Elections President Biden announces he will run for president again

If a Democrat, is he your preferred candidate?

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lol... Is Fetterman going to be his running mate?

Not sure who's more coherent at this point

What's your reason for thinking that? The party has moved left since the '90s (after a rightward move in the '90s), though a big part of that is just Southern conservatives continuing to drift to the GOP (which has moved rightward as a result), but ideological drift isn't some kind of law of nature. I think support for markets is in tension with both conservative ideology and rightist psychology (which is more focused on security), but the Cold War kind of pushed the right to embrace markets, and that is fading (among voters--the power in the party is still very far right on economics), with the result being that supporters of markets are moving to the Democratic Party. I don't expect that to lead to Democrats moving right, but I do think that it will act as a moderating force on economic issues.

Social issues are very different. I think the dynamic there is driven by two strong beliefs among Republican elites:

1. Progressive taxation, the New Deal, and the War on Poverty (and related programs) are fundamental illegitimate and immoral.
2. They are also very popular, with even a big chunk of their own voters supporting them.

That means that the way to win elections is to lie and focus on cultural issues. The problem is that gays had been the main target of Republican messaging, but the war on gays has mostly been lost. Similarly, overt racism is no longer a winning message. So the targets have to get smaller. Currently, they're aiming at transgendered people, which just makes them look silly to most voters. If they lose that, they'll have to find an even smaller group of people to get everyone panicked about. But it seems to be that they're running out of targets so it's kind of hard to imagine what the next one will be.

Might come back to this but it has to do with the politicians in the party rather than the average democrat voter. I think the other candidates in the 20 primary that had a chance were to his left with maybe an exception or so. If I look at who might run after him in 28, they seem farther left. That could just be primary/ campaigning rhetoric but I’ll obviously find out in time. A low key governor or new senator could always show up.
I don't think any moderates who aren't die-hard Republicans think Biden is corrupt (much less more corrupt than Trump!) or a worse leader than Trump. Those would both be pretty insane beliefs.
Are you serious? Trump was in business and well off before office and so were all of his kids (via nepotism no doubt, don’t confuse my words). He may be a grifter (trump university, etc), but Joe Bidens brother and crack head son are wealthy directly because they push influence for Joe. I’m not sure how anyone would be ok with corruption that’s so blatant. Joes never created anything in the private sector worth a damn and neither have his relatives. They accept bribes concealed through bullshit jobs and consulting contracts they were otherwise unqualified for.

keep towing that 2 party line though; you’re doing gods work.
I don't think any moderates who aren't die-hard Republicans think Biden is corrupt (much less more corrupt than Trump!) or a worse leader than Trump. Those would both be pretty insane beliefs.
I believe there are more than you realize, his approval rating is 39% according to Reuters

Now maybe they don't all think he's corrupt, but I still don't see the same amount of moderate support in 2024
Why do certain people vote for Biden?
Everything Biden does, every decision he is told to make (he obviously isn't in charge) is to placate the woke left. You know...people like you. From every budget decision like trying to remove the long-standing Hyde Amendment to literally budgeting billions for gender equity. Also budgeting 2 billion for the EPA to "advance racial equity" is a good example. Just dumb shit that stupid people like. Other things like flooding the country with illegals and cutting domestic energy production, things that make absolutely no sense at all unless you are trying to placate a specific part of the population. Things like ordering the companies that process FHA loans to charge people with good credit higher rates so they can subsidize the people who make bad decisions. There are so many examples of decisions he has made just to please a bunch of woke tards, so yeah, it isn't hard to see why they would vote for him.
Are you serious? Trump was in business and well off before office and so were all of his kids (via nepotism no doubt, don’t confuse my words). He may be a grifter (trump university, etc), but Joe Bidens brother and crack head son are wealthy directly because they push influence for Joe. I’m not sure how anyone would be ok with corruption that’s so blatant. Joes never created anything in the private sector worth a damn and neither have his relatives. They accept bribes concealed through bullshit jobs and consulting contracts they were otherwise unqualified for.

keep towing that 2 party line though; you’re doing gods work.
9 Biden family members have already been identified by the whistle blower for receiving payments from a Chinese energy company, payments for seemingly nothing. Three more family members are expected to be identified this week.
9 Biden family members have already been identified by the whistle blower for receiving payments from a Chinese energy company, payments for seemingly nothing. Three more family members are expected to be identified this week.
Yeah. I mean the leaked emails from that laptop implied many people benefited from these bogus consulting fees he was earning abroad and Joe allegedly attended meetings or dinners with these people. No idea why people hold water for politicians. They’re robbing taxpayers blind and we’re expected to thank them? I’m good.
Might come back to this but it has to do with the politicians in the party rather than the average democrat voter. I think the other candidates in the 20 primary that had a chance were to his left with maybe an exception or so. If I look at who might run after him in 28, they seem farther left. That could just be primary/ campaigning rhetoric but I’ll obviously find out in time. A low key governor or new senator could always show up.

Candidates usually present themselves as more extreme in primaries and more moderate in the general election. Says something that Democratic primary voters *wanted* the more moderate candidate. I think people really miscalculated on 2016. In the primary, Clinton was largely unopposed. Because of that, all the opposition to Clinton within the party for any reason consolidated around Bernie, which confused a lot of people into thinking that there was a really strong far-left movement. Then there was a popular conspiracy theory that the race was stolen from Bernie, even though it was never close. The result of those two things is that people thought that the primary electorate was much further left than it actually was. Then in the general, there was a perception that Trump was a joke candidate and extreme right, and his winning convinced people either that he was a political savant or Democrats were unhappy with Clinton being too moderate and didn't show. In fact it was a favorable year for Republicans, and a better candidate would have done better (remember that Trump lost the popular vote), though Trump's (actually moderate on economics) message was optimized toward uneducated voters, which gave him a better electoral map. Those mistakes led a lot of Democrats to think that the key to winning was to run hard left. But Biden's success, both electorally and in office, is leading people the other way. Moderate candidate crushed, and then he's actually gotten a lot done in office. The key to moving forward on policy is not extremism but competence, and Biden is showing that.

Are you serious? Trump was in business and well off before office and so were all of his kids (via nepotism no doubt, don’t confuse my words). He may be a grifter (trump university, etc), but Joe Bidens brother and crack head son are wealthy directly because they push influence for Joe. I’m not sure how anyone would be ok with corruption that’s so blatant. Joes never created anything in the private sector worth a damn and neither have his relatives. They accept bribes concealed through bullshit jobs and consulting contracts they were otherwise unqualified for.

keep towing that 2 party line though; you’re doing gods work.

I'll ignore the error and the childish personal attack and just point out that Trump has long been known to be an extremely crooked businessman, while Biden is as certified non-corrupt as it gets. Dude was in gov't forever, and quite powerful, and was still broke (poorest Senator) until he retired and signed a big book deal, and did some speaking. Of course Republicans are going to say whoever Democrats nominate is the Worst, Most Corrupt Human Ever, but looking at it reasonably, it's an insane claim.

I believe there are more than you realize, his approval rating is 39% according to Reuters

Now maybe they don't all think he's corrupt, but I still don't see the same amount of moderate support in 2024

49% according to Rasmussen, which is crazy high these days. But instead of cherry-picking, it's better to look at an average, and right now it's about 42%. But that's general approval, which is influenced mainly by partisanship and the state of the economy. Other than Republicans who just think every Democrat is an evil monster, there aren't many who think Biden is more corrupt than Trump, as that belief is just completely bonkers. Similarly, it's very obvious who is more respected internationally. There's a reason that enemies of the U.S. love Trump so much.
Seriously America???

Climate change is real, get it in your head, if the democrats lose the republicans will rip up the Paris agreement and the world is ruined... (it's probably ruined anyway but whatever)..

Biden is not fit to run for office, or run an election campaign.

Further more, we don't want people Biden's age to drive.. how can we justify them having the most important job in the world!!!?? Politicians shouldn't have to be past the retirement age to qualify for running for president!!

Is this post real? Are you a Freshman in college? JFC you are hysterical.
the tribalism expressed by maga/trumpers has no parallel on today's left.

ive never seen an obese woman asking biden to grab her by the pussy, for example.

Leftists will vote for a man who literally cannot be trusted to walk up a flight of stairs rather than let Trump win. Both sides are as bad as one another:rolleyes:
Leftists will vote for a man who literally cannot be trusted to walk up a flight of stairs rather than let Trump win. Both sides are as bad as one another:rolleyes:
not only will they vote for him, but actively try to stop anyone else from challenging him. ie.....Bernie Sanders, RFK JR, Gavin Newsom
it sucks that these are the two choices

And seeing as one is about to get a Ordered retirement from politics via the Judicial System and the other is rearranging the Oval Office into a hospice care unit.

whom ever is picked as their VPs will most likely inherit the thrown. The real power may actually be held with the VP picks this time around..
It's funny that people make these comments without realizing that it just says that they live in a bubble. Biden's been a terrific president so far. Republicans will not acknowledge that, but the vast majority of people who are not Republicans do.
"but the vast majority of people who are not Republicans do."

I like a lot of your posts, sometimes I even agree with you. Not much but sometimes. They are all written intelligently. But come on now. Who are these people that actually like Biden? I just looked at his last tweet, he got 3 million views and 3,000 likes. People don't like Biden. They either dislike him or believe that he was a better candidate than Trump. A lot of people hated Trump and saw Biden as a better alternative. There is not much to like about the guy. Generally Biden supporters bring up mistakes Trump made and since he failed, Biden is better.

Look, you lean left on everything. Out of the last 500 posts that you posted, all 500 say that you love everything left and hate everything right. There is no independent thinking in this. it is all right down the party train 100%. You don't even have to read what you write, because they are written as if you are the president of the Democratic National Convention.

When you pledge a blood oath to your party, you just go down the party line on everything. I am a little in my own little bubble. Because I am an Independent Libertarian. I would want someone like Rand Paul as President. I like limited government on everything. Or I will go with other non traditionalists, Robert Kennedy Jr., Tulsi Gabbard, Elon Musk, Joe Rogan, the ones that don't always vote 100% down that party line. Independent thinkers. As far as the party line, I liked Clinton and Carter, but didn't like GWB. I pick a candidate not a party. And I did go with Trump over Biden, but acknowledge Trump is flawed in a lot of areas. I get why people don't like him. But I also think he did some good.
He is too centrist/boring/old. He is just better than any of the Republicans running.
"but the vast majority of people who are not Republicans do."

I like a lot of your posts, sometimes I even agree with you. Not much but sometimes. They are all written intelligently. But come on now. Who are these people that actually like Biden?

His approval is at 42%. It's like 5% among Republicans. You can figure out from there that what I said is true.

I just looked at his last tweet, he got 3 million views and 3,000 likes. People don't like Biden. They either dislike him or believe that he was a better candidate than Trump. A lot of people hated Trump and saw Biden as a better alternative. There is not much to like about the guy. Generally Biden supporters bring up mistakes Trump made and since he failed, Biden is better.

See, again, you're just saying that you're in a bubble. And, yeah, most people aren't on Twitter, and the Twitter electorate is less pro-Biden than the general public. Generally, Biden supporters bring up his policies--including major action on the environment, infrastructure, marijuana, drastically reducing drone strikes, finally getting out of Afghanistan, the CHIPS Act, etc. The fact that you aren't hearing that just reflects that you listen to a very narrow range of views.

Look, you lean left on everything. Out of the last 500 posts that you posted, all 500 say that you love everything left and hate everything right. There is no independent thinking in this. it is all right down the party train 100%. You don't even have to read what you write, because they are written as if you are the president of the Democratic National Convention.

I think that this approach of just throwing out dishonest personal statements to deflect from points is toxic to discussions.

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