Elections President Biden announces he will run for president again

If a Democrat, is he your preferred candidate?

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One of his biographers noted that when Biden first went to Congress, he realized that he was surrounded by old money. Many of his colleagues were not unlike Thurston Howell III. Therefore, he made it a priority to ensure that his family members had the same opportunities his colleagues did. He wanted to ensure his job provided not just for his constituents, but made his family multigenerational wealth.

We could see a similar attitude as the rumors started to swirl at the end of the Obama presidency. It was said that Joe felt like he was being mocked (and let out of key decisions) because he didn't go to a prestigious university.

Within the Obama White House, he was surrounded by Ivy Leaguers, while Joe went to a state school. He believes he was mocked because of this.

It is no surprise that the "Biden Center" is at an Ivy League school. He feel now that he is just like the people that looked down upon him.

What both Biden and Trump supporters don't get is that they are cut from the same cloth

Both Biden and Trump are extremely insecure people that make their decisions based upon that insecurity.

I don't want anyone in the oval office that makes decisions based upon trying to impress those around them.
You really think he's making any decisions? To me he seems like he's managed by a core Obama group that get things he needs to sign in front of him. He doesn't seem to be in charge of anything.
You really think he's making any decisions? To me he seems like he's managed by a core Obama group that get things he needs to sign in front of him. He doesn't seem to be in charge of anything.
Well, we will see who Susan Rice's replacement will be.

With that said, I do believe he makes decisions based upon ensuring the people around him like him.

He could certainly sign something he personally disagrees with if he is told WaPo readers will like it.
It's weird that the first thing I think of is 'will he even live that long'.

Dude wants to die on the throne.

Somebody stop him.
Damn, you think he’s gonna go out like Elvis
Sitting on the throne with fried baloney banana sammies in each hand, eating one and wiping with the other
That’s bananas
Covid is over. Whats going to be his excuse for not campaigning this time?

Democracy is riding high

The DNC went from 6 debates is more than enough, way back in 2016...

“the national Democratic Party has said it will support Biden’s reelection, and it has no plans to sponsor primary debates.”
- The Washington Post
I have never met anyone who actually likes him or thinks he does a good job. Everyone I know only voted for him because they thought he was better than Trump and they hated Trump.

It's funny that people make these comments without realizing that it just says that they live in a bubble. Biden's been a terrific president so far. Republicans will not acknowledge that, but the vast majority of people who are not Republicans do.
I don’t want to vote for Biden, but if it’s Biden vs. Trump I’ll have no choice.

I’m all about having a bunch of candidates make their pitch. Not going to happen next presidential election, which probably means I’ll tune out. We already know who Biden and Trump are and how they’ll perform as president.
You gotta be fucking kidding.
It's funny that people make these comments without realizing that it just says that they live in a bubble. Biden's been a terrific president so far. Republicans will not acknowledge that, but the vast majority of people who are not Republicans do.
they think that being political is like a sports team. You have to show your support of trump with bumper stickers, hats, flags, terrible shirts, etc. all very performative signaling. They make MAGA/trump their identity. It's sad. And then they don't understand why or how people could vote for biden and not have biden flag on their house, ridding with biden hat, etc. etc.
I think this election represents the state of this country pretty well. Unless ether man suddenly dies, it'll be Trump vs Biden 2

I suspect a biden victory, as Trump has made no progress with women. Now granted, he has a year and a half but I don't him caring enough to actually change that at this point.
they think that being political is like a sports team. You have to show your support of trump with bumper stickers, hats, flags, terrible shirts, etc. all very performative signaling. They make MAGA/trump their identity. It's sad. And then they don't understand why or how people could vote for biden and not have biden flag on their house, ridding with biden hat, etc. etc.
Oh no it’s very easy to see why certain people would vote for Biden.
they think that being political is like a sports team. You have to show your support of trump with bumper stickers, hats, flags, terrible shirts, etc. all very performative signaling. They make MAGA/trump their identity. It's sad. And then they don't understand why or how people could vote for biden and not have biden flag on their house, ridding with biden hat, etc. etc.
In my neck of the woods (especially in my previous town Evanston), there was all the team virtue signaling from the left. Placards in the front yard, I'm with her bumper stickers, Obama bumper stickers, grown men and women wearing pussy hats.. One nut job even painted "black lives are cherished" on a bed sheet and hung it from her porch.
Oh no it’s very easy to see why certain people would vote for Biden.
Which people & why? To win an election you have to get votes from multiple buckets. He didn't only win because people hate Trump. Certainly a large part of that, but the issues mattered too.
In my neck of the woods (especially in my previous town Evanston), there was all the team virtue signaling from the left. Placards in the front yard, I'm with her bumper stickers, Obama bumper stickers, grown men and women wearing pussy hats.. One nut job even painted "black lives are cherished" on a bed sheet and hung it from her porch.

Nevertheless, it is true that a lot of people infer from not seeing a large number of people with Biden worship as central to their personal identity that Biden doesn't have much support, and that inference is false, and the error is caused by the thinking @AWilder describes.
I think this election represents the state of this country pretty well. Unless ether man suddenly dies, it'll be Trump vs Biden 2

I suspect a biden victory, as Trump has made no progress with women. Now granted, he has a year and a half but I don't him caring enough to actually change that at this point.

We've already seen Trump and Biden in office. How does someone who isn't an automatic vote for Republicans justify voting for Trump?
It’s mind boggling that a country of over 300 million people would have to choose between Biden and Trump. Jesus.

there’s always 3rd party candidates. I know, I know, “that’s throwing away your vote” but it really isn’t. History repeatedly shows how 3rd parties are the first to put forth legislation for the workers/middle class that gets adopted later by the big 2 parties who are scrapping over close elections.

Wish more people voted for them, would make the republicans and democrats work harder to earn our votes.
Age is a concern with anyone that old but in terms of high list candidates that would come from the democrat side, I’d want it to be Biden in ‘24. I fully expect a Democrat president after Biden to be farther left and this is the last of an era for the party. He did give in to some demands of the farther left base though but there’s a difference between that and actively pushing for it.

Assuming all the speculation made him want to get it out of the way now. They were talking for awhile waiting until fall but I bet that didn’t sit right with a lot of people.