated, passionately, the can opener. I was always skinning my knuckles (one of those winding jobs). I was whinging about my knuckles being skinned one day and my mother said "You must be using it wrong, show me".
So I used it in front of her. She yells at me "What are you doing? That's not how you do it. Who taught you to do that?"
I said "Dad".
It both dawned on us at that moment that my father was left handed. He had taught me some spastically incorrect way of using it due to his leftness.

People that have dogs and don't raise them properly
Handy man jacks. Those things scare the fuck outta me.

Angle grinder. Cut off disks scare the shit out of me.

Have you seen the new trend where people take pie shaped cuts out of cut off disks to make them “cut better”?
I’ve been seeing advertisements for a disk that has a chain saw chain around a disk that you’re supposed to use in an angle grinder. If that chain falls off, it’s going to be nasty


Phillips screwdriver stripping screw heads.

You’re using the wrong size bit.
Fucking chainsaws, man.

They take up a lot of space
they're oddly shaped so you can't stack things on them
They leave oil stains wherever you set them down
They require a lot of maintenance
If you don't use it for a while it won't start

It might be worth all the trouble if you use it a lot, but for me, I need it like once or twice a year. I think I might just get rid of it and use a hand saw or an ax and just get the exercise.

What tools are you constantly cursing?

Get an electric chainsaw. I got a Snapper brand one with a 19'' bar on it several years ago and it works great.

Hate my trimmer/edger. I use it mostly for edging and it isn't that great at it. Plus occasionally the string likes to fuck with me. I should just buy a dedicated edger.

I had to bust out the miter saw earlier this week, but had a piece that was too big for it so I had to use the circular saw. Of course that's when I wish I had a table saw, but takes up too much space for how little I would use it...

Had the same issue with mine for a long time. Then one day I realized the string I got was the wrong size causing all my issues. It’s been great ever since then.
The "Allen Key". It just seems so arrogant, like nothing else could possibly improve upon its simplistic design. It's probably happened too, but those other tools that didn't know their place, were likely taken out back and twisted and melted into Allen Key screws without mercy, for encroaching on the Allen Key territory.
Phillips screwdriver stripping screw heads.
Wasn’t the Phillip head designed to slip out in order to prevent over torquing the screws?

I believe that’s why they are used in certain applications. But yes, for deck screw T25 torque head is the bees knees.
Flat head screws should be illegal... fuck any company that makes them or uses them.

What else would you use if you want a screw flush to the surface?
Wasn’t the Phillip head designed to slip out in order to prevent over torquing the screws?

I believe that’s why they are used in certain applications. But yes, for deck screw T25 torque head is the bees knees.

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