Social Transgender Megathread Vol. 2

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Man that song really nails the bizzaro world setting we're seeing the last few years... Great tune too.

Was playing a game called Wasteland 3 & near the finale this version of Land of Confusion started playing -

I like the Genesis original the most, disturbed had a decent version also

I just learned the transgender MMA fighter is 125 pounds & 5'2."

Jake Shields is 6'0" and last fought 4 years ago at 170. I doubt he's one of those guys that'd get seriously out of shape in retirement, but he did cut some weight. Wouldn't be surprised if he weighs around 200-210 pounds.
I just learned the transgender MMA fighter is 125 pounds & 5'2."

Jake Shields is 6'0" and last fought 4 years ago at 170. I doubt he's one of those guys that'd get seriously out of shape in retirement, but he did cut some weight. Wouldn't be surprised if he weighs around 200-210 pounds.

hopefully he gets them in the north south position so people can say he sexed a trans and thus gay. Plus, with his style anyways, he going to be wrestling them, which is basically homoerotica
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What if you don't have any family members, friends, or co-workers that are mentally ill freaks <36>

As the old saying goes, if you can't spot the mentally ill freak among your group of friends and family then the mentally ill freak is YOU.
well i do find the title of the topic a bit misleading as she was 19. this scumbag just barely misses the cut. but she's still a teen. and he's 45 and looks like he's ready for the retirement home already. thats fucked up anyways.

Leonardo DiCaprio's gf is 19 and he is nearly 50 and nobody cares.

Hardly proves he is a hypocrite for being against drag shows for kids because he finds 19 year old women attractive.
I just learned the transgender MMA fighter is 125 pounds & 5'2."

Jake Shields is 6'0" and last fought 4 years ago at 170. I doubt he's one of those guys that'd get seriously out of shape in retirement, but he did cut some weight. Wouldn't be surprised if he weighs around 200-210 pounds.

I'd pay to see that.

The "wrong puberty" and the "right puberty" - what a goddamn insane ideology this is. Notice how this creep refers to children as "kiddos", what the hell is up with that anyway? These people are so weird and creepy and it's disturbing how much influence they have managed to acquire.

15-20 years ago we were all laughing, wondering where the dipshits taking Gender Studies in college would end up...

Reality turned out far worse than we could have expected. thompson&src=typed_query
I just learned the transgender MMA fighter is 125 pounds & 5'2."

Jake Shields is 6'0" and last fought 4 years ago at 170. I doubt he's one of those guys that'd get seriously out of shape in retirement, but he did cut some weight. Wouldn't be surprised if he weighs around 200-210 pounds.

5'2" is even small for a woman but it's a ridiculous height for a man. It seems kinda common with the trans community, why do so many small women want to be tiny men?