Elections President Biden announces he will run for president again

If a Democrat, is he your preferred candidate?

  • Total voters
Seriously America???

Climate change is real, get it in your head, if the democrats lose the republicans will rip up the Paris agreement and the world is ruined... (it's probably ruined anyway but whatever)..

Biden is not fit to run for office, or run an election campaign.

Further more, we don't want people Biden's age to drive.. how can we justify them having the most important job in the world!!!?? Politicians shouldn't have to be past the retirement age to qualify for running for president!!
Biden doesn't need to drive. He has people to do that for him.

Candidates usually present themselves as more extreme in primaries and more moderate in the general election. Says something that Democratic primary voters *wanted* the more moderate candidate. I think people really miscalculated on 2016. In the primary, Clinton was largely unopposed. Because of that, all the opposition to Clinton within the party for any reason consolidated around Bernie, which confused a lot of people into thinking that there was a really strong far-left movement. Then there was a popular conspiracy theory that the race was stolen from Bernie, even though it was never close. The result of those two things is that people thought that the primary electorate was much further left than it actually was. Then in the general, there was a perception that Trump was a joke candidate and extreme right, and his winning convinced people either that he was a political savant or Democrats were unhappy with Clinton being too moderate and didn't show. In fact it was a favorable year for Republicans, and a better candidate would have done better (remember that Trump lost the popular vote), though Trump's (actually moderate on economics) message was optimized toward uneducated voters, which gave him a better electoral map. Those mistakes led a lot of Democrats to think that the key to winning was to run hard left. But Biden's success, both electorally and in office, is leading people the other way. Moderate candidate crushed, and then he's actually gotten a lot done in office. The key to moving forward on policy is not extremism but competence, and Biden is showing that.

I'll ignore the error and the childish personal attack and just point out that Trump has long been known to be an extremely crooked businessman, while Biden is as certified non-corrupt as it gets. Dude was in gov't forever, and quite powerful, and was still broke (poorest Senator) until he retired and signed a big book deal, and did some speaking. Of course Republicans are going to say whoever Democrats nominate is the Worst, Most Corrupt Human Ever, but looking at it reasonably, it's an insane claim.

49% according to Rasmussen, which is crazy high these days. But instead of cherry-picking, it's better to look at an average, and right now it's about 42%. But that's general approval, which is influenced mainly by partisanship and the state of the economy. Other than Republicans who just think every Democrat is an evil monster, there aren't many who think Biden is more corrupt than Trump, as that belief is just completely bonkers. Similarly, it's very obvious who is more respected internationally. There's a reason that enemies of the U.S. love Trump so much.
So you’ll ignore my entire point and just rationalize that BIDENS the poorest senator? Lol? Why do I give a shit? He’s pushed the money into his family members accounts thus yeah no shit he’s the brokest because he doesn’t hold the money. Also, the entire premise I should care he’s the poorest is a joke. You’re a political schill.
I am not voting for that senile fool again. I really hope Trump doesn't run. I will literally vote for any other republican over Biden.
So you’ll ignore my entire point and just rationalize that BIDENS the poorest senator? Lol? Why do I give a shit? He’s pushed the money into his family members accounts thus yeah no shit he’s the brokest because he doesn’t hold the money. Also, the entire premise I should care he’s the poorest is a joke. You’re a political schill.

Your point was that Trump can't be corrupt because he's rich and then you diverted to talking about Biden's family. You don't feel embarrassed about calling anyone else a shill (note correct spelling) after that? Yikes.
9 Biden family members have already been identified by the whistle blower for receiving payments from a Chinese energy company, payments for seemingly nothing. Three more family members are expected to be identified this week.
but but Trump paid off a hooker... not saying Trump is pure as the driven snow but good grief the blatant overlook by the Biden media is sickening.. The Bidens, The Clintons The Pelosi gang Lol
Horrible news as the democrats will use their machine to prop him up most likely.

And trump will continue to force is way into the republican machine.

And the machine will give the American voters a repeat of which garbage do you want to run the country.
but but Trump paid off a hooker... not saying Trump is pure as the driven snow but good grief the blatant overlook by the Biden media is sickening.. The Bidens, The Clintons The Pelosi gang Lol

And what is wrong with being upset with both?
His approval is at 42%. It's like 5% among Republicans. You can figure out from there that what I said is true.

See, again, you're just saying that you're in a bubble. And, yeah, most people aren't on Twitter, and the Twitter electorate is less pro-Biden than the general public. Generally, Biden supporters bring up his policies--including major action on the environment, infrastructure, marijuana, drastically reducing drone strikes, finally getting out of Afghanistan, the CHIPS Act, etc. The fact that you aren't hearing that just reflects that you listen to a very narrow range of views.

I think that this approach of just throwing out dishonest personal statements to deflect from points is toxic to discussions.

- I don't trust those approval ratings a ton, they vary a bit, here is one from yesterday at 36%: https://nypost.com/2023/04/24/bidens-approval-rating-drops-among-young-americans-to-36-poll/
Trump was very low and he ended up winning. Now out of this 36-42%, what percentage actually like the candidate vs. seeing him as better than the alternative.

- Most consider the Afghanistan withdrawal a failure, not on the positive list.

- Not trying to make any dishonest personal statements. I thought it was accurate. Do you not? Can you share an example of an issue where you do not line up with the Democratic party? If so, I will apologize.
There should be an age limit and a term limit for overall government employment. You shouldn’t be in office in any capacity for nearly 25% of the time he has. He’s a leech who enriched his family while he was in office. Otherwise his family wouldn’t be “successful”. Aside from that, he’s a senile old man who cannot speak. His mental acuity is something else.

I got hairy legs!!

Your point was that Trump can't be corrupt because he's rich and then you diverted to talking about Biden's family. You don't feel embarrassed about calling anyone else a shill (note correct spelling) after that? Yikes.
I literally said trump is a grifter. I’m not absolving him of anything. The cases against trumps kids have been oh look they opened a hotel in Dubai. News flash, they were opening stuff abroad before Donald got elected.

the difference between you and I is I call all politicians scumbag opportunists and you only do that for one side.
are you forgetting? Biden said Vaccines work. This is the most divisive thing a sitting president has ever said and there isn't a close second.
Ok, we definitely need a top ten list now.
Candidates usually present themselves as more extreme in primaries and more moderate in the general election. Says something that Democratic primary voters *wanted* the more moderate candidate. I think people really miscalculated on 2016. In the primary, Clinton was largely unopposed. Because of that, all the opposition to Clinton within the party for any reason consolidated around Bernie, which confused a lot of people into thinking that there was a really strong far-left movement. Then there was a popular conspiracy theory that the race was stolen from Bernie, even though it was never close. The result of those two things is that people thought that the primary electorate was much further left than it actually was. Then in the general, there was a perception that Trump was a joke candidate and extreme right, and his winning convinced people either that he was a political savant or Democrats were unhappy with Clinton being too moderate and didn't show. In fact it was a favorable year for Republicans, and a better candidate would have done better (remember that Trump lost the popular vote), though Trump's (actually moderate on economics) message was optimized toward uneducated voters, which gave him a better electoral map. Those mistakes led a lot of Democrats to think that the key to winning was to run hard left. But Biden's success, both electorally and in office, is leading people the other way. Moderate candidate crushed, and then he's actually gotten a lot done in office. The key to moving forward on policy is not extremism but competence, and Biden is showing that.

I'll ignore the error and the childish personal attack and just point out that Trump has long been known to be an extremely crooked businessman, while Biden is as certified non-corrupt as it gets. Dude was in gov't forever, and quite powerful, and was still broke (poorest Senator) until he retired and signed a big book deal, and did some speaking. Of course Republicans are going to say whoever Democrats nominate is the Worst, Most Corrupt Human Ever, but looking at it reasonably, it's an insane claim.

49% according to Rasmussen, which is crazy high these days. But instead of cherry-picking, it's better to look at an average, and right now it's about 42%. But that's general approval, which is influenced mainly by partisanship and the state of the economy. Other than Republicans who just think every Democrat is an evil monster, there aren't many who think Biden is more corrupt than Trump, as that belief is just completely bonkers. Similarly, it's very obvious who is more respected internationally. There's a reason that enemies of the U.S. love Trump so much.

Might help if I outline some measurements that would qualify if I thought the move was to the left. Looking at them, these aren’t necessarily all ideological which could be a disconnect. Some are partisan or political in nature. The full list doesn’t need to be accomplished or sought for me to consider farther left but maybe a single event of the grouping wouldn’t lead me to think farther left.
-Single payer (universal/ M4AWWI alone not counting)
-Further mass student loan forgiveness (I think there’s been levels in this changing. Hard to dig it up but I believe his primary plan started at 10k tied to community service professions but evolved in 10k across the board and full forgiveness tied to income. Even with that shift, it was less than what the senate Dems wanted with 50k or full forgiveness. That isn’t just Warren but Schumer as well.)
-Further push to wealth tax (I understand Biden’s onboard with this but I see it as a new development compared to what the party would’ve done)
-DC statehood
-SCOTUS additional seats
-Filibuster removal
- I don't trust those approval ratings a ton, they vary a bit, here is one from yesterday at 36%: https://nypost.com/2023/04/24/bidens-approval-rating-drops-among-young-americans-to-36-poll/
Trump was very low and he ended up winning. Now out of this 36-42%, what percentage actually like the candidate vs. seeing him as better than the alternative.

- Most consider the Afghanistan withdrawal a failure, not on the positive list.

- Not trying to make any dishonest personal statements. I thought it was accurate. Do you not? Can you share an example of an issue where you do not line up with the Democratic party? If so, I will apologize.

They vary, which is why it's good to look at aggregated data, and also to track over time. https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/biden-approval-rating/

Most supported the withdrawal at the time, and Biden supporters especially did (there was a pretty big partisan divide on whether to withdraw).

First, my objection is just diverting the discussion about the issue to me. I don't really want to go over all my positions on issues in every thread. But second, yeah, obviously I differ with any group of individuals on issues (I was posting opposition to the student-loan thing here, and the "buy American" stuff, and more). I have a philosophical leaning (left liberal), but no leaning in the direction of a party, though obviously Democrats are more left-wing and more liberal than Republicans.
Might help if I outline some measurements that would qualify if I thought the move was to the left. Looking at them, these aren’t necessarily all ideological which could be a disconnect. Some are partisan or political in nature. The full list doesn’t need to be accomplished or sought for me to consider farther left but maybe a single event of the grouping wouldn’t lead me to think farther left.
-Single payer (universal/ M4AWWI alone not counting)
-Further mass student loan forgiveness (I think there’s been levels in this changing. Hard to dig it up but I believe his primary plan started at 10k tied to community service professions but evolved in 10k across the board and full forgiveness tied to income. Even with that shift, it was less than what the senate Dems wanted with 50k or full forgiveness. That isn’t just Warren but Schumer as well.)
-Further push to wealth tax (I understand Biden’s onboard with this but I see it as a new development compared to what the party would’ve done)
-DC statehood
-SCOTUS additional seats
-Filibuster removal

Most Democrats currently support single payer and have a for a while. The problem is that Republicans are 100% against it, and Democrats are more like 80/20 for it, and if they expand their numbers, it's usually by winning purple or red areas with more-conservative candidates. I don't see it happening unless the GOP changes a lot. I'm not on board with it myself, BTW.

I think the student-loan thing is unlikely to get much more traction going forward. Questionable whether that represents a left-ward move anyway IMO.

I'd bet against any serious move toward a wealth tax.

DC statehood doesn't seem very ideological or likely. I think everyone would support it if it weren't for fear that it would equalize power a bit for the left, though.

SCOTUS seats aren't ideological IMO, but again, Republicans would oppose it because they control the court now and for the foreseeable future.

I guess majoritarianism is left, but it could just as easily lead to a right-ward move in policy. In reality, it's not a huge obstacle in that I think McConnell would ditch it in a second if it were really stopping something he wanted.
Leftists will vote for a man who literally cannot be trusted to walk up a flight of stairs rather than let Trump win. Both sides are as bad as one another:rolleyes:
Chicago, Detroit, NYC, Portland, etc. show results of DECADES of "Brandon" policies.
Trump's wet dream
After 2020, elections seem unwinnable. 9-11 worse than Jan 6...MSM...we'll just stop there.
Biden doesn't need to drive. He has people to do that for him.
Zero chance at ANY of his debating done live, just like the last time, to hide utter incompetency.

I am not voting for that senile fool again. I really hope Trump doesn't run. I will literally vote for any other republican over Biden.
At least you recognize problems caused, or perpetuated, and you will help by not supporting it.

The accusations against Biden are false and stupid.
MSM and Social media, and especially the deep state, have done their jobs effectively with the Ukraine,
January 6 fiasco, and CCP treasons covered up to the entire world.